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peasant household短语⁹⁰⁸⁸⁷⁺⁷ 基本例句 农户 家庭 The key link of solving the contradiction depends on setting up the medium organizations, and join peasant household and market. 解决这一矛盾的关键环节在建立中介组织,把农户与市场联结起来。 cnki The household undertaking responsibility system is to give the right of management to peasant household. After paying country tax revenue: and the collective turn over, the rest belongs to farmers. 家庭承包责任制是在坚持土地集体所有的前提下,把经营权承包给农户,其产品在交纳国家税收和集体提留以后的剩余部分归自己。 fabiao As the increasing level of specification and evolution of division of labor, however, transaction cost is also increasing for peasant household. 然而,随着专业化水平的提高与分工的演进,农户生产的交易费用也在增加。 sard.ruc.edu.cn But by investigating behavioral of the investment of the farmer human capital, get the level of our country peasant household human capital investment is low. 但是,通过对我国农民人力资本投资行为的考察,得出我国农户人力资本投资水平偏低。 sard.ruc.edu.cn Exchange host mainly includes the peasant household and the agribusiness firm. 交易主体主要是农户与龙头企业两个主体。 sard.ruc.edu.cn Finally the earning of single peasant household is calculated, the plant sizes are different in different agribusiness chain, and economic benefit is different. 最后计算了单个农户的收益情况,不同农业产业链的种植规模不同,经济效益也不相同。 sard.ruc.edu.cn Further more, this paper discusses the problems that must be paid attention when providing the market information service to peasant household according to the user-oriented principle. 并在此基础上结合实际情况,进一步探讨了在面向农户的市场信息服务活动中坚持用户导向原则应该注意的几个问题。 cnki Further promoting to build interest community between the tap enterprises and peasant household in order to fully mobilize the peasant enthusiasm; 进一步推进龙头企业与农户建立利益共同体,充分调动农户的生产积极性;594wm He is from that peasant household's mouth in know, go forward again not and far, then have. 他从那名农户嘴里得知,再往前走不远,便有。 akex In the socialism new rural reconstruction, farmers' cooperative economic organization is the peasant household enters the market the important organization carrier. 在社会主义新农村建设中,农民合作经济组织是农户进入市场的重要组织载体。 fabiao Land fragmentation means that the land used by every peasant household is divided into several pieces. 土地细碎化是指每个农户的土地分为零碎的几块。 cnki More and more scholars begin to pay attention to the countryside informatization, and the research on the informatization and the peasant household behavior becomes the current hot spot. 由此,越来越多的学者更加关注农村信息化方面的研究,而关于信息化和农户行为的研究成为当前的热点。 dictall Studying peasant household's information demand becomes the objective request for development of era. 研究农户信息需求成为时代发展的客观要求。 cnki Suits uses and so on mountainous area small peasant household, small scale breeding farm, feather breeding farm, forest region pasture, island resident. 适合山区小型农户、小规模养殖场、禽类养殖场、林区牧场、海岛居民等使用。 eleweb The agricultural production system of decentralized management has caused conflict between peasant household's personal reason and government's reason on agricultural environmental protection. 我国分散经营的农业生产体系,造成了在农业环境保护问题上农户个人理性与政府理性的矛盾; cnki Therefore, the central issue of this thesis is the behavioral analysis on the basis of peasant household's income flux pursuit, strategy of employment and the labor flow. 进而指出,基于农户的收入流追求以及就业决策和劳动力流动的行为分析将是本文研究的中心问题。 cnki These problems led to the rural market information has not been reasonable and adequate dissemination and use, peasant household market information service to be improved. 这些问题导致农村市场信息没有得到合理而充分的传播和利用,农户市场信息服务亟待提高。 fabiao To solve this problem must take measures of enlarging reproduce, bringing peasant household along with enterprises and founding new projects. 要解决这一问题,必须采取扩大再生产、以企业带动农户和创立新项目等有效措施。 cnki Which systems needs to reform and to consummate, can safeguard peasant household's homestead right of use well? 需要改革和完善哪些制度,才能更好地保障农户的宅基地使用权? qikan With the establishment of the household contract system, peasant household has been one of important main parts of agricultural investment. 随着家庭联产承包制的确立,农户已成为农业投资的重要主体之一。 cnki Peasant household economy rational origin of poor efficiency lie in and lag behind into changes restraint of system. 农户经济理性的低效的根源在于受到滞后变迁制度的约束。 cnki |