

单词 pellaeon
释义 pellaeonCOCA⁵¹³⁹⁴
He fought off the Rebels on his own after the remnants of the Imperial fleet fled under Captain Gilad Pellaeon.
在帝国舰队的残余在佩雷昂舰长的命令下撤退之后,他依靠自己一人独力对抗叛军。 starwarsfans

Daala was to serve as Pellaeon's secret back-up force, and Daala wanted the Mandalorians to provide additional firepower if necessary.
达拉将要作为一支秘密后备力量为佩雷昂服务,而且她希望曼达洛人在必要的时候提供增援火力。 starwarsfans

In the schism that followed, opportunistic Imperial offs tried to take advantage of the sudden assassination of Pellaeon's by Solo's apprentice, Tahiri Veila.
在随之而来的分裂中,投机的帝国总督们企图从索洛之徒塔希丽·韦拉对佩雷昂的突然刺杀中牟利。 starwarsfans

Thrawn contacted Captain Gilad Pellaeon, and returned to the Imperial fleet.
索龙联系吉拉德·佩莱昂舰长,返回了帝国海军。 starwarsfans.cn




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