

单词 pegged
释义 peg·ged 英peɡ美peɡ 高COCA²⁷⁵¹⁷BNC²²²⁸³Economist¹²⁶⁸⁴
vt. & vi. 固定

fasten with pegs

a wooden pin pushed or driven into a surfacesmall markers inserted into a surface to mark scores or define locations etc.informal terms for the leg;

fever left him weak on his sticks

a prosthesis that replaces a missing legregulator that can be turned to regulate the pitch of the strings of a stringed instrumenta holder attached to the gunwale of a boat that holds the oar in place and acts as a fulcrum for rowing
succeed in obtaining a position;

He nailed down a spot at Harvard

pierce with a wooden pin or knock or thrust a wooden pin intofasten or secure with a wooden pin;

peg a tent

stabilize the price of a commodity or an exchange rate by legislation or market operations;

The weak currency was pegged to the US Dollar

peg out, die

这组词语都有“死”的意思。其区别在于:peg out是英式英语,多用于口语中,只指“人死”; 而die是一种比较正式的用法,指人时相当于pass away,也可以指植物“干枯”。

用作动词 v.
~+副词peg completely彻底固定peg conclusively最后地固定peg partially局部地固定peg primarily初步固定peg properly适当地固定peg slowly慢慢地固定peg ultimately最终固定peg down规定peg out标出~+介词peg on把…固定在…上
peg away at v.+adv.+prep.

孜孜不倦 be diligent; work hard

peg away at sthHe pegs away at his routine work.他孜孜不倦地做自己的日常工作。
The student pegged away at his studies so that he would get high marks.这个学生孜孜不倦地学习以获得高分。
To write a novel, one must keep pegging away at it consistently.要写小说,必须不断辛勤劳动。
peg down v.+adv.

固定 stipulate

peg sb/sth ⇔ downThe mountaineers pegged their tent down.登山运动员钉好了帐篷。
It's very difficult to peg him down to a definite date for completion.要规定他限期完成的确是十分困难的。
peg on v.+prep.

把…固定在…上 fasten sth on sth

peg sth on sthHe pegged the clothes on the line to dry.他把衣服夹在绳子上晒干。
peg out v.+adv.

〈口〉死 die

peg sth ⇔ outThe surveyor pegged out the lot of land.测量员用木桩标出那块地。
They pegged out an area for the construction of a new hotel.他们用木橛标出一块地,准备建造饭店。peg outThat guy pegged out a few hours ago.那个家伙几个小时之前就死了。
He became very ill and then he pegged out.他病得很重,接着就死了。
She pegged out at the age of eighty.她80岁时死的。
The child pegged out by drowning.那孩子被水淹死了。近义词 leg腿hook钩stem柄stake桩set放置nog木钉wade跋涉bolt门闩nail钉子dowel木钉spike长钉stick手杖thole桨架fasten拴紧attach附上freeze冻结hanger挂钩tack大头钉oarlock桨架fastener扣件tholepin要叉pegleg木质腿gauge测量仪器pin别针大头针…wooden leg木制的腿nail down用钉子钉住note down把 … 记下来…rowlock桨架顺砌的砖…keep score在比赛中记分…peg down用木钉钉在地面上约束…




peg away at的意思是“孜孜不倦”。


用作名词He hung his coat on the woodenpeg.他把上衣挂在木钉上。
First hammer the tentpegsinto the ground, then tie the ropes onto them.先把系帐篷的桩子打进地里,再把绳子系在桩子上。
Whatever, I needed to find apegto stay at home.我无论如何要想个借口留在“家”里。
He had not apegto hang on and got dumb for some time.他一点借口也找不出来,楞在那儿好一会儿。用作及物动词Wepeggedthe tent to the ground.我们用木桩把帐篷固定到地面上了。用作不及物动词Wepeggedaway until our luck turned.我们一直坚持干下去直到我们时来运转。
Hepeggedalong the path.他沿着小路急奔。as in.chosen
同义词 called,conscript,elect,exclusive,named,pick,picked,select,selectedgot the nod,popular,preferential,tabbed
反义词 ignored,inferioras in.frozen
同义词 fixedpetrified,rooted,suspendedstock-still,turned to stone
反义词 continual,continued,movingas in.named
同义词 appointedannounced,anointed,approved,assigned,authorized,called,certified,chosen,commissioned,consecrated,declared,delegated,deputed,drafted,elected,entrusted,favored,nominated,opted,ordained,picked,preferred,sanctioned,selected,supported,vesteddecided upon,settled on,tabbed
chosenadjective preferred
called,conscript,elect,exclusive,got the nod,named,pick,picked,popular,preferential,select,selected,tabbed
frozenadjective stopped
fixed,pegged,petrified,rooted,stock-still,suspended,turned to stone
namedadjective chosen
announced,anointed,appointed,approved,assigned,authorized,called,certified,chosen,commissioned,consecrated,decided upon,declared,delegated,deputed,drafted,elected,entrusted,favored,nominated,opted,ordained,pegged,picked,preferred,sanctioned,selected,settled on,supported,tabbed,vested The fact that most Gulf currencies are already, in effect, pegged to each other means the benefits of union are limited compared with those in the EU.
大多数国家的货币已经相互钉住这样的事实意味着同欧盟相比海湾联盟的利益是有限的。 ecocn

And we have one theory, M theory or string theory, suggests that the constants of nature are pegged to fields that can vary across space in time.
我们有一个理论, M理论或弦理论,认为自然界的常数,是钉在“场”里的,它们随时间和空间而变化。 yeeyan

China has pegged its currency to the dollar since2008 in response to market volatility during and after the financial crisis.
从2008年起,为了控制金融危机时期以及之后的市场动荡,中国就将人民币钉勾在了美元上。 yeeyan

During the descent, Asian economies that pegged their currencies to the dollar could increase money supply and lending without worrying about devaluation.
在此期间,那些同美元汇率挂钩的亚洲国家可以扩大其货币供应和信贷,而不用担心贬值。 yeeyan

He pegged at that box.

However, since the yuan has been pegged to a basket of currencies since2005, we should look beyond the yuan- US dollar exchange rate and take into consideration the real effective exchange rate.
然而,由于自2005年以来人民币采取的是盯住一篮子货币的制度,我们应该将眼光放远,不只关注人民币兑美元汇率,而更应该着眼于实际有效汇率。 yeeyan

Mostly, she doesn't want the men thinking she's only seeing dollar signs, pegged to when her rent or tuition money is due.
通常,她不希望男人们认为她仅仅只是看重他们的钱,把这与她需要缴纳房租或是学费挂钩。 yeeyan

Other governments also say the Chinese yuan is kept undervalued by being effectively pegged to the dollar.
其他政府还表示,中国实际上保持与美元挂钩的做法导致人民币被低估了。 yeeyan

Second is the fall of the dollar, to which all Gulf currencies are pegged except the Kuwaiti dinar.
第二,美元贬值,所有湾区国家本币都是盯住美元的,除了科威特的第纳尔。 ecocn

The teacher pegged a notice to a notice board.

Pegged from the outset to the D- mark and then the euro, the kroon has hardly been independent.
从一开始挂钩德国马克,到现在挂钩欧元,克朗从未作为独立的货币使用。 ecocn




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