

单词 peeled
释义 peeled 英piːld美piːld 高COCA⁹⁵⁵⁰BNC²²¹⁹⁹iWeb²⁶⁵⁰¹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
used informally completely unclothedpeel果皮
近义词 raw未加工的bare-ass赤条条的stark naked一丝不挂in the buff赤身裸体bare-assed赤条条的; 一丝不挂的…in the altogether裸体in the raw处在自然状态的…
用作形容词Usepeeledwater chestnut is more convenience.选用已去皮的马蹄更方便。
Add 1 bunch fresh thyme,peeledgarlic cloves and black pepper.再加入一束新鲜的百里香,去皮的蒜瓣和黑胡椒。 To serve with a quick fruit salad, toss sliced bananas, apples and peeled kiwi with orange juice and ground cinnamon.
配以一份快捷的水果沙拉,挑边儿切片香蕉,苹果以及加橘汁的剥皮猕猴桃最后淋上肉桂粉。 yeeyan

Toss 1? pounds of baby carrots, peeled, in? cup olive oil and a couple of pinches of salt and roast on a cookie sheet at400 degrees for about15 minutes; let cool.
准备1/2磅的萝卜,剥皮。 沾上油与盐在烤炉上以400摄氏烘烤15分钟。 yeeyan

A sophisticated computer model demonstrates how tidal forces on Saturn could have peeled away the icy outer layers of a large moon that occupied an unfortunate piece of real estate.
一组精密的计算机模型模拟出了土星的潮汐引力可能将不幸位于某一特殊位置的大型卫星的外层冰壳剥离开来。 yeeyan

A transparent film can be peeled off the product and positioned in front of a specific area on a PC screen to try and solve an online puzzle.
例如,有一种透明胶片,如果把它从产品上撕下来,并放到电脑屏幕前面某个特殊区域,就能尝试解决一些联机的难题了。 yeeyan

Again, Moira kissed him first, but he was the one who kissed back, who peeled her shirt off, who slid her panties down and slid her skirt up onto her waist.
依旧是莫伊拉先吻了他,但回吻的人是他,把她的衬衫剥掉的人是他,拉下她的内裤,把她的裙子卷上腰部的人也是他。 yeeyan

An easy recipe you can have every day is one apple, one carrot peeled, stick of celery, cube of ginger and thick slice of lemon remove rind.
每天都适用的一个简单食谱:一个苹果,一个胡萝卜去皮 ,一捆芹菜,一块生姜和一片厚柠檬删除果皮。 yeeyan

Blend the egg, olive oil and peeled cucumber.
混合鸡蛋、橄榄油和去皮黄瓜。 yeeyan

For a brief moment at Montaillou, the Inquisition peeled back an archaic world, less heretical than one teeming with underachievers and slackers.
在蒙太罗的一个短暂的时期里,罗马天主教宗教法庭将这个世界剥离回到一个古老的世界,那里并没有一个充满低成就者和懒虫的世界那样多异端邪说。 yeeyan

Freshly collected date palm juice should also be boiled and fruits should be thoroughly washed and peeled before consumption.
还应将采集的新鲜椰枣汁煮沸,并应在食用水果前彻底清洗和去皮。 who

Grate a one-inch piece of peeled ginger root. Place it in a pot with two cups of water, bring to a boil, lower heat and simmer for five minutes.
将一块生姜去皮、磨碎,放入罐子里,加入两杯水煮沸,放凉后再用文火煮沸5分钟。 yeeyan

He peeled the bark off that tree.

I peeled the hearts from my glasses and handed them to Cody.
我把那两颗心从我的眼镜上揭下,递给科迪。 edu.sina.com.cn

If possible, prep produce just before eating, says Bowden: “ When sliced and peeled or shredded, then shipped to stores, their nutrients are significantly reduced.”
如果可以,在吃之前仅作简单的处理, Bowden说:“农产品被剥皮和切块,然后运送到商店,它们的营养遭到了巨大的流失。” yeeyan

If possible, vegetables and fruits should be peeled.
如果可能,应当将蔬菜和水果去皮。 who

In addition to the distinction of a white frock, every woman and girl carried in her right hand a peeled willow wand, and in her left a bunch of white flowers.
除了白色的长袍醒目而外,每一个妇女和姑娘的右手,都拿着一根剥去了外皮的柳树枝条,左手里则拿着一束白色的鲜花。 hjenglish

In harsh northern climes, mountain cherry trees develop a tough, fibrous bark that can be easily peeled horizontally, but is extremely strong vertically.
在气候恶劣的北部地区,山上的樱桃树长出坚韧的、含纤维的树皮,沿着水平方向可以很容易去皮,但垂直方向极端坚固。 yeeyan

It was1962 and employees still peeled, blanched, and sliced potatoes for French fries.
当时是1962年,制作炸薯条的土豆还需要由员工剥皮、漂白和切片。 fortunechina

Not only that, but the first electrons to pop off were from an inner region of the atom, like if you peeled an onion starting with the second layer.
不仅如此,第一个弹出的电子来自原子内部区域,就像剥洋葱时从第二层开始。 yeeyan

She got so sunburnt that her skin peeled.
她晒得太厉害,皮肤都晒得脱皮了。 kekenet

So there is good reason to believe that, with the police state having been peeled away, the military will emerge as a target of criticism.
所以有理由相信如果警察被剥离于国家政权,军队将成为批评的焦点。 yeeyan

Steve got up and peeled off what was left of Ronnie’s smoldering jeans and held his hand while they waited for the ambulance, as Kim raced up and down the slope, grabbing wet towels and a blanket.
史蒂夫爬了起来,将罗尼牛仔裤上还阴燃着的部分剥掉,并且抓住他的手一起等待救护车的到来。金姆在斜坡来回跑,又拿毛巾又拿毛毯。 yeeyan

The stars were at one time part of the Earth, until the hand of God peeled them away, leaving us in the dark.
星星原本是地球的一部分,直到上帝之手将他们剥离,把我们留在黑暗之中。 yeeyan

Then it is ready to be peeled off, cut and sewn.
然后,将它剥离,裁剪及车缝。 yeeyan

Thoroughly mix a ripe, peeled avocado with a teaspoon of wheat- germ oil and a teaspoon of jojoba oil. Apply it to freshly washed hair, and spread it all the way to the ends.
将一个去皮的熟鳄梨与一茶匙麦芽油和一茶匙荷荷芭油混合均匀,涂抹在刚洗过的头发上,直至发梢全涂上。 kekenet

Ultra- conservative yellow shirts peeled away more votes that might have gone to the Democrats with their own“Vote No” campaign.
极端保守的黄衫军由于它本身发起“投弃权票”运动,而剥离了更多原本要投给民主党人的选票。 ecocn

We see traces of time on getting faces wrinkled, on getting wooden floor polished, and on getting an old building peeled off and faded.
我们通过脸上的皱纹,木地板的划痕,建筑褪色或者墙皮的剥落感受时间的痕迹。 yeeyan




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