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词汇 penal law
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As a result, there is a very long way to depend solely on the public remedy of administrative law and penal law to protect ecological environment and natural resources.
实践证明,仅仅依靠行政法和刑法的公力救济来保护生态环境和自然资源是远远不够的。 cnki

I considered the subjects of the crime only include personnel of state organs that confirm to the system of penal law;
该罪的主体限于国家机关工作人员是符合整个刑法体系的; cnki

In the penal law of1979, the crime of defalcation was not ordained.
我国1979年刑法典没有规定挪用公款方面的犯罪。 cnki

It is an important problem in the theory of criminal negligence, but is still unfamiliar to the field of penal law. This essay will discuss its content, origin and performance.
注意义务是过失理论中一个比较重要的问题,本文拟就注意义务的内容、注意义务的渊源、注意义务的履行三方面作一探讨。 cnki

The internal academic circle pays less attention to the penal law of Norway, the country of north Europe whose criminal legislation is a paragon.
作为北欧国家刑事立法之典范的挪威刑法典,国内学界较少给予关注。 cnki

The possibility of expectation is an important question in the study of the theory of penal law.
期待可能性是刑法学理论研究中的重要问题。 cnki

The system of unit recidivism should be established, for its really crucial to the theory of the penal law and the judicature.
单位累犯是单位犯罪中的一项重要内容,建构单位累犯制度无论对于刑法理论还是对于司法实践都具有十分显著的意义。 dictall

We can find that the modest proposal for criminal law is the unite of pragmatism and humanitarianism, as exploring the history of the modest proposal the penal law.
探寻现代刑法谦抑主义理论的历史渊源可以看到,现代刑法谦抑主义是人道主义与实用主义的结合。 dictall

“ Incest is a difficult moral question, but not one that is answered by penal law,” Green party MP Daniel Vischer said.

For the espionage is very harmful, all the countries have espionage crime in their penal laws, that makes the espionage crime a concept of the penal law and the criminology.
由于间谍具有严重的危害性,各国纷纷在刑法中将间谍规定为犯罪行为,这就使得间谍犯罪成为了一个刑法学上和犯罪学上的概念。 cnki

Protection in Penal Law and so on.

The juvenile breaking law and crime includes breaching“ penal law” with“the public order management punishment regulation” of behavior, also includes the juvenile's bad behavior and serious behavior.
未成年人违法犯罪包括违反《刑法》与《治安管理处罚条例》的行为,也包括未成年人的不良行为与严重不良行为。 cnki

The text discusses the legal protection of fine art works from international penal law angle.
本文拟从国际刑法角度论述美术作品的法律保护问题。 cnki

The penal law stipulation about organizing, leading and joining terrorism crime and about clause of against terrorism embody spirit and principle of international convention.
我国刑法关于组织、领导、参加恐怖活动组织罪及相关反恐怖主义条款的规定,体现了国际公约的精神和原则。 cnki

We should stick to the independent judgement on penal law though its complementary norm is changed.

Penal law aims at protecting interest of law, the essence of crimes is the offence of interest of law. We should stick to the theory of offence of interest of law in our legislation and judicature.
刑法的目的是保护法益,犯罪的本质是侵犯法益,法益侵害说应在我国立法及司法中始终得到贯彻。 cnki




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