

单词 PBP
释义 PBPCOCA¹⁹²⁰⁸⁴BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
abbr.Packet Burst Protocol;分组猝发协议¹⁰⁰
Conclusion It has important meaning for certain flow volume and oxygen content blood to keep PBP perfusion and satisfy oxygen requirement of bile duct wall tissue.
结论:一定流量与含氧量的血液对保证 PBP灌注,满足胆管壁组织氧的需求有重要的意义。 xuebao.jlu.edu.cn

The Pipe Binding Protocol PBP is used by peer group members to bind a pipe advertisement to a pipe endpoint.
管道连接协议被用于对等组成员去把一个管道广告连接到一个管道终点。 ppmiao.com

The PBP is used by a peer to bind two or more ends of the connection pipe endpoints.
PBP是利用 Peers约束两个或多个连接管道终端终点。 ppmiao.com

Firstly,300 suitable PBP cases were randomly taken and were divided into three groups.
第一步,随机选取符合标准的假性延髓麻痹患者本研究选择300例。 fabiao

Objective To investigate the treatment of pseudobulbar paralysis PBP by combination scalp-acupuncture, nape acupuncture and electrostimulation.
目的观察头针、项针配合电刺激治疗假性延髓麻痹 PBP的临床疗效。 caesv

Objective: To approaching Influence of TCM syndromes, parameters of blood pressure PBP and pre- thrombotic statesPTS on target organ damageTOD in senile hypertension.
目的:为探讨老年高血压病中医证型与血压参数及血栓前状态对靶器官损害影响。 dictall




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