

单词 pct
释义 pct.

a proportion in relation to a whole which is usually the amount per hundred近义词 percent百分比per centum百分比percentage百分率
Conclusion: Rhubarb has an antagonism against inflammatory cell factors. Rhubarb can clear away the serum IL-6 and PCT and obviously improve prognosis of patients with critical illness.
结论大黄对炎症因子具有拮抗作用,并能清除外周血 PCT和 IL-6,改善危重病患者的预后。 cnki

On the one hand, by allowing PDF filings, the PCT patent office risks losing out on the many benefits of tagged computer- readable data.
一方面,允许使用 PDF编档,可能使 PCT专利机构失去标记化的计算机可识别数据的许多长处。 ibm

The designers of the process for filing a PCT international patent application chose to allow users to file in either XML or in a PDF format.
编档 PCT国际专利申请的设计者选择这样一种方式,允许用户使用 XML或者 PDF格式编制档案。 ibm

The install program then launches a GUI profile creation tool PCT that creates the initial profile.
安装程序调用 GUI概要文件创建工具 PCT来创建初始概要文件。 ibm

The PCT wizard shall will guide you through the creation of your first profile.
PCT向导将帮助您创建初始概要文件。 ibm

All of these have relied on phase controlled thyristors PCT, offering the higher power control.
所有这些都依赖于能提供更大功率控制的相控晶闸管 PCT。 tdict

Conclusion Serum PCT could be used as a sensitive and effective diagnostic marker for bacterial infection in children.
结论血清 PCT可作为细菌感染的敏感、有效诊断指标,对鉴别儿科细菌感染与病毒感染具有重要参考价值。 cnki

History, physical examination, documentation of ovulation, endometrial biopsy, semen analyses, PCT, hysterosalpingogram, and laparoscopy should have been completed.
病史,体格检查,排卵监测,内膜活检,精液分析, PCT,子宫输卵管造影和腹腔镜应该都已经做过。 blog.sina.com.cn

In his reply, Chris Bull, the PCT’s chief executive, described Hannah as a“ brave and courageous young woman” but defended the doctor’s decision.
基金会的首席执行官 Chris Bull在回信中表扬 Hannah是一位“勇敢而坚强的年轻女性”,但仍坚持基金会的决定。 yeeyan

It is better never to let yourself believe that you are100 pct sure of anything.
你最好别让你自己相信你能对任何一件事百分之百地肯定。 putclub

Launch the PCT tool as described previously.
启用前面描述的 PCT工具。 ibm

Many oil analysts expected the 24 pct stake awarded to the French oil major to go to one of its Norwegian counterparts, either Norsk Hydro or Statoil.
大多数石油分析家预计,授予法国石油公司24%的股份,将会落到一家挪威公司手中,或者是挪威水电公司,或者是挪威国家石油公司。 ecocn

Patients with an abnormal PCT should be screened for an infectious etiology.
PCT异常的患者需排除传染性的病因。 blog.sina.com.cn

Select a profile type on the first step of the PCT wizard.
在 PCT向导的第一步,选择概要文件类型。 ibm

This effort is intended to lead to a long-run situation in which a single XML format will work for e-filing in USPTO, EPO, and PCT situations.
研究的目的是为了在 USPTO、 EPO和 PCT的工作中长期使用单独一种 XML格式。 ibm

With PCT- SAFE Editor, the file being created and edited, perhaps over a span of several days, is an XML file.
使用 PCT- SAFE Editor创建和编辑——也需跨越好几天——的文件是一个 XML文件。 ibm




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