

单词 pendulous
释义 pen·du·lous 英ˈpendʒələs, ˈpendjə-, -də-美ˈpɛndʒələs, ˈpɛndjə-, -də-AHDpĕnʹjə-ləs, pĕnʹdyə-, -də- ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁶²⁴⁵¹BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹²iWeb⁴²¹⁰⁵
having branches or flower heads that bend downward;

nodding daffodils

the pendulous branches of a weeping willow

lilacs with drooping panicles of fragrant flowers

来自pendulum,钟摆。引申词义摇摆的。pendulous vibration悬摆振动pendulous heart悬垂心pendulous gyroscope悬锤陀螺仪pendulous device摆动装置two-gyro pendulous gyrocompass双转子摆式罗经…pendulous udder下垂的乳房pendulous gyro integrating accelerometer摆式积分陀螺加速度表…pendulous abdomen悬垂腹pendulous accelerometer摆式加速度表…pendulous axis悬垂轴
钱博士pendulum钟摆+ousS.形→像钟摆一样的⇒悬垂的,摇摆的方振宇词汇奥秘pend悬挂+ul+ous表形容词,…的→悬挂着的,吊着的GRE难词记忆pendulous → pend=to hang down 下垂+ulous→下垂的pendulum钟摆+ousS.形→像钟摆一样的⇒悬垂的,摇摆的近义词 loose松的sagging下垂pendent下垂的nodding点头的weeping哭泣的drooping下垂的swinging摆动的unsure不肯定的dependent依靠的overhanging悬垂hanging悬挂着的oscillating振荡的vacillating犹豫的uncertain不确定的cernuous植俯垂的uncommitted不受约束的wavering摇摆的,摇幌的…undecided胜负未决定的…

用作形容词The dewlap should not bependulousand excessive.喉部不应该下垂或过于夸张。
The muzzle should be deep withoutpendulousflews.口的末端呈正方形而平。
Pose of a kind ofpendulousis advocating the beauty of asymmetry, even if costar.有一种摇摆的姿势倡导着不对称的美,即使是配角。adj.hanging;swinging freely
同义词 dangling,hanging,pendentoscillating,swingingdrooping,pendant,pendulant,pensile,suspended
danglingadjective supported from above
danglyadjective hanging loosely
droopyadjective limp
flabbyadjective baggy, fat
drooping,enervated,flaccid,flexuous,floppy,gone to seed,hanging,irresilient,lax,limp,loose,out of condition,out of shape,pendulous,rusty,sagging,shapeless,slack,sloppy,soft,tender,toneless,unfit,yielding
floppyadjective limp
hangingadjective dangling
beetling,dangling,drooping,fastened to,jutting,overhanging,pendent,pendulant,pendulous,projecting,suspended,swaying,swinging A pendulous part similar to this, such as the wattle of a bird.
下垂的肉类似悬垂的部分,如鸟类的垂肉。 kuenglish

For the research of a pendulous inertial sensor, it is quite important to measure the mechanical bias.
机械零偏的测量是摆式惯性传感器研制过程中的一个关键问题。 dictall

How come a man can be so pendulous?

The pendulous integrating gyro accelerometer PIGA is an inertial device measuring apparent acceleration of space vehicle. The stability of its scale factor influences range precision directly.
积分陀螺加速度表 PIGA是用于测量空间载体视加速度的惯性仪表,其刻度因数的稳定性,直接影响射程。 cnki

The outer gimbal disturbance torque of PIGA pendulous integrating gyro accelerometer includes the outer gimbal axis friction torque and the alternating torque caused by the intersecting acceleration.
摆式积分陀螺加速度计的外环干扰力矩包括仪表外环轴的摩擦力矩和交叉轴加速度引起的交变力矩。 dictall

The pendulous accelerometer design had much in common with the gyro design.
摆式加速度计的设计与陀螺设计有很多共同之处。 kuenglish

A hoofed mammal Alces laces found in forests of northern North America and in Eurasia and having a broad, pendulous muzzle and large, palmate antlers in the male.
一种有蹄的哺乳动物,发现于北美洲北部和欧亚大陆的森林中棕角鹿驼鹿 ,长有下垂的宽鼻口,雄鹿有大的掌状鹿角。 odict.net

Caucasus and Asia Minor used as an ornamental having pendulous branchlets.
高加索和小亚细亚的一种常绿树种,树枝下垂,装饰用。 iciba

Differentiated from that of other mastiff breeds by more extensive wrinkling and pendulous lips which blend into an ample dewlap.
与其它獒类不同的是它有很多皱纹,嘴唇下垂,融入丰厚的垂肉。 dogsky.com

Especially for those flaccid, pendulous, withered breasts after action, the effect is more obvious.
特别是为那些松弛,下垂,萎缩的乳房在使用以后,作用是显而易见的。 ysaixingfu.com

He wanted to hang a pendulous lamp on the ceiling.
他打算在天花板上挂个吊灯。 http://dj.iciba.com

I've found myself sharing the small wooden enclosure with three elderly East German ladies all of whom are blessed with ham-like thighs and the most impressively enormous pendulous breasts.
我才发现我和三位上了年纪的东德妇女——拥有被祝福过火腿般的大腿和令人一眼难忘巨大下垂的胸部,共同分享着小木屋。 yeeyan

Large pendulous breasts may cause pain due to stretching of Cooper's ligaments.
由于枯否氏韧带的伸展大的下垂的乳腺可能会引起疼痛。 blog.sina.com.cn

Lips cover the jaws completely but are neither loose nor pendulous.
唇颚完全覆盖,但不显松散下垂。 wildmh.com

Lips edged with black, not pendulous but well brought together, giving a clean finish to the mouth.
嘴唇边缘为黑色,不下垂且正好能完全闭合,有一个完美的嘴形。 wanpets

The dewlap should not be pendulous and excessive.

The chops are of good depth, but not pendulous, completely covering the teeth when the mouth is closed.
上唇有足够的深度,但不下垂,嘴巴闭和时,完全遮住牙齿。 wanpets

The male proboscis monkey has a pendulous, vaguely salacious Jimmy Durante nose.
这种雄性长鼻猴长着一个下垂的、看上去有些色迷迷的大鼻子。 juxianzi

This paper Analyzes the mechanism and principle of compound pendulous bell- less top distributing installation.
分析了复合摆动式新型无钟高炉炉顶布料装置的机构组成原理。 cnki




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