

单词 penalizes
释义 pe·nal·ize·s 英'piːnəlaɪz美'piːnəlaɪz COCA⁶²⁴⁷⁶BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹
vt. 对…予以惩罚

punish sb for breaking a law or rule

vt. 使处于不利地位

cause sb to suffer a disadvantage

impose a penalty on; inflict punishment on;

The students were penalized for showing up late for class

we had to punish the dog for soiling the floor again

近义词 fine好的punish惩罚imprison监禁chastise严惩sentence句子castigate惩罚reprimand训斥correct正确的penalise 处罚discipline纪律chasten通过惩罚而使坏习惯等…
S+ ~+n./pron.People who drive when they are drunk should be heavily penalized.醉酒驾车的人应受重罚。
Such a system penalized the poor.这种制度妨碍了穷苦人的利益。


用作动词People who drive when they are drunk should be heavilypenalized.对酒醉开车者应予重罚。
How can a refereepenalizea player?裁判怎样处罚犯规运动员?
The new lawpenalizesthe poorest members of society.新法规对社会中最贫困者不利。 So Japan’s economy is trapped: a high yen penalizes exports; low births and sclerotic firms hurt domestic growth.
不断升值的日元使出口工业阴霾重重,低生育率和失去活力的企业使得国内部门步伐沉重,日本经济身陷困境。 yeeyan

The problem is, Wall Street penalizes companies that have more of this kind of insurance, because they are going to lag behind companies that don’t take on the expense.
问题在于华尔街不公平地对待这些采取了此类保险措施的公司,因为他们会拖没做此类保险投资的公司的后腿。 yeeyan

The solution so far has been to give China a modifier that simply penalizes it for being China.
到目前为止,解决方案是给中国一个修正来惩罚仅仅因为是中国。 hoopchina

“The law penalizes us, the hotels, and it might hurt us during the current low season, ” Basilli said.
“新政策对我们、对酒店业都很不利,在当前这一淡季更有可能损害到我们的生意,” Basilli说。 yeeyan

For years legions of advertisers have complained on Chinese Web forums that Baidu secretly penalizes the search rankings of websites that decrease their spending on Baidu.
多年来,广告主们在网络论坛里抱怨百度秘密修改网站在搜索中的排名,让那些减少向百度支持广告费的网站处于不利地位。 lailook.net

He would play in any other Italian team, but having the best ahead of him penalizes him a bit.
他能够在任何意大利的球队踢球,但是好的表现是先检验自己。 bbs.mcfc2006.com

Some of that is due to intrinsic limitations of running on the JVM, like the need for 100% boxed numbers which severely penalizes us on numeric algorithms.
一部分原因是运行于 JVM之上的内在限制,例如需要100%封装的数字这在数字算法方面给了我们很大的打击。 infoq

Surely right now their absence penalizes us, but we can easily solve our problems even without them.
很显然他们俩的缺席惩罚了我们,不过没有他们我们也会轻松的解决问题的。 milanchina

Taiwan has a statute that specifically penalizes trafficking in children for sexual exploitation, and it has other statutes that criminalize general trafficking activities.
台湾有专门惩罚贩运儿童进行性剥削的法规,也有将一般的拐卖人口活动定罪的法规。 bokee

The second objection, emphasized by Becker, is that a tax on calories penalizes people who are not obese, and they are the majority.
其二,就是如贝克所强调的那样,依据食物的卡路里数征税,惩罚的是不肥胖的人群。 yeeyan

The proposed system also penalizes workers who have taken legitimate sick days.
这项提议的制度也对正当休病假的劳工不利。 studioclassroom

The tax system heavily penalizes people with high incomes.
此税制极不利于高收入者对高收入者极不公平。 rainlane

Those who do work are denied a fair return for their labor by a tax system which penalizes successful achievement and keeps us from maintaining full productivity.
很多人付出了辛劳却没有收获应得的回报,始作俑者就是惩罚成就和阻碍我们发挥最大生产力的税收体系。 cntv




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