释义 |
PeianEconomist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹ 基本例句 n.北安¹⁰⁰ The country's first birth after the closingPeiandisease risk, Suzhou and many mainstream media have reported that enthusiasm for concern.这一全国首例优生优育疾病险赔案结案后,苏州及国内不少主流媒体纷纷热情关注报道。 As the saying goes: “the human matches clothes MaPeian”, now in new, we must add on one again, that is: “the sharp weapon matches suffices valiantly valuable”.俗话说:“人配衣服马配鞍”,现在在新里,我们还要再加上一句,那就是:“利器配宝够彪悍”。 Or by fabricating falsePeianPei An expanded and the extent of losses, and other means to obtain the cost in order to supplement operating expenses, to pay fees or contract an unfair advantage.或通过编造虚假赔案和扩大赔案损失程度等手段套取费用,以贴补营业费用、支付手续费或合同外不当利益。 in August, the city of ChangshuPeianfirst appeared.8月,常熟市出现首例赔案。 Author YANG Hongjun;TANG Shangzhi;XIAO Y uzhong;ZHANGPeian;作者杨红军;唐上智;肖玉中;张培安; Author GaoPeian;Meng Wen;Li Yalu;Wang Xincheng Department of Histology and Embryology;Taian 271000;作者高佩安;孟文;李亚鲁;王新成; |