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词汇 PEN
释义 pen 1 英pen美pɛn;英pen美pen ★★★☆☆小中高四研GT宝牛4COCA⁴⁶⁵⁴BNC⁴¹³⁴iWeb³¹³⁴


an instrument for writing or drawing with ink


writing, especially as a profession


a small piece of land surrounded by a fence in which farm animals are kept

vt. 用钢笔写

write with pen

vt. 把…关入栏中

shut sb/sth in or as if in a pen

a writing implement with a point from which ink flowsan enclosure for confining livestocka portable enclosure in which babies may be left to playa correctional institution for those convicted of major crimesfemale swan
produce a literary work;

She composed a poem

He wrote four novels


❌ He wrote the composition with a pen and ink.

✔️ He wrote the composition with pen and ink.

with a pen表示“用钢笔写”,但当pen和ink连在一起用时,就变成一个统一的概念, a应该去掉。

pen, jot, write

这组词都有“写”的意思。其区别在于: pen指“用钢笔写”,暗含“用心写”的意味; jot指匆匆写下,用什么笔写并不限制,其后常接down; write的含义最广泛,是日常用语,与前两个词相比,显得更大方、庄重,多指“写信”。例如:

He jotted her address down on his newspaper.他在报纸上草草记下了她的地址。
The children are learning to write.孩子们正在学写字。pen, cage, coop, enclose, envelop, fence, wall


fence主要指用栅栏拦开或围起来; cage指关在笼子里,有侮辱意味; coop指被关进笼子般的狭小地方,也指受到更加严格的限制; enclose指设置界限或屏障把某人或某物围在其中,也指把某物装进密封的容器; envelop强调把某物体完全包起来或整个封起来; pen指监禁在狭窄的地方或施加令人不快的限制; wall指筑墙围住或关入围有墙壁的地方。例如:

After the tiger was caught, it was caged.老虎被捉住后关进了笼子。
He was cooped up in a tiny room.他被关进小房间。
The little park was enclosed on all sides by tall apartment building.那个小公园的四周被高高的住宅楼围起来了。
Smoke from the burning room enveloped the whole building.着火了的那个房间冒出的烟遮蔽了整座大楼。
The shepherd has penned up the sheep in the two acre field.牧羊人把羊群围在那块两英亩的土地上。
We are going to wall the garden.我们要用围墙把花园围起来。来自拉丁语penna,羽毛,翎。来自原始印欧语*petna,展开,翅膀。来自*pet,展开,词源同feather, compete。原指鸟翎制成的笔,后词义通用化。拼写比较pan, patella。来自古英语penne,围栏,畜栏。来自pinn,插销,栓子,楔子,词源同pin。 pet可能来自petty的回构词,由小的引申词义精巧的,可爱的,后用于指宠物,宠儿。 feather来自原始印欧语pet,展开,伸展,词源同fathom, compete。feather-brained浑头浑脑的来自feather俚语义,傻鸟。 competecom-,表强调,-pet,追逐,渴望,词源同feather, petition。追逐同一个目标,竞争。 pan来自古英语panne,锅,盘,可能来自原始印欧语*pete,展开,词源同feather, patella。后引申动词词义淘金,即用锅洗砂子淘金,并用于俚语严厉批评。字母t脱落,比较fain。来自古英语fagen。pan-全,泛,亲,来自希腊语pan-。来自原始印欧语pant,全部的,所有的,词源同Pan。 patella来自拉丁语patina,盘子,词源同pan, paddle。-ella,小词后缀。即小盘子,用于指膑骨,膝盖骨。
用作名词 n.
动词+~dip pen in ink用笔蘸墨水draw pen against笔伐…drive pen书写fling one's pen down扔下笔handle pen握笔hold pen握笔lay〔put〕 down pen把笔放下put pen to paper动笔写,下笔set pen to paper动笔写,下笔take pen in hand执笔在手take up pen拿起笔try penin在…方面试写形容词+~eloquent pen雄辩的文笔powerful pen强有力的文笔ruling pen制图用的直线笔,鸭嘴笔sharp pen锋利的笔the best pen最优秀的作家the famous pen名作家名词+~ball-point pen圆珠笔pig pen猪圈sheep pen羊栏submarine pen潜艇码头~+名词pen pal笔友pen holder笔杆pen name笔名pen point笔尖介词+~live by pen以写作为生,吃笔墨饭with stroke of pen大笔一挥write with pen用笔书写用作动词 v.~+名词pen the flocks把羊群关入栏中~+副词pen brilliantly高明地用钢笔写pen fascinatingly迷人地用钢笔写pen inexhaustibly大量地关入栏中pen methodically有条理地用钢笔写pen passionately热情地用钢笔写pen sincerely真诚地用钢笔写pen spitefully恶狠狠地关入栏中pen uncomfortably不自在地用钢笔写pen up把…局限在…之内
pen up v.+adv.

把…局限在…之内 make sb/sth limited in sth

pen sb/sth ⇔ upThe shepherd has penned up the sheep in the five acre field.牧羊人把羊群围在那块五英亩的土地上。
I wonder why he has penned the pigs up.我不明白他为什么把猪圈起来。
I'm tired of being penned up in the office all day.我讨厌被整天关在办公室里。GRE红宝书源于pen鹅毛笔-雌天鹅
想象用巨型的pen 笔做成的围栏;penalty 刑罚就是关到围栏里监禁起来
小学英语速记联想记忆:跟pencil铅笔一起记忆GRE难词记忆pen→open v.打开→打开围栏pen作为“钢笔”一意大家都知道近义词 coopcribfoldstallv. cage
用作名词n.You may deposit your pen in the bag.你可以把笔放在袋子里。
I am sorry.I've broken your pen.对不起,我弄断了你的笔。
George is clever with his pen.乔治善于写文章。
It is a bad mode of holding a pen.那是一种不好的持笔方法。
He lives by his pen.他以文为生。
The pen is mightier than the sword.文胜于武。
It was a translation from the pen of some obscure American writer.这一篇是从一个不出名的美国作家的作品中翻译过来的。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.Pen it before you forget it.记下来,免得忘了。
Hepenned a fair copy of the composition.他把作文重新抄写了一遍。
Let's pen a notice of next Friday's meeting.我们来写一张关于下星期五开会的通知。
Shepherdspenned their flocks.牧羊人把他们的羊群关入栏中。
She feelspenned by her life as a housewife.她觉得做家庭主妇很受束缚。
S+~+ n./pron. +to pron./n.Ipenned a few words to father today.今天我给父亲写了一封短信。
Hepenned a note to Henry, asking him to entertain his guests.他给亨利写了张便条,要他好好地招待客人。
Please do not mind mypenning these opinions to you.我把这些意见写给你,请你不要介意。Phogpenn.猪圈Ppen-namen.笔名Ppenfuln.一满管Ppenicillus笔毛Ppenwipern.拭笔器Pplaypenn.游戏围栏Ppenknifen.袖珍折刀Ppenpointn.钢笔笔尖Ppennern.执笔人写作人Ppenliten.钢笔形小手电筒Punpenvt.把…放出栏圈释放Ppen-drivern.用笔工作的人Ppen-friendn.通信朋友笔友Ppen-pushern.用笔工作的人Ppenlightn.钢笔形小手电筒Ppigpenn.猪舍猪舍似的地方Ppenicillate毛笔形的帚形的Ppenstern.下等作家雇佣文人Ppenicilliform毛笔形的帚形的Ppenmann.笔者画家抄写员书法家Ppenmanshipn.书法笔法笔迹文体Ppencraftn.书法笔法写作作家的业务写作的技巧


pen用作可数名词的基本意思是“笔”,泛指一种书写工具,多指钢笔,尤指用墨水写的笔。也可指“笔杆”“笔尖”,引申还可指“写作”“笔调”“笔法”,尤指“职业性的写作”。the pen有时可指“作品”或“作家”。

pen前加介词in或with指具体的书写工具, pen前加介词by指抽象的书写方式、方法。




用作名词Thepenslips out of my fingers.钢笔从我指缝中滑下去了。
Put down mypenand stop fiddling!把我的钢笔放下,别用手玩弄!
He dipped hispenin the ink.他拿钢笔蘸墨水。
She fumbled about in her handbag for apen.她在手提袋中搜寻钢笔。
The duke wrote a letter with a quillpen.公爵用一根羽毛笔写信。
He lives by hispen.他以写作为生。
The safest is the infantile bed that holds goodpen.最安全的是装好围栏的婴儿床。
Look at how beautiful thepenis floating on the lake!你看那只雌天鹅浮在湖面上,多美啊!用作动词Shepenneda few words of thanks.她写了几句致谢的话。noun.enclosure
同义词 cagecoop,corral,fence,fold,hedge,hutch,sty,wall
反义词 open space,pencilnoun.penitentiary
同义词 correctional facility,hoosegow,jail,jailhouse,joint,lockup,penal institution,penitentiary,pokey,prison,slammer,stockadenoun.writing instrument
同义词 fountain pen,marker,sticknib,quill,reedball point,felt-tip,stylograph
反义词 open space,pencilverb.enclose
同义词 box,cage,case,confine,coop,corral,hedge,mewclose in,fence in,hem in,shut in
反义词 free,let go,release,set freespeakverb.write
同义词 compose,jot downautograph,draft,engross,indictcommit to paper,draw up
反义词 free,let go,release,speak
autographverb write signature
endorse,engross,handwrite,ink,inscribe,sign,signature,subscribe,write by hand
barnyardnoun farmyard
boothnoun small enclosure or building
cagenoun enclosure with bars
cageverb hold in enclosure
close in,confine,coop up,enclose,envelop,fence in,hem,immure,impound,imprison,incarcerate,jail,lock up,mew,pen,restrain,shut in,shut up
cellnoun small room, container
alcove,antechamber,apartment,bastille,booth,burrow,cage,cavity,chamber,cloister,closet,compartment,coop,crib,crypt,cubicle,den,dungeon,hold,hole,keep,lockup,nook,pen,receptacle,recess,retreat,stall,tower,vault Next to your bed, place a pad and pen, or a tape recorder or laptop, to record your dreams as soon as you wake up.
在你的床旁边,放好本子和笔,或是录音机,又或是笔记本电脑,这样你可以在醒来时马上记录下你的梦境。 ebigear

The designers had to create designs for a handheld tablet computer, with pen input. Most of them had never designed a computer before.
设计师们需要创作一种手持式笔输入平板电脑的设计,他们中的大多数甚至从未设计过电脑。 yeeyan

What checked his pen was the certainty of social exclusion if he offended the establishment.
钳制他的笔的,是如果他冒犯高层,他在社会上将肯定无处容身。 ecocn

After all, he had my pen, and he had been working in our area for several days.
不管怎么说,我的笔竟然落在他手上,而且他还在我们这里工作了几天。 ebigear




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