

单词 peed
释义 pee·d 英piː美piː COCA⁴⁷²⁹⁴BNC⁵⁹⁵⁴⁸
liquid excretory product;

there was blood in his urine

the child had to make water

informal terms for urination;

he took a pee

eliminate urine;

Again, the cat had made on the expensive rug

近义词 make做urine尿water水weewee尿wee极小的puddle水坑urinate小便wee-wee撒尿pee-pee撒尿micturate排尿make water小便pass water小便take a leak撒尿relieve oneself大小便piss撒尿…piddle做无聊事peeing动词pee的现在进行式…pissing动词piss的现在进行式…spend a penny上厕所,旧时英国公厕的自…

用作名词I'm bursting for apee!我得马上去洗手间。用作不及物动词I can't even afford topeein a place like this.我连这地方的厕所都用不起。as in.pissed off
同义词 affronted,annoyed,bent out of shape,boiling,cross,displeased,enraged,fighting mad,fit to be tied,fuming,furious,hopping mad,hot,huffy,in a tizzy,incensed,inflamed,infuriated,irate,irritated,livid,mad,maddened,offended,outraged,peeved,peeved off,pissed,provoked,raging,riled,sore,steamed,steamed up,steaming,storming,t'd off,teed off,ticked off
pissed offadjective(vulgarangry)
affronted,annoyed,bent out of shape,boiling,cross,displeased,enraged,fighting mad,fit to be tied,fuming,furious,hopping mad,hot,huffy,in a tizzy,incensed,inflamed,infuriated,irate,irritated,livid,mad,maddened,offended,outraged,peeved,peeved off,pissed,provoked,raging,riled,sore,steamed,steamed up,steaming,storming,t'd off,teed off,ticked off I was at my boyfriend's and didn't want to wake him, so I sat on the edge of the toilet and peed as quietly as possible.
为了不吵醒睡在我身旁的男友,我蹑手蹑脚的的到卫生间坐在马桶的边边上开始悄悄便便。 lekaka

The small dog peed over ten times in an hour, is it natural to have such frequency?
小狗在一个小时内尿了十多次,这样的频次不太正常吧? nciku

He follows the toy, gets halfway there, then becomes distracted by places where other dogs have peed or by flowers in the pad dock.
他跟着玩具,但半路上被其它狗撒尿的地方或被围场中的花朵分散了注意力。 zftrans

He sniffed me, turned around, lifted his leg and peed on me.
结果它嗅了嗅我的气息,然后转过身,举起腿,在我身上尿了泡尿。 www.v556.com

He peed his trousers yesterday.
他昨天把裤尿湿了。 blog.sina.com.cn

He peed on you?
他在你脚上撒尿? engxue

If the dog peed on the carpet, and you ignored its whimpering and scratching at the door right before it happened, apologize to your parents or roommates.
如果那条狗在地毯上撒了尿,那发生之前,你对它低吠、抓门置之不理,那么对你的父母或室友道歉; bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Maybe all this started when I peed on the Blarney stone.
也许一切始于我在布拉尼之石上撒尿。 yeeyan

My cat had peed in my shoe sometime before.
似乎我的猫什么时候在鞋里撒尿了。 bucter.com

My previous habit was drinking coffee after I peed in the morning.
我以前有个习惯,早晨上厕所之后喝咖啡。 yeeyan

Ross: And then, like three days in a row he got to the newspaper before I did, and peed all over the crossword.
罗斯:有连续三天它比我先拿到报纸,然后就在填字游戏那部分上面撒尿。 blog.sina.com.cn

The differential nonlinearity DNL and integral nonlinearities INL of high- peed ADC and a data- acquisition system with interleaving?multiplexing and their measurement methods are discussed.
研究了高速 ADC及由其构成的并行?交替式数据采集系统的 DNL微分非线性与 INL积分非线性及有关测试理论与方法。 dictall

The Very First Time each girl peed in the potty, I took her out of diapers.
这非常重要的第一次在每个女孩撒尿的上厕所,我拿了她的尿布。 bbs.17utt.com

Their dog just peed on our plants!
他们家的狗刚刚在我们的盆栽上尿尿! wwenglish

Then I'll come back in a few hours and see if you've peed on the floor.
过几个小时我回来,然后看你有没有在地上撒尿。 hjenglish

There was an astronaut who peed in his spacesuit before liftoff? a seemingly inauspicious start to what became the first American manned spaceflight.
曾经有宇航员在起飞前尿到了自己的宇航服里——这对美国的第一次载人航天飞行来说实在不是一个好兆头。 yeeyan

Today, my boyfriend walked out of the bathroom, informed me he'd accidentally peed on the floor, and told me I could clean it up when I get a chance.
今天男朋友上完厕所出来,说他不小心尿在了地板上,你有空的时候清理一下。 bucter.com

We are proud that our basketball team is forging ahead at such as peed.
我们篮球队在飞速前进,这使我们到骄傲。 hotdic

While waiting for a bus, a blind man's dog peed all over the blind man's legs.
在等公交车的时候,一只导盲犬在他主人腿上撒尿,撒的主人满裤腿都湿了。 hhubbs

You peed.
你尿尿啦。 putclub




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