

单词 pay tax
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In cases there is no withholding agent, the taxpayer shall file a return and pay tax himself.
没有扣缴义务人的,由纳税义务人自行申报纳税。 putclub

According to the latest regulation, landlords and anyone who profits from subletting houses have to pay tax.

How does the foreign actor pay tax when performing in China?
境外明星来华演出怎么纳税? ebigear

If the head office and branch are not situated in the same countyor city, they shall report and pay tax separately with their respective local competent tax authorities.
总机构和分支机构不在同一县市的,应当分别向各自所在地主管税务机关申报纳税; hjenglish

One way to help pay for the aid would be to close the tax loophole that lets the nation’s wealthiest private equity partners pay tax at close to the lowest rate in the code.
一个能帮助提供贷款的方法是使让国家最富有的私人股权合伙人按照法律上最低的赋税比例纳税这个法律漏洞不复存在。 yeeyan

Taxpayers engaged in the transportation business shall report and pay tax to the local competent tax authorities where the business establishment is located.
纳税人从事运输业务,应当向其机构所在地主管税务机关申报纳税。 putclub

Taxpayers providing taxable services shall report and pay tax to the local competent tax authorities where the taxable services take place.
纳税人提供应税劳务,应当向应税劳务发生地主管税务机关申报纳税。 scientrans

Taxpayers selling immovable properties shall report and pay tax to the local competent tax authorities where the immovable properties are located.
纳税人销售不动产,应当向不动产所在地主管税务机关申报纳税。 scientrans

Taxpayers transferring land use rights shall report and pay tax to the local competent tax authorities where the land is located.
纳税人转让土地使用权,应当向土地所在地主管税务机关申报纳税。 putclub

Taxpayers transferring other intangible assets shall report and pay tax to the local competent tax authorities where the establishment is located.
纳税人转让其他无形资产,应当向其机构所在地主管税务机关申报纳税。 putclub

Therefore, before specific taxation laws on e- commerce are promulgated, online businesses should pay tax in accordance with current laws.
因此,在具体的电子商务税收的法律颁布之前,在线贸易应按照现行法律依法纳税。 yeeyan

They did not offer the chance to pay tax in Sweden instead.
而瑞典则没有提供纳税的机会。 ecocn

When you shop at online- only stores, you pay tax only if the store has substantial operations in your state.
而当你从网络店铺里买东西,只有这家公司实际运营所在地是你们州,你才需要纳税。 yeeyan




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