

单词 pel
释义 pel.
🌏像素;推;容许接触水平Permissible Exposure Level
PEL's senior management team, lead by CEO Howard Au, board of directors has an average of over 30 years of successful experience in business development operation in the Asian energy market.
区可华先生领导的高级管理层和董事会在亚洲能源市场的行业发展和商业咦黝 I域拥有近30年的成功经验。 www.08588.net

A half pel accuracy and variable block size motion estimation scheme is discussed lastly.
最后讨论了半像素精度和变块大小运动估计方案。 cnki

A structure with parallel FIR filters to process different sub- pel positions is designed, that makes the data path clear and the complexity of the control unit decreased.
本文设计了一种采用并行滤波器处理单元结构对不同位置点进行插值,数据通路清晰并减少了控制复杂度。 fabiao

For the motion compensated prediction purpose, displacement vectors with fractional pel resolution are used.
为了进行运动补偿,运用了小数像素的运动矢量; cnki

For subpixel precision, it supports quarter- pel motion vectors with a6- tap interpolation filter.
对于亚像素精度,它支持与六抽头插值滤波器四分之一像素运动矢量。 eefocus

In order to estimate and compensate fractional pel displacements, the image signal has to be interpolated.
为了估计和补偿小数像素的偏移量,必须对图像信号进行内插。 cnki

In order to improve high definition video coding efficiency, a new fractional- pel interpolation algorithm based on one- dimensional cubic convolution filer is proposed.
为提高高清晰度视频编码的效率,基于一维立方卷积滤波原理提出了一种新的分像素插值滤波算法。 dictall

It reduces fractional pel search points efficiently by predicting flat homogeneous regions of the image.
该算法通过预测图像平坦均匀区域,有效地减少了分像素搜索点数。 cjig.cn

Methods:It was investigated to compare the influences on pel- lets. The optimum preparing technology of pellets was found by uniform design.
方法:考察不同影响因素对空白微丸的影响,并利用均匀设计对微丸制备工艺进行了优化。 chemyq

MRI showed obvious thickened soft tissue lesion around the bladder, rectum and in the pel vic cavity.
MRI示膀胱、直肠周围及盆壁明显增厚的软组织影。 cnki




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