

单词 Peninsular War
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Fraternisation during the Peninsular War was very common.半岛战争期间,敌对双方常见交好。
Then the arid fields of Spain saw them as they followed the Iron Duke through the dogged years of thePeninsular war, and they took part in his crowning triumph at Waterloo.接着,西班牙干枯的田野目睹他们跟着“铁公爵”,征战伊比利亚半岛,历尽艰辛; 还看到他们分享滑铁卢辉煌胜利的喜悦。
After service in the Peninsular War, against the USA, in Greece and at home, British soldier Charles Napier was sent to Sind, in what is now Southeast Pakistan.英国军人查理.内皮尔曾参与半岛战争,曾出征美国,又曾在希腊、英国本土服役,之后奉命到信德,即今日巴基斯坦东南部地区。
Wellington served as commander of the British forces in the Peninsular War between Britain and France.As the war progressed, the soldiers of his army became adept at living off the country.威灵顿在英、法半岛战争之中任英军司令,其间他麾下的士兵渐渐精通取之于民用之于我。




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