

单词 peatland
释义 peatland 英'piːtlənd美'piːtlənd COCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺BNC⁶⁹⁹⁰⁴iWeb³⁸⁹³²Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
The land use of the peatland in the eastern part of Jilin Province is categorized into uncultivated peatland, paddy, upland and forestland.
吉林省东部泥炭地土地利用类型有以下四种:未垦泥炭地、水田、旱田和林地。 cnki

Deforestation, peatland degradation and forest fires in Indonesia have made it the world's third largest emitter of greenhouse gases, Reuters reported a study on Monday as saying.
路透社周一报道,由于森林砍伐、湿地退化和森林火灾,印尼已经成为全球第三大温室气体排放国家。 chinadialogue

Great achievement has been made in the study of biomarkers in peatland.
将生物标志物用于泥炭地环境演变的研究取得了一定的成就。 cnki

Ridges of peat and pools of dark, acidic water form a patterned peatland near Moon Point.
月亮峰附近,隆起的泥炭和黑色水潭、酸性水形成有图案的泥炭地。 yeeyan

That may sound unlikely, but wet peatland agriculture, known as paludiculture, can produce profitable crops such as reed, alder and moss.
这听起来似乎不太可能,但潮湿泥炭地生态农业,被称为“湿地养殖”,可以种植如芦苇,赤杨和苔藓等经济作物。 ecocn

These findings are worrisome because about half the world's soil carbon is locked in northern permafrost and peatland soils.
这些发现是令人担忧的,因为大约世界上土壤中一半的碳含量都是被封存在北半球的永冻土以及含煤土壤之中。 yeeyan

They are working in his fields, helping convert another small patch of peatland, and adding to Indonesia’s alarming emissions of carbon dioxide.
孩子们也在地里干活,正帮着改造另一块泥炭地,为印尼令人震惊的二氧化碳排放再加点儿量。 ecocn

Peatland can store over5,000 tonnes of carbon per hectare, and when drained for cultivation emits it for decades.
每公顷泥炭地可储存超过5000吨碳,而当它们被抽干用于耕作时,将会在数十年中排放碳。 ecocn




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