

单词 peeks
释义 peek·s 英piːk美piːk COCA³⁴⁵⁴²BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
a secret look
throw a glance at; take a brief look at;

She only glanced at the paper

I only peeked--I didn't see anything interesting

peek-a-boo card同位穿孔卡片…peek a boo一组卡片的相同位穿孔…peek-a-boo system计 同位穿孔检索…
近义词 look看pry打听peep瞥见peer同辈glint闪烁glance扫视gander雄鹅glimpse一瞥slyly狡猾的look-see一般调查once-over浏览一遍steal a look偷看一眼

用作动词Larry takes apeekout of the window.赖瑞往窗外偷看了一下。
Anyone who dared topeekwas condemned to death.任何敢偷看的人被定死罪。
Future is a tarnishing mirror, anyone who tries topeekjust can see a vague outline with a old and worrying face.未来是面晦暗的镜子,任何试图向里面窥视的人只能看到一张苍老而焦虑的脸的模糊轮廓。用作名词Anyone who dared topeekwas condemned to death.任何敢偷看的人被定死罪。
Don'tpeekat your new year present.别偷看你的新年礼物。noun.sneaked look
同义词 blink,gander,glance,glimpse,look-see,sightverb.sneak a look
同义词 blink,glance,glimpse,look,peer,snatch,snoop,spy,squint,stare,have a gander,take a lookverb.glimpse
同义词 peep,glance,snoopwatch,look,gander A copy of the neighborhood weekly newspaper peeks out of a full container.
邻居的周报从一个满了的垃圾桶中露出来。 myoops

After he finishes that, he again peeks inside his shirt pocket and orders the bartender to bring another double martini.
喝完,生意人又往自己衬衣的口袋里瞥了一眼,然后又让服务生帮他把杯子满上。 ebigear

A hunter peeks from inside a decoy on the Indus River in Pakistan.
在巴基斯坦印度河里一个猎人从仿鸟伪装中向外窥视。 ng.trends.com.cn

A silky scarf peeks out from under the collar of her puffy red coat, which keeps her warm in the unheated factory.
蓬松的红色外套下是一条丝质围巾,这使她在没有供热的工厂里得以保暖。 yeeyan

And here's the scary thing: a world in which a bride texts while walking down the aisle or a doctor peeks at his phone during surgery doesn't seem all that far-fetched.
于是可怕的事情就发生了:一个新娘走在红毯上还在发短信或者一个医生在手术过程中还在玩手机,这样的世界离我们不远了。 hjenglish

Enamel work on copper is extremely rare, as was the decoration of a European- looking woman with a young curly-haired boy who peeks out from behind her basket of flowers.
青铜上的珐琅制品极为罕有,装饰图案也是一样:一个欧洲人模样的妇人,还有一个年轻的卷发男孩正从花篮后面偷偷打量外面。 yeeyan

Farther right of Venus, Saturn peeks through the sunset's fading glow just above the clouds.
在金星右侧更远的地方,穿越晚霞褪去的余辉浮现于云朵之上的,正是土星。 yeeyan

Fossils provide unparalleled peeks into Earth's living history in the form of mineralized bones and shells, body imprints and even piles of poop.
通过石化了的骨骼和贝壳、身体痕迹以及粪堆,化石让我们能够最精确地观察到地球上的生命历史。 yeeyan

He peeks she is playing the beloved violin.
在门缝里,偷望着她拉着心爱的小提琴。 blog.sina.com.cn

However, there are a few places on Earth where volcanoes are lying on their sides— giving scientists rare peeks into their plumbing.
然而,地球上有少数地方的特殊火山给了科学家们极为难得的机会研究其形成过程。 www.ngmchina.com.cn

Indicates whether the end of a line was reached after the scanner scans or peeks for a token.
指示在扫描仪扫描或查看标记后是否到达了行尾。 microsoft

It peeks out in wisps and glimmers through the nuance of your everyday life.
真相在你平常的生活中发出微弱的光芒,需要从缕缕红尘中窥探。 yeeyan

Michael peeks under a ceiling tile to witness the inmates throwing a flaming phone book into Sara’s office.
Michael从天花板上偷看,正目击了犯人们将点燃的电话号码本扔进 Sara的办公室内。 yeeyan

On the trees surrounding me, the leaves are just beginning their slow turn toward the color of fire, glowing as the sun peeks over the horizon.
环绕在我身边的,树上的叶子像刚刚跳上地平线的太阳闪闪发亮,慢慢绽放它火焰般的颜色。 sti.blcu.edu.cn

Returns without removing peeks the current or next message in the queue, using the specified cursor.
使用指定的游标传回而不移除窥视伫列中的目前或下一则讯息。 microsoft

She peeks at her neighbor from the curtain.
她从窗帘后面窥视她的邻居。 xiadoc

Six months earlier Leonid Brezhnev pledged peace and received peeks on his flabby cheeks from Jimmy Carter.
在六个月以前,利奥尼德·勃列日涅夫曾保证和平,而优柔寡断的吉米·卡特并没给予太多关注。 iciba

Try to get it so the hem only just peeks out from under the sweater.
尽量往上面提,仅可以看到毛衣底下所露出的裙摆。 mag.e-say.com.cn

When the guest operating system's driver peeks and pokes at the memory and hardware registers, software exists underneath to emulate the device see Figure2.
在来宾操作系统的驱动程序窥探内存和硬件寄存器时,软件存在于下面来仿真设备参见图2。 ibm

Whenever the first tooth peeks through, celebrate it by taking pictures and noting its arrival date in your child's baby book.
无论宝宝的第一颗小牙何时冒尖,最好当下给他拍照留念,并在宝宝日志里记录好小牙到来的时间。 yeeyan




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