

释义 PECVDCOCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
A series of microcrystalline silicon thin films were fabricated by very high frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition VHF- PECVD at different silane concentrations in a P chamber.
在掺杂 P室采用甚高频等离子体增强化学气相沉积 VHF- PECVD技术,制备了不同硅烷浓度条件下的本征微晶硅薄膜。 dictall

Fluorinated diamond-like carbon F- DLC films were grown by RF plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition PECVD in a gas mixture of CF4 and CH4 and annealed in Ar environment.
以 CF4和 CH4为源气体,利用射频等离子体增强化学气相沉积法,在不同条件下制备了氟化类金刚石 F- DLC薄膜,并进行了退火处理。 cnki

For the high technical maturity and the high deposition quality, traditional plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition PECVD technology was wide applied in the large- scale industrial production.
传统等离子体增强化学气相沉积 PECVD技术,工艺成熟,制备的薄膜质量高,较适合大规模工业化生产。 cnki

Non- uniformity of microcrystalline silicon thin film deposited by VHF- PECVD along the growth direction was studied.
本文研究了采用 VHF PECVD技术制备的微晶硅薄膜的纵向均匀性。 cnki

Series of microcrystalline silicon thin films were fabricated by VHF- PECVD at different substrate temperaturesTs.
采用 VHF- PECVD技术制备了不同衬底温度的微晶硅薄膜样品。 cnki

SiN thin films are deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition PECVD under various power and pressure conditions.
利用等离子体增强化学气相沉积 PECVD工艺,在不同射频功率,不同反应气压条件下制备了氮化硅薄膜。 chinaelectrondevices

The optical part can be done by applying Electron Beam LithographyEBL, Inductively Coupled PlasmaICP etching, and Plasma- enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition PECVD.
利用电子束光刻、等离子体增强化学气相沉积、感应耦合等离子体刻蚀来实现跑道型微环谐振器的制备; lunwenwa

The a-Si:H thin films were deposited by PECVD and then were annealed in RTA furnace.
先利用 PECVD设备沉积非晶硅薄膜,然后把其放入快速热退火炉中进行退火。 cnki

The moisture-resistance properties of PECVD SiC x thin films were studied by using orthogonal experimental design.
利用正交实验设计,研究了碳化硅薄膜的防水汽扩散性质。 cnki

The research in this paper is mainly about the structural designing of the tunable thin film filter and the processing of amorphous silicon membrane depositing by PECVD.
本论文针对热光可调谐光学薄膜滤波器的结构设计和非晶硅薄膜的 PECVD制备工艺展开研究。 fabiao

A- C: F thin films were prepared by PECVD method under different conditions.
用等离子体增强化学气相沉积 PECVD法制备了不同工艺条件下的含氟碳膜。 cnki

Adopt advanced PECVD equipment; well controlled reflection makes the color pleasing to the eye.
运用先进的 PECVD设备,良好的反射率控制,颜色均匀美观; cpisolar.com

Based on a theoretical model for LPCVD, computer simulation of PECVD polysilicon films has been performed by employing the concept of “ electron temperature”.
在 LPCVD理论模型基础上,通过引进“电子温度”,对 PECVD多晶硅膜进行了计算机模拟分析。 dictall

However, the spatial nonuniformity of plasma results in the nonuniformity in the thickness of thin films. This has been hampered PECVD technique further developments and applications.
然而,空间等离子体的分布不均导致制备的薄膜不均匀严重制约了该工艺的进一步发展和应用。 cnki

In this paper, the titanium silicide films processed by PECVD method have been studied.
本文研究了用 PECVD法制备硅化钛膜的卫艺。 cnki

In this dissertation, we changed the PECVD technique parameters, and deposited amorphous, microcrystalline and polymorphous silicon films.
本论文通过改变 PECVD工艺条件,制备了非晶、微晶和多形硅三种氢化硅薄膜。 fabiao

In the process of silicon nitride thin film prepared by PECVD, deposition parameters strongly influence the properties of silicon nitride thin film.
在 PECVD氮化硅薄膜的实验中,沉积参数在很大程度上影响乃至决定着氮化硅薄膜的性能。 cnki

Lots of experiments indicate that the form, structure and properties of silicon nitride thin film prepared by PECVD are related to deposition parameters.
大量的实验研究表明, PECVD氮化硅薄膜的组成、结构及其性能与沉积参数密切相关。 cnki

Microcrystalline silicon thin films prepared at different deposition parameters using very high frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition VHF- PECVD.
采用甚高频等离子体增强化学气相沉积 VHF- PECVD技术制备了系列不同沉积条件的微晶硅薄膜。 dictall

Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition PECVD technique is the primary method which is used to prepare hydrogenated silicon film.
等离子体化学气相沉积技术制备氢化硅薄膜工艺条件成熟稳定而成为薄膜制备的首选方法。 dictall

Plasma damage-induced EEPROM failures have been investigated The reason in fabricate process have been analysed from tunnel oxide, device structure, PECVD, plasma etch.
文章讨论了等离子体损伤造成的 EEPROM电路失效,从隧道氧化层质量、器件结构、 PECVD、等离子体腐蚀几方面分析了工艺中造成等离子体损伤的原因。 dictall

Porous silica films were prepared on the glass substrate by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition PECVD system modulated by pulse negative bias voltage and silane as precursor gas.
采用由脉冲负偏压调节的等离子体增强化学气相沉积方法,以硅烷为源气体,在玻璃基片上沉积得到了多孔二氧化硅薄膜。 hjby

The electrical and structural properties of microcrystalline silicon thin film and solar cells fabricated by VHF- PECVD were studied.
本文对 VHF PECVD制备的本征微晶硅薄膜和电池进行了电学特性和结构特性方面的测试分析研究。 cnki

Unique velvet cleaning process, advanced PECVD coating technology, and the reasonable design of silver positive electrode and silver aluminum back electrode are the unique highlights of our company.
独特的制绒清洗工艺,先进的 PECVD镀膜技术,合理化的银正面电极及银铝背面电极的设计是我公司独特的亮点。 sanjinggroup




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