

单词 pedlars
释义 pedlars ˈpedləz COCA²⁵⁴³³⁷⁺BNC⁴⁷⁹⁰⁴
n.流动小贩;货郎pedlar的名词复数原型pedlar的复数 On that day, Yi people dressing with ethnic costumes, souvenir pedlars, and Chinese and foreign tourists gather in Tanhua Mountain.
这一天,身穿民族服饰的彝族同胞,满载货物的山外个体户,旅游观光的中外客人汇集昙华山。 ynjrly

Venezuelan troops last month destroyed two pedestrian bridges near Cúcuta used by cross- border pedlars.
上个月,委国军队还破坏了在Cúcuta附近跨越边境单帮客常用的两座行人陆桥。 ecocn.org

He set up a stand on the pedlars' market.

Hung high, to draw attention to the lofty space, are a pair of antique antlers from Canada: try vintage stores, or Pedlars.
来自加拿大的一对古董鹿角高高悬挂,吸引大家对高耸的空间的注意:古董商店或者小商贩那里都可以买到这样的鹿角。 yeeyan

In addition, it was the starting point of the world-known Silk Way, which made it a gregarious location for pedlars, businessmen, minority merchants and foreign entrepreneurs.
加之长安又是著名的丝绸之路起点,从而使长安成为中小商人、富商大贾以及周边各少数民族商人和外国商人的聚集之地。 cnki

It is here that crooks and smugglers and dope- pedlars congregate, and a pretty villainous gang they are.
正是在这里,骗子,走私犯,毒品贩子聚集在一起,他们真是一伙十恶不赦的家伙。 hotdic

RESULTS It was found that parched Pangolin scales were adulterated with salt, mirabilite. alum, sodium benzoate, and gourmet powder by lawless pedlars in order to increase medicine weight.
结果目前发现不法商贩把食盐、芒硝、明矾、苯甲酸钠、味精掺入炮穿山甲内,以增加重量。 cnki

Street pedlars and clothing store owners have been trying to collect new designs from all over the country and to put them on display in the markets as soon as possible.
街上的小贩和服装业主一直不停地努力在全国搜寻新样式并尽快地把它们投放市场。 wyx.dgut.edu.cn

To the shame and chagrin of the snake oil pedlars, science ha been of no help in supporting any of these claims.
对那一些恼羞成怒的蛇油贩子来说,科学没有办法证实她们贩卖的万灵药有不论什么所说的的功能。 www.11chunyao.com

To the shame and chagrin of the snake oil pedlars, science has been of no help in supporting any of these claims.
对那些恼羞成怒的蛇油贩子来说,科学无法证明他们贩卖的万灵药有任何所谓的功效。 yeeyan




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