

单词 at court
释义 at court ætkɔ:t 短语¹⁸⁵⁷⁰
The custom of young ladies being presented at courtie formally introduced to the monarch has disappeared.
年轻女子被举荐入宫觐见君主的风俗已不复存在。 kekenet

According to the common practice of modern countries, the witness must give evidence at court, otherwise it can not be used as effective evidence.

After years of theoretical arguments and experience in practice in the reform of criminal trial, the authentication at court has become a hot topic and drawn many people's attention.

Judicial proof authentication at court is a litigation procedure during which judges attest the truth of the case at court.
法官当庭认证是法官当庭认证案件事实的一种诉讼活动。 cnki

Life was not so great for the peasants who did all the work, but I'm presumptuously assuming that I'd be a hanger-on at court.
当然对于当时承担了所有劳苦的农民来说生活就没那么美好了,不过我自作主张假设我会是一个高门大院里的闲人。 ecocn

When he dared to publish a criticism of the older masters, he lost his standing at court.
当他敢于对老一辈的大师发表评论意见时,他也就失去了宫廷的位置。 ebigear




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