

单词 PBDEs
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There is no convincing evidence that PBDEs are declining in people or wildlife in the United States.
并没有有力证据证明,美国野生动物或人体内的多溴二苯醚含量有所下降。 yeeyan

“ Elevated levels of PBDEs might be a risk factor for reduced fertility,” said Schecter, who studies how people are exposed to the flame retardants.
“多溴二苯醚含量的提升对于生育能力的下降是一个危险因素,”长期研究人类在阻燃剂环境中的生存状况的阿德诺博士说道。 yeeyan

“ In our research, we have found that low-income children in California are exposed to very high levels of PBDEs, and this has us concerned about the next generation of Californians, ” Eskenazi said.
“在我们的研究中,我们发现加州那些低收入家庭的孩子身处的环境中,多溴二苯醚含量非常高,这已引起我们对于加州下一代的关注,”艾斯肯纳兹说道。 yeeyan

Because little work has been done on the effects of PBDEs on human health, this is an important study.
由于多溴二苯醚影响人类健康的研究还刚刚起步,所以该项研究非常重要。 ecocn

Because of their widespread use in the United States, Americans are the most highly contaminated with PBDEs, carrying20 times higher levels in their bodies than Europeans.
由于在美国被广泛使用,美国称为多溴二苯醚污染最严重的地方,其居民体内的多溴二苯醚含量是欧洲人的20倍。 yeeyan

Californians are the highest exposed, probably because manufacturers added PBDEs to polyurethane furniture cushions to meet the state’s stringent flammability rules.
而加州则是美国接触该物质最多之地,很可能是由于该地的制造业厂家为了遵守美国严格控制易燃物的规定,而增加了含聚亚胺脂的家居靠垫中多溴二苯醚的含量。 yeeyan

Furniture foam tends to release PBDEs into house dust when it breaks down.
当家具泡沫破裂的时候,往往会释放多溴二苯醚到房屋灰尘当中。 yeeyan

In addition to reproductive effects, animal tests have found that PBDEs can alter brain development and thyroid hormones, which regulate growth and development of cells and many key bodily functions.
除了生育影响以外,对于动物的测试还发现,多溴二苯醚会影响脑部发育和甲状腺激素,而该激素控制细胞的生长发育及人体其他机能。 yeeyan

In Europe the most suspect PBDEs have been banned for seven to eight years, says Dr Dayan.
达扬教授称,在欧洲,那些最可疑的多溴二苯醚七八年前就已被禁用。 ecocn

Last month, the EPA listed PBDEs as“ chemicals of concern, ” which means they “may present an unreasonable risk of injury to health and the environment.”
上月,美国环保署将多溴二苯醚列为“高关注化学物质”,说明“这些物质对人类健康及周围环境构成严重危害。” yeeyan

Previously, laboratory tests have found altered male hormones and reduced sperm counts in animals exposed to PBDEs.
以前的一些研究实验发现,在多溴二苯醚环境中的雄性动物,其雄性激素会发生改变,精子数量会下降。 yeeyan

The first study, conducted by researchers at UC Berkeley, found that a class of these chemicals, known as PBDEs, can alter thyroid levels in pregnant women.
第一项由加州大学伯克利分校的研究人员们所开展的研究发现,这些化学物质中的一类,叫做多溴二苯醚PBDE的,能改变孕妇体内的甲状腺激素水平。 yeeyan

We know that plenty of toxic chemicals are harmful to developing brains— including lead, methylmercury, PCBs, organophosphate pesticides, flame retardants PBDEs and phthalates.
我们知道许多有毒化学物品对大脑的发育都有影响,这包括铅、甲基汞、多氯联苯、有机磷杀虫剂、阻燃剂和领苯二甲酸盐。 putclub

PBDEs are also not the only problematic chemicals that can show up on the dinner table.
但是在餐桌上发现的问题化学物远不止 PBDE这一种。 yeeyan




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