

单词 peeked
释义 peek·ed 英piːk美piːk COCA²²¹⁵⁴BNC⁵⁹⁵⁴⁹
a secret look
throw a glance at; take a brief look at;

She only glanced at the paper

I only peeked--I didn't see anything interesting

peek-a-boo card同位穿孔卡片…peek a boo一组卡片的相同位穿孔…peek-a-boo system计 同位穿孔检索…
近义词 look看pry打听peep瞥见peer同辈glint闪烁glance扫视gander雄鹅glimpse一瞥slyly狡猾的look-see一般调查once-over浏览一遍steal a look偷看一眼

用作动词Larry takes apeekout of the window.赖瑞往窗外偷看了一下。
Anyone who dared topeekwas condemned to death.任何敢偷看的人被定死罪。
Future is a tarnishing mirror, anyone who tries topeekjust can see a vague outline with a old and worrying face.未来是面晦暗的镜子,任何试图向里面窥视的人只能看到一张苍老而焦虑的脸的模糊轮廓。用作名词Anyone who dared topeekwas condemned to death.任何敢偷看的人被定死罪。
Don'tpeekat your new year present.别偷看你的新年礼物。verb.sneak a look
同义词 blink,glance,glimpse,have a gander,look,peer,snatch,snoop,spy,squint,stare,take a lookverb.glimpse
同义词 peep,glance,snoopwatch,look,gander After lying there for some time, he peeked over the edge of the quilt at the bowl on the table.
躺了半天,他的眼在被子边上又看了看桌上的酒碗。 jukuu

While checking in, Campeche sat on our editor’s shoulder and peeked into his backpack for a treat, a trick or a glass of wine.
订下房间后,他栖在我们编辑的肩头之上,偷看他的背包,寻找着小物件或是一杯酒。 yeeyan

After I climbed on to the sand dune in the light rain and gusty wind, the rain stopped and sun peeked out.
在细雨和刮风中,我爬上了沙丘,之后,雨停了,而且太阳悄悄地露出来了。 yeeyan

An old lady named Granny owned the place and she peeked out of the window from time to time at all those kids.
一个叫老婆婆的老妇人是那儿的老板,她时不时地看向窗外那些孩子。 yeeyan

Her voice was faint and cracking. I peeked out from my covers to see tears running down her cheeks.
她的声音微弱、急促。我从被子下面偷偷张望,看见她面颊上流淌着眼泪。 tdict

History did not end, of course, and occasionally it peeked in on Syrian life.
历史当然不会停滞不前,只是偶尔会拿叙利亚人民开个玩笑。 yeeyan

I peeked into a couple of English usage texts and got no help. So I resorted to looking at examples.
我看了几句英文用法,但是毫无帮助。所以我转而去看例子。 yeeyan

I peeked and of course it was right into my bedroom, with direct view of my bed.
我偷看,而且当然它是进入我的卧室之内权利,藉由我的床直接的视野。 xici

I peeked in and on her bed.
我再次窥视她的床铺。 www.30-60.com

I peeked quickly at the sleeping child.
我迅速瞟了一眼熟睡的孩子。 hotdic

It has peeked through the branches of our tree at this time of the year for the past10 years or so.
每年这个时候,它都从圣诞树的枝桠间窥视我们,已经10年了吧。 taicangenglish.com

She peeked over the top of her menu.
她从菜单上往外偷看。 tingclass

She peeked over the ridge and saw Shan-Yu and his toughest warriors climbing out of the snow and heading for the Imperial City.
她抬头一看,只见单于带着他最精良的部队,正爬除了雪堆,要向着京城前进。 www.mainpiano.com.cn

Suddenly, a pink flame shaped in a heart, slowly peeked out of the river.
突然间,一只发着微光的爱心,从湖的另一端偷偷地伸了出来。 blog.sina.com.cn

The sun even peeked through the dark clouds that once fully covered the land.
太阳甚至可以照射到这片曾经被乌云完全笼罩的土地。 career.51youcai.com

The twisted man peeked at the little girl.
那个变态的男人偷看那个女生。 amberkuo

Then, from behind the board, invisible to the baby, he peeked through a hole to watch what the baby looked at.
然后,在展板后面婴儿看不到的地方,他挖了个孔观察婴儿看了什么。 yeeyan

Tiptoeing across the corridor, the parents peeked in and saw their little optimist gleefully throwing the manure up in the air.
他们踮着脚尖走过过道,偷偷观察乐观主义者,他正快乐地将马粪抛向空中。 edu.sina.com.cn

When I peeked through the window, I saw the kitchen table covered with food.
我偷偷往窗户里瞧了一眼,厨房桌上真是摆满了好吃的。 yeeyan

When the rain stopped, Sun peeked out from behind the clouds to see if anyone had missed him.
当雨停了,太阳从背后偷看云出来,看是否有人已经错过了他。 youeredu

Wicky peeked at John's flashlight.




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