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Paz 英pɑːz, pɑːs美pɑz, pɑsAHDpäz, päs COCA²⁴⁶⁸⁰BNC²²¹⁹⁷ 基本例句 n.帕斯¹⁰⁰ A remarkable confrontation was captured by photographer Alfonso Paz at Lisbon Zoo, Portugal when a meerkat gave a giraffe a kiss see photo, the Daily Mail reported. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,摄影师阿夫索·帕兹在葡萄牙里斯本动物园捕捉到猫鼬亲吻长颈鹿的有趣瞬间见图。 www.chinadaily.com.cn A moderate alert would be given if the CAZ of one aircraft was on course to enter another’s PAZ. 如果一架飞机的“碰撞空域”的路线会进入另一架飞机的“保护空域”,系统会发出中度警戒; ecocn And so it was for Brenda Paz. 布伦达.帕兹就是这样一个例子。 yeeyan Based in Villa Carlos Paz north of the capital Buenos Aires, the town lies on the banks of the spectacular San Roque Lake in the south of the Punilla Valley west of the city of Cordoba. 本站赛事总部位于阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯北面的卡洛斯帕兹山庄,这是一个位于壮观的圣罗克湖湖畔的城镇,该湖泊则位于科尔多瓦城西面的布涅拉峡谷。 wrchome One road in particular, which goes north from La Paz, is considered the most dangerous road in the world. 尤其是从拉帕兹向北延伸的一条路,被认为是世界上最危险的道路。 blog.sina.com.cn That, says Mr Dall’Anese, is tribute to the attorney-general, Claudia Paz y Paz, “ a very honest womanwho has done an extraordinary job” since her appointment in December. 阿内塞说这是因为检察总长克劳迪娅·帕兹·歪·帕兹是一名老实的女性,在12月份任命以来工作做得也非常好,所以这是大家对她得致敬。 ecocn The first one takes La Paz Agreement signed in 1983 as the foundation. 第一是以1983年的《拉巴兹协定》为基础的协调机制。 iciba The United States’ State Department’s website recommends coca tea for altitude sickness, and its La Paz embassy has been known to serve it to visitors. 美国国务院网站推荐古柯叶茶纾解高山症状,而美国驻拉巴斯大使馆也早知业者使用古柯叶茶招待观光客。 ecocn The waiter has just finished taking our drink order of two rum-and- Cokes here in La Paz, Bolivia, and as everybody in this bar knows, he is now offering the main course. 在玻利维亚首都拉巴斯的一间酒吧,侍应端来了我们点的两杯朗姆可乐,所有人都知道,主菜上场的时间到了。 yeeyan Water scarcity has hit La Paz and its satellite city, El Alto, prompting conservation campaigns. 水荒已经影响了拉帕斯和它的卫星城市埃尔阿托,从而促进了水源保护运动。 yeeyan According to Fundación Paz Ciudadana, a Santiago-based NGO,317 of every100,000 Chileans are now in jail—44% more than in2000, and one of the highest rates in the region. 根据一家圣地亚哥非政府组织“和平市民基金会”的数据,智利每十万人中就有317个人是囚犯,这个数字比2000年增加了44%,是当前该地区最高值之一。 ecocn For the next five years, Paz moved with MS-13 members from state to state until2002, when she was arrested in Northern Virginia for stealing a car. 随后的五年里,帕兹跟着 MS-13从一个州到另一个州直到2002年在北弗吉尼亚因盗车被捕。 yeeyan In 1987 the world's most deadly peacetime shipping disaster occurred in the central Philippines, when another ship owned by Sulpicio Lines, the Dona Paz, sank with the loss of more than4,000 lives. 1987年,苏尔皮西欧船运公司的另一艘船——“多纳-帕兹”号 Dona Paz渡船在菲律宾中部沉没,超过4,000人遇难,这是世界历史上在和平时期发生的最严重海难。 english.xv88.net In January, another collaborator of Sinaloa’s, Teodoro García, was captured in the coastal city of La Paz. 另外一月份,锡那罗亚的另一个同伙,特奥多罗·加西亚,在沿海城市拉巴斯被捕。 ecocn Its white peaks tower over the nearby city of La Paz, Bolivia's administrative capital. 他的白色顶峰高高的在附近的玻利维亚行政首都拉巴斯之上。 yeeyan La Paz, Bolivia, which is about12,000 feet above sea level, is nearly a fireproof city, and the fire engines-ordered out of civic pride-gather dust in their firehouses. 玻利维亚的拉巴斯位于海拔约12,000英尺处,几乎是一个不会发生火灾的城市。为了城市的荣誉而定购的消防站救火车上积满了尘土。 el.swpu.edu.cn Major Cities: Santa Cruz de la Sierra, La Paz, Cochabamba, Oruro, Potosi, Sucre, Tarija. 主要城市:圣克鲁斯、拉巴斯、科恰班巴、奥鲁罗、波托西、苏克雷、塔里哈。 www.hebwb.gov.cn Many of La Paz's residents swear the snow-line is gradually creeping upwards. 许多拉巴斯市的居民发誓雪线在逐渐爬升。 yeeyan Perhaps Gene or Paz doesn't know what the fuck they are talking about. 也许基因或者帕兹根本不知道他们自己到底在胡言乱语什么。 blog.sina.com.cn Saturday's itinerary takes competitors south of Carlos Paz where demanding high-speed roads await. 周六的赛程将带领车手前往卡洛斯帕兹南部,而等待他们的则是高要求的高速赛段。 wrchome Stopping cocaine tourism in La Paz could be as difficult as keeping Americans from drinking during prohibition. 终止拉巴斯的可卡因旅游好比让美国人在禁酒期远离酒精一样困难。 yeeyan The higher the closing speed of two aircraft heading towards each other, the bigger the PAZ required, because the pilot needs more time to react to a warning. 两架飞机互相接近的相对速度越高,所需的“防范区间”就越大,因为飞行员需要足够的时间来对警告做出反应。 ecocn The antagonism between the government in the Andean city of La Paz and its opponents in Santa Cruz is Bolivia’s clearest fault line. 安第斯山脉附近拉巴斯市的执政党与圣克鲁斯的反对党之间的对抗是玻利维亚显著的歧见分界线。 ecocn Then, in January,2010, El Teo was captured— not in Tijuana but in La Paz, in Baja California Sur, nine hundred miles away. 之后不久,2010年1月,埃尔·特奥被捕——不是在提华纳市,而是在九百英里外的南下加利福尼亚州的拉巴斯。 yeeyan Thousands of indigenous demonstrators in Bolivia protesting against a controversial road project in the Amazon have reached the seat of government in La Paz. 数千名玻利维亚土著游行者抗议政府在亚马逊地区的一个有争议的道路项目,他们到达拉巴斯政府所在地。 remword When I got to La Paz in July1985, the inflation rate was about60,000 percent. It was an extraordinary and terrifying thing to see, actually. It was a society at the edge of the precipice. 当我1985年7月来到拉巴斯时,通货膨胀率大概为60,000%,这真是太不正常太可怕了,整个社会处在悬崖边缘,行将崩溃。 vip.book.sina.com.cn Paz, just17, was in her fifth month of pregnancy. 年仅17岁的帕兹已怀孕5个月。 yeeyan |