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词汇 Pelosi
释义 PelosiEconomist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
A policy of ramming bills through Congress on a party- line basis might suit Nancy Pelosi, the Democrats’ leftish leader in the House.
在政党阵线的基础上强迫国会通过政策的方案可能适合南希佩洛西的口味,他是民主党在众议院的左翼领袖。 yeeyan

Contrary to Lexington's expectations, Ms Pelosi has put in a creditable performance as opposition leader.
与莱克星顿的期望相比,佩洛西女士作为反对党的领袖已经表现得足够出色了。 ecocn

House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi does not call the assistance a bailout, but a loan she says was critical to the overall health of the U.S. economy.

Ms. Pelosi said she intends to move a stimulus package through the House by the President's Day legislative break.
佩洛西表示,她打算在今年总统日议会休会之前在众议院通过经济刺激计划。 ebigear

The long talks at the White House were unusual and suggested that Mr. Obama, Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Reid wanted to close a deal as soon as possible.
在白宫如此长的会谈是不寻常的,它表明奥巴马总统、佩洛西女士和哈德先生希望尽快解决问题。 yeeyan

The stock market is obviously no fan of second-term George W. Bush, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Ben Bernanke, Barack Obama or John McCain, and again for good reasons.
显然股市对第二任期的乔治· W·布什、南希·佩洛西、哈里·雷德、本·伯南克、巴拉克·奥巴马或约翰·麦凯恩没什么好感,这也是有道理的。 yeeyan

When Democrats captured Congress in2006, the new speaker, Nancy Pelosi, wanted Mr Murtha to have the number-two job in the House.
2006年,民主党在国会占据了主要席位,新国会发言人南茜佩罗西想要默撒担任众议院的二号职位。 ecocn

Women’s- rights advocates find this odious, but legislators sympathetic to them including Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the House held their noses and voted for the House bill anyway.
妇女权利支持者们发现这很可恶,但是持赞成态度的立法者包括众议院发言人南希.佩洛西却捏着鼻子投了票。 ecocn

And the mammoth deficits of2008 and2009 came from budgets approved by a Congress run by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.
而2008和2009年的庞大赤字则来自受南希•佩洛西及哈里•雷德操控的国会所通过的预算。 yeeyan

As recriminations began, Republican leaders blamed the Democratic speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, for framing the crisis as a consequence of recklessness by the Bush administration.
在相互攻击开始的时候,共和党领袖指责民主党的众议院发言人南希•佩洛西把危机归因于布什当局的鲁莽。 yeeyan

Beyond that, Ms. Pelosi’s response shows that she understands the deeper issues behind the current energy debate.
除此之外,佩洛西女士的回答显示出,她理解当前这场能源辩论背后更深层次的问题。 yeeyan

But if Mrs Pelosi succeeds, she will take her place in the Democratic pantheon.
但如果佩洛西女士能够成功,她将被列入民主党的先贤祠。 ecocn

But if Ms Pelosi can imitate Mr Gingrich's successes without emulating his failures, that will be no bad thing.
但是如果佩罗希能继承他成功避免他失败,那真是一件好事。 ecocn

Conservatives love to hate Nancy Pelosi: for them, she personifies the grasping hand of big government in the Age of Obama.
保守党人非常憎恨南茜·佩洛西:对他们而言,她是奥巴马时代大政府擒拿掌的化身。 yeeyan

Democrats in the House voted for Nancy Pelosi to continue as their leader in the next Congress, despite disquiet among some moderates about her decision to stay on.
尽管有些温合派对其留任心存疑虑,美国众议院的民主党人仍旧选举了南希•佩洛西为其下任国会领导人。 ecocn

He told another follower that he wanted public hearings on the stimulus package, but that Nancy Pelosi was standing in the way.
对另一名追踪者,他说希望能够召开刺激方案公众听证会,但是南希.佩洛西却碍手碍脚。 ecocn

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D- California, told reporters Sunday that she needs to see“the final product” in writing before she can decide if she supports it.
众议院少数党领袖,来自加利福尼亚的民主党人南希•佩洛西周日告诉记者,她需要看到书面形式的“最终成果”,才能决定是否支持它。 yeeyan

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the U.S. Institute of Peace helped resolve some of the worst violence of the last century and continues that work today.
美国国会众议院议长佩洛西说,美国和平研究所帮助解决了上个世纪的一些最严重的暴力事件,今天仍在继续工作。 ebigear

However, Pelosi said she would keep to the schedule.
尽管如此,佩洛西说她将继续执行这个时间表。 yeeyan

Liberal Democrats, including Speaker Pelosi, insist that a public option must be part of any bill eventually passed by Congress.
民主党自由派人士,包括众议院议长佩洛西坚持说,“公众选择”必须是国会最终通过的任何法案的一部分。 ebigear

Mr Waxman appears to have secured his new job with the quiet support of Ms Pelosi, a sign that the Democrats are serious about pushing through climate- change legislation.
韦克斯曼先生获得胜利似乎得益于佩洛西女士的暗中相助,这是一个信号,表明民主党人在推动气候变化立法上是动了真格的。 ecocn

Mrs Pelosi is arguably the most powerful woman in American history.
可以说佩洛西女士是美国史上最有权势的女性。 ecocn

Mrs Pelosi has promised to do so in another bill later this year, as has Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader.
佩洛西已保证她将在本年稍晚时候的另一项法案里如此行事,参议院多数党领袖哈里•里德同样也做出了上述保证。 ecocn

Ms Pelosi realised that she did not need to compete with the White House in producing bright ideas that the Republicans might steal.
佩洛西女士认识到她不需要与白宫的行政领导们比谁的决策更加高明,因为共和党人可能会偷学自己的见解。 ecocn

Ms Pelosi's most notable achievements over the past few months have been behind the scenes, not on the national stage—and these have laid the foundations for a successful speakership.
佩罗希过去几个月最引人注目的成就都是在幕后,并没有展现在国家舞台上,这些成为她胜任议长一职垫下基石。 ecocn

Only Democrats like this point, of course, but if Obama can win re-election he will likely have coattails for other Democrats to grab on to and possibly put Nancy Pelosi back in the speaker's chair.
当然,只有民主党人会赞成这个观点。但如果奥巴马赢得继任的话,他很可能会和其他的民主党人喝酒庆祝并且恢复南希佩罗斯的发言人职位。 yeeyan

Or had he looked across the table into the eyes of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and realized that he was not among friends?
或者,当他的目光穿过桌子,与南希·佩罗斯和哈里·雷德凝神对视之时,是不是恍然觉察到自己曾敌友未分呢? yeeyan

Republican Congressman John Boehner is expected to become the new majority leader in the House of Representatives, replacing Democrat Nancy Pelosi.

Republicans are delighted at the prospect of another two years to vilify Mrs Pelosi.
在接下来的两年内共和党人乐于看到佩洛西夫人受到辱骂批评。 ecocn

So as I said, I’m very glad to know that Nancy Pelosi is trying to save the planet.
因此正如我说的那样,我非常高兴地得知南希·佩洛西正在竭力拯救这个星球。 yeeyan

So Mr Reid and Ms Pelosi will be eager to speed his proposals— with which they mostly agree, anyway—into law.
所以,对于他的提案,瑞恩和佩洛茜也会迫不及待地立法通过,不管怎么说,他们本身也大多支持这些提案的。 ecocn

Some have been small: whether or not House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was adequately briefed on the CIA's use of waterboarding in 2002.
有些人还算客气:是否众议院发言人南茜·佩罗西在中情局2002年使用水刑的问题上得到了充分的指点。 yeeyan

Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, sought to assure Republicans that that would be the case.

Speaker Pelosi said House leaders will bring the bill for a vote at the earliest date.
众议长佩洛西说在早些时候,众议院领导人将努力促使该法案通过。 hjenglish

That cannot be good news for Ms Pelosi and her anxious colleagues in the House.
对于佩洛西女士和她焦急的同僚而言,这可不是什么好消息。 ecocn

The first is economic populism of the sort that helped elect Jim Webb in Virginia and Heath Shuler, who is considering a run against Nancy Pelosi for House minority leader, in North Carolina.
第一条是经济民粹主义,它曾帮助过在弗吉尼亚获选的吉姆韦伯和在北卡罗来纳被认为与佩洛西争夺众议院少数派领袖的希斯舒尔乐。 ecocn

The new speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, is a long- standing war critic. And the Democrat- led committees will soon have a life of their own.
新任众议院议长南希·佩洛西一直是批评伊战,民主党领导下的各委员会将很快“谋其政”。 ecocn

Today, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she sees no need for a House resolution in praise of Michael Jackson.
今天,白宫发言人南希·佩洛西说她觉得白宫歌颂迈克尔·杰克逊的提案没什么必要。 hjenglish

Will it be Nancy Pelosi, the likely speaker if the Democrats capture the House of Representatives?
如果民主党赢得了众议院,可能的议长会不会是南希•佩洛西? ecocn

Pelosi declined to answer when reporters pressed her about when a bill might reach the House and Senate floors.
当记者追问众议院和参议院什么时候能拿出议案时,佩洛西拒绝回答。 ebigear

Pelosi noted that Democrats are already working on a second economic- stimulus package.
佩洛西指出,民主党已经开始制定第二个刺激经济的整体计划。 ebigear

Pelosi said she would meet with the House Democratic caucus Monday to discuss the matter.
佩洛西表示,在周一的众议院民主党党团会议上,将就这一问题进行讨论。 yeeyan




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