

单词 paychecks
释义 paychecks 'peɪtʃek COCA²³²⁸⁰Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
n.付薪水的支票;薪水原型paycheck的复数 As a result, many people saw their paychecks increase by 15% or even20%.
由此,许多谷歌员工的薪金增加了15%,甚至20%。 fortunechina

The government withheld money from your paychecks and held that money for a year without paying you any interest.
政府会从你的收入中扣取一些钱,期限是一年,而且不付任何的利息。 engwind.yangtzeu.edu.cn

Won’t workers reject de facto wage cuts via devaluation just as much as explicit cuts in their paychecks?
对于这种通过货币贬值导致事实上的工资削减,难道工人们不会像反对直接从工资中削减一样予以拒绝吗? yeeyan

“ If this framework fails, the reverse is true: Americans would see it in smaller paychecks. That would have the effect of fewer jobs, ” said Obama.
奥巴马说,这项折衷议案的辩论结果将决定美国经济是否向前发展还是向后倒退。 www.voanews.com.cn

A suicide bomber killed35 people who were standing in line waiting for their paychecks in Pakistan this morning.
巴基斯坦今早发生一起自杀式爆炸,造成35人死亡。当时人们正在排队等着领工资。 topsage

And as companies lay off employees and cut working hours, paychecks are effectively shrinking.
而且随着公司解雇雇员和缩短工作时间,工资支票实际上也在缩水。 h2o-china

As people save money, fewer dollars circulate through shopping malls, Main Street businesses, and large employers and subsequently back to workers through their paychecks.
当人们存钱的时候,通过购物商场,主要街头贸易循环的钱少了,大多数雇主后来都是用支票付薪金给工人们。 yeeyan

But average paychecks have remained flat, which means higher gas prices could put a serious dent in consumer spending.
但是,平均工资保持平衡。然而,这意味着更高的天然气价造成了消费开支上的严重凹陷。 hjenglish

Enabling the business is why we get paychecks and why we get to spend our time doing what we do.
实现业务目标是我们得到薪水和花时间做事的原因。 yeeyan

In fact, writers, elevator installers and ship captains are just a few of the professionals who surprisingly can score six-figure paychecks.
实际上,作家、电梯安装工和船长正是一些能够赚到六位数年薪的专业人士。 yeeyan

Instead of the leading man roles, he started gravitating towards co- starring roles and through a series of bad choices read: crappy films found himself settling for paychecks instead of kudos.
不能担当主演,他开始向扮演一些配角转变,而且经历了一系列糟糕的选择参演了一系列蹩脚的电影后,发现自己不是为了荣誉而是金钱演戏。 yeeyan

Military personnel are encouraged to have their pay credited to their bank accounts via direct deposit so that they do not have to wait on long lines to cash government paychecks.
军人被鼓励将他们的薪水通过直接储蓄支付到他们的银行帐户,以便他们无须太多周折兑现政府发的薪金支票。 jsqg.org

Most of us pinch pennies, worry about feeding our kids, watch healthcare payments devour our paychecks, and live just a few checks away from being homeless.
我们大多数人省吃俭用,抚养子女,担心保健支出花光了钱,过着仅仅比无家可归者好一点的生活。 blog.sina.com.cn

Wall Street types receive paychecks every two weeks, but they really get paid once a year, typically in January.
华尔街的人通常是每两周收到支付薪水的支票,但是他们真正的所得每年付一次,最典型的是在一月份分到的。 edu.sina.com.cn

We’ve already seen limited levels of unrest in the Russian countryside, where some workers have lost their jobs and others continue to work without regular paychecks.
我们已经看到,在俄罗斯农村出现了一定的动荡局面,部分工人失业,还有一些虽然继续工作,但工资未能正常发放。 yeeyan

We constantly strive for bigger paychecks, larger homes and fancier cars.
我们总是追求更高的薪水、更大的房子和更好的汽车。 macd

We join in the paychecks of the day, eat a big meal treat yourself a little.
在发薪水的日子我们聚在一起,吃一顿大餐慰劳自己。 yeeyan

While many executives have made the public gesture to rescind their annual paychecks, these corporate leaders are hardly in the poor house.
一方面许多高管公开表示取消其年度工资,而这些公司大佬可不是住在救济院里的主。 yeeyan

You have gleaned that jobs are disappearing, housing prices are plummeting, and paychecks are effectively shrinking as food and energy prices soar.
听到过这些消息吧:工作消失,房价暴跌,薪水因为食品和能源价格飙升而缩水。 yeeyan




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