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词汇 Pennsylvania
释义 Penn·syl·va·nia 英ˌpensəlˈveɪnjə, -ˈveɪniːə美ˌpɛnsəlˈvenjə, -ˈveniəAHDpĕn'səl-vānʹyə, -vāʹnē-ə 高Economist⁴²⁷⁹

a Mid-Atlantic state; one of the original 13 coloniesone of the British colonies that formed the United Statesa university in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania1664年英国约克公爵战败荷兰人,夺取了今宾夕法尼亚地区。1681年英王查理二世签署特许状,把这块地方送给舰队总司令小威廉·佩恩William Penn),以偿还所欠他父亲威廉·佩恩爵士的16000镑债款。威廉·佩恩将这一地区命名为Pennsylvania佩恩家的树林。Pennsylvania Dutch宾夕法尼亚东部人…
词源解释1664年英国约克公爵战败荷兰人,夺取了今宾夕法尼亚地区。1681年英王查理二世签署特许状,把这块地方送给舰队总司令小威廉·佩恩William Penn,以偿还所欠他父亲威廉·佩恩爵士的16000镑债款。威廉·佩恩将这一地区命名为Pennsylvania佩恩家的树林。
penn佩恩+sylvan森林+ia名词后缀→佩恩家的森林⇒宾夕法尼亚。近义词 Penn佩恩姓氏Keystone State拱顶石州宾夕法尼亚州的…pa爸爸University of Pennsylvania(美国宾夕法尼亚州大学…

用作名词That appears to be what happened inPennsylvania.这就是在宾夕法尼亚发生这起事件的大概情况。
The White House sits onPennsylvaniaAvenue.白宫坐落在宾夕法尼亚大街上。 The demise of US Airways would eliminate thousands of jobs in swing states such as Pennsylvania right in the middle of a presidential election.
合众国航空公司的衰败会在一些在总统选举中摇摆不定的州减少数以千计的工作,比如宾夕法尼亚州。 ecocn

The letter was mailed from Pennsylvania to me.

What the President wanted to tell me was that the weather was about to turn cold in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, where the rest of the Cubans were being housed.
但是,事情往往不是看到的那么简单。总统实际想告诉我的是,在宾夕法尼亚州和威斯康星州,天气就要转冷,而剩下的那些古巴人被收容在那里。 yeeyan

A professor of linguistics from the University of Pennsylvania wants to use the travel boundaries in his studies of regional dialect boundaries.
宾夕法尼亚州大学的一位语言学教授希望将出行边界应用于自己的地域方言界线研究。 yeeyan

And even in states like Pennsylvania, where the number of high school graduates is declining, applications to public universities are growing.
即便是像宾夕法尼亚州这样高中生毕业率在衰减的地方,申请公立大学的人数都在增加。 yeeyan

Brandon started a company in Berlin, Pennsylvania that specializes in a new kind of drilling technology.
布兰登在宾夕法尼亚州的柏林市开设了一家公司,专攻新型钻探技术。 putclub

But elsewhere in the West, Chernobyl, along with the accident at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania in1979, sent the industry into a decline. The public got scared.
但是在西方的其他国家,切尔诺贝利,和1979年发生在宾夕法尼亚州三哩岛的事故一起,把整个工业推向衰退。 yeeyan

Early in the evening, there were shouts of joy and exasperation when Obama won the crucial prize of Pennsylvania.
晚上早些时,当奥巴马赢了关键的宾夕法尼亚州时,一片喜悦与愤怒交加的喊声。 yeeyan

He also had a good relationship with Governor Bob Casey, which could ensure my winning Pennsylvania.
他和宾夕法尼亚州州长鲍勃.凯西的关系也很好,可以保证我在该州获胜。 yeeyan

He gave the address at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where on Friday he watched a display of mini- robots that explore water and sewer pipes looking for leaks and cracks.
奥巴马星期五在宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡的卡内基-梅隆大学发表讲话,并观看微型机器人水下探索和检查下水管道是否有泄漏和裂纹。 tingvoa

He is being charged as an adult, in compliance with murder law in Pennsylvania.
按照宾夕法尼亚州的法律,他将会以成人的身份被起诉。 yeeyan

He was calling to ask me where he should convalesce in the event of his being injured, there in Texas or at home in Pennsylvania.
他在电话中还问我,如果他负了伤,是该在得克萨斯州还是在宾夕法尼亚州的家中养伤。 yeeyan

In a field in Pennsylvania, in the United States, the world's first specially constructed deep well struck oil.
在美国宾夕法尼亚州的一块地面上,世界上第一个专门建造的深井中打出了石油。 yeeyan

It has been so bitterly cold here in Pennsylvania.
在宾夕法尼亚州这里真的是很冷啊。 yeeyan

Republicans' seizure of the governors' offices and state assemblies in Ohio and Pennsylvania, for example, will enable them to scratch out Democratic districts.
举例来说,在俄亥俄州和宾夕法尼亚州,共和党同时把持州长和议会,这使他们可以划掉民主党选区。 ecocn

Scranton, along with being second in command of state government, was titular head of Pennsylvania's State Emergency Management Agency and Chairman of the State Civil Defense Council.
斯克兰顿是州政府的第二把手,但作为“宾夕法尼亚州紧急情况管理署”首长和州国民自卫委员会主席却是有名无实。 yeeyan

Skye has a dog walker to take care of him when they are at work. And he goes to camp in Pennsylvania when they go away.
当他们去工作的时候,斯凯需要一名看狗的人来照顾,而当他们不在的时候,他们的犬还会去宾夕法尼亚州的营地露营。 yeeyan

Teaching British civil servants how to be happy is not what you’d expect from a Pennsylvania professor of psychology.
你不要期待从宾夕法尼亚州的心理学教授那里得到教育英国公务员如何快乐。 yeeyan

The weather conditions even forced President Barack Obama to reschedule a trip planned for Wednesday to a university in Pennsylvania.
天气状况甚至迫使奥巴马总统改变星期三前往宾夕法尼亚州一所大学的旅行计划。 hxen

The new findings came as part of his continuing research on the subject, and were presented at the 236th annual meeting of the American Chemical Society on Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
这个新的发现作为他在这个专题持续研究的一部分,在宾夕法尼亚州费城的美国化学协会第236届的年会上发表。 cri

This week yet another district court in Pennsylvania declared the mandate to be unconstitutional; but the real action has already moved to higher judicial levels.
然而本周又一个地方法庭位于宾夕法尼亚州称这一规定违宪;但是真实行动已经上升至更高的司法水平。 ecocn

Thousands of innocents lie dead in the wreckage of the World Trade Centre; hundreds more seem likely to have perished at the Pentagon and in a crashed airliner in Pennsylvania.
数以千计的无辜生命在世贸大厦的废墟中丧生,更有数百人很可能已经在五角大楼和坠落在宾夕法尼亚州的客机上遇难。 ecocn

To find out how the beast moved in the water, they called in Frank Fish, an expert on the biomechanics of flippers, at West Chester University in Pennsylvania.
为了了解这种野兽是如何在水中游动的,他们请来了宾夕法尼亚州西切斯特大学脚蹼生物力学专家弗兰克·费石。 yeeyan

Two of the most famous parades are the Mummer's Parade in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the Rose Parade in Pasadena, California.




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