

单词 Pedersen
释义 Pedersen
“ The Arsenal game was a turning point for us, ” the midfielder Morten Gamst Pedersen said last night, reflecting on a sequence of four straight victories that have taken them to11th.
“上次和阿森纳比赛是我们本赛季转折点”中场球员彼得森昨晚说,反映出来的事实是他们在随后连胜四场,排名11。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn

“ Women need the same rights as men, or they won’t have the same opportunity to contribute to society,” said Ulla Pedersen Tornaes, Denmark’s Minister for Development Cooperation.
“妇女需要与男子一样的权利,否则她们就不能有同样的机会为社会作贡献,”丹麦的发展合作部部长 Ulla Pedersen Tornaes说。 worldbank

“The duration of the trial is not long enough to believe that the treatment would cause cancer, ” Dr. Pedersen said.
Pedersen说:“试验的持续时间还不够长,不能够认为这样的治疗会引发癌症。” yeeyan

Blackburn controlled most of the second half, McCarthy rattling the crossbar and Niemi making a brave block and save from Pedersen's head and foot.
布莱克本下半场控制了比赛,麦卡锡将球击中了门柱,涅米做出了精彩的扑救挡出了彼得森的头球和射门。 blog.sina.com.cn

Eboue is still out with the ankle injury he got at Blackburn from Pedersen and Clichy had a hamstring problem against Eindhoven.
在同布莱克本的比赛中与彼得森相撞后,埃布的脚踝伤势依然尚未痊愈,而克里希则在对埃因霍温的比赛中伤了腿筋。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn

Kohn Pedersen Fox Architects is an international architectural practice recognised for design excellence and innovation.
科恩佩德森福克斯是国际建筑师的建筑实践的优秀设计和创新的承认。 movingshop.org

People who are confident of their ability to control their lives have an“ internal locus of control, ” and have a better chance of being well adjusted in their old age, said Pedersen.
皮德森说,对自己掌握生命的能力有信心的人有一种'内在控制的基因位点',比较能够适应老年期。 xddhy

Stennar Pedersen is the director of the Norwegian Center for Telemedicine at the University Hospital of North Norway.
史丹纳 佩德森是挪威北方医学院挪威远程医疗中心的主任。 yeeyan




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