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词汇 PC
释义 PC. ,pi:'si:

a small digital computer based on a microprocessor and designed to be used by one person at a timeIBM PCIBM 个人计算机…pocket PC袖珍型个人电脑…PC board印刷电路板PC compatible电脑个人电脑相容…
非常记忆p皮鞋〖编码〗+c看见〖熟词see〗⇒穿着皮鞋看见个人电脑被偷了近义词 computer电脑terminal末端notebook笔记本palmtop掌上电脑laptop便携式电脑workstation计工作站microcomputer微型计算机word processor文字处理机personal computer个人计算机

Maintenance ofPCis in my element.我对电脑的维修保养很在行。as in.goody-goody
同义词 Victorian,moral,nice,puritan,strait-lacedgod-fearing,goody-two-shoes,holier-than-thou,pious,politically correct,priggish,prissy,prudish,self-righteous,unctuous,virtuous
反义词 badas in.politically correct
同义词 considerate,diplomatic,gender-free,inclusive,inoffensive,multicultural,multiculturally sensitive,politic,respectful,sensitive,sensitive to othersbias-free,liberal,nondiscriminatory,nonracist,nonsexist,unbiasedas
同义词 abacus,analog,brain,calculator,clone,CPU,laptop,mac,mainframe,microcomputer,mini,minicomputeradding machine,artificial intelligence,data processor,digital,electronic brain,micro,number cruncher,personal computer,thinking machineas processor
同义词 calculator,CPU,laptop,mac,Macintosh,mainframe,microcomputer,number cruncher,personal computer,word processoras in.desktop computer
同义词 desktophome computer,work stationas in.home computer
同义词 briefcase computer,desktop computer,handheld computer,laptop computer,notebook computer,PDA,personal computeras in.personal computer
同义词 desktop computer,laptop,minicomputer,workstationclone,computer,home computer,IBM PC,mac,Macintosh,microcomputer
computernoun calculating, data processing machine
CPU,abacus,adding machine,analog,artificial intelligence,brain,calculator,clone,data processor,digital,electronic brain,laptop,mac,mainframe,micro,microcomputer,mini,minicomputer,number cruncher,personal computer,thinking machine
data processornoun computer
CPU,Macintosh,PC,calculator,laptop,mac,mainframe,microcomputer,number cruncher,personal computer,word processor
desktop computernoun personal computer
PC,desktop,home computer,work station
goody-goodyadjective strait-laced
PC,Victorian,god-fearing,goody-two-shoes,holier-than-thou,moral,nice,pious,politically correct,priggish,prissy,prudish,puritan,self-righteous,strait-laced,unctuous,virtuous
home computernoun computer used at home
PC,PDA,briefcase computer,desktop computer,handheld computer,laptop computer,notebook computer,personal computer
personal computernoun desktop computer
IBM PC,Macintosh,PC,clone,computer,desktop computer,home computer,laptop,mac,microcomputer,minicomputer,workstation As a result of these shortcomings, many technologies incubated on the PC are moving off it.
由于这些缺点,很多在 PC上孵化的技术正在逐渐脱离这个平台。 ecocn

The Jack PC can be installed into walls, floor or users' desks where only the connection plate is showing.
只要有连接板,杰克个人电脑就能够安装在墙壁里,地板下或用户办公桌上。 yeeyan

The minute you throw a stylus out, you have the precision of a finger, you can’t use a PC OS.
当你把触笔扔到一边,使用手指实现精确的操作时,个人电脑操作系统就无能为力了。 yeeyan

“ There is some movement in the industry now beyond Apple to grow past this thinking of the PC per se, but I think the industry has been slower to do it,” he added.
目前在这一行业内有一种趋向,这一趋向超越了个人电脑本身这一想法。但是我认为这一趋向在这行业内进展缓慢。 yeeyan

“The creation of the PC is the best thing that ever happened,” said Bill Gates at a conference on “ digital dividends” in 2000.
“个人电脑是有史以来最好的发明创造,”比尔·盖茨在2000年的一个“数字化附加利益”会议上如此说道。 hjenglish

Again, I don't think the company should have a hundred thousand different options like the PC manufacturers do, and I can understand wanting to limit the options to components that are, well, good.
还有就是,我不认为苹果公司得像 PC生产厂商那样设置成百上千的选项,而我也可以理解想要限制每个部件的选项是一个非常好的想法。 icxo

All four firms are contemporaries of the IBM PC, the creatures of a distant era when only around200 institutions were connected to the internet.
这四家公司都是 IBM个人电脑部的翻版,他诞生的时候那时还只有大约200个机构连接到了互联网上。 ecocn

Also, all data between your PC and the proxy server should be encrypted so your internet service provider won't see it either.
而且,你的个人电脑与代理服务器之间的所有数据将被加密,所以就连你的因特网服务提供商也看不到。 yeeyan

But the takeover also shows that there is still life in the PC business— and will be for years to come.
但是,合并动作同样也显示个人电脑市场现在仍然拥有活力,并且在未来的几年前景同样看好。 ecocn

But not only do they lack the technology to succeed, they will also fall victim to the inbred structure they’ve created in the PC industry.
但是他们不仅仅是缺少成功的技术,他们也将成为自己在个人电脑产业创立的“近亲繁殖”结构的牺牲品。 yeeyan

But this is unlikely, because most PC manufacturers charge less for netbooks than they do for notebooks, and they make less money on them.
但这一幕不可能发生,因为大多数 PC制造商对上网本的要价要比对笔记本电脑的要价来得低,赚的钱也少。 yeeyan

But this would not change the overall direction of the PC market.
但这也不会改变个人电脑市场的全面趋势。 ecocn

But with proper test instrument design, you can now plug the instrument into the PC LAN port and it will work-no excuses, no fiddling.
但是利用正确的测试设备,你现在可以直接将它插到 PC局域网端口,测试设备就会无条件,无延迟地工作。 yeeyan

Can we really emulate a mainframe operating system and all its components in a PC?
我们真的能够在 PC中模拟大型机操作系统及其所有组件吗? ibm

If it could happen between phone and PC, then it likely could between smartphone platforms as well.
但如果手机和 PC间可以互通,那么在智能手机平台之间可能也可以。 yeeyan

If moving into the post- PC era means giving up all of these options, most of us will stay where we are.
要是进入后 PC时代意味着放弃所有这些选择,那么大部分人会选择留在现在的时代。 yeeyan

In 1970, computers were still primitive, but the PC and the global internet were on the horizon.
1970年,电脑的发展还仍然比较原始,但是个人电脑和国际互联网出现在即。 yeeyan

It steamrollers for us to own and use PC's.




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