

单词 payback
释义 pay·back 英ˈpeɪˌbæk美ˈpeˌbækAHDpāʹbăk' ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁰⁶⁶⁸BNC³⁶⁸³⁴iWeb¹⁵⁵⁰⁸
financial return or reward especially returns equal to the initial investmentthe act of taking revenge harming someone in retaliation for something harmful that they have done especially in the next life;

Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord

For vengeance I would do nothing. This nation is too great to look for mere revenge

he swore vengeance on the man who betrayed him

the swiftness of divine retribution

discounted payback method按现值计算投资回收额…payback period回收期payback reciprocal回收期倒数,归本年期…payback method偿付方法cash payback method现金回收法discounted payback period贴现回收期pay back偿还
paybackn.背|后⇒n.偿还⁷⁰;投资回收率³⁰近义词 return返回profit利润repayment偿还vengeance报复settlement解决retribution报应remuneration报酬reimbursement偿还benefitsbenefit的复数形式…

用作名词The loanpaybackrecord is outstanding at almost 100 percent.贷款的偿还纪录非常良好,几乎达到百分之百。
There is little point in dwelling on the deficiencies ofpaybackor return on book.纠缠于回收期和账面报酬率的缺陷没什么价值。noun.return
同义词 compensation,reimbursementaccrual,accruement,gain,gate,income,interest,proceeds,profit,reciprocation,recompense,reparation,repayment,reward,take,yield
反义词 debt,loss,penalty
avengeverb retaliate
chasten,chastise,come back at,even the score,get back at,get even,punish,redress,repay,requite,retribute,revenge,stick it to,take satisfaction,take vengeance,venge,vindicate
consequencenoun result, outcome of action
aftereffect,aftermath,bottom line,can of worms,chain reaction,effect,end,event,fallout,follow-up,issue,outgrowth,payback,reaction,repercussion,sequel,sequence,spin-off,upshot,waves
considerationnoun payment
baksheesh,commish,commission,fee,payback,percentage,perk,perquisite,recompense,remuneration,reward,salary,something to sweeten pot,tip,wage
considerationsnoun payment
eye for an eyenoun retaliation for a wrong
avenging,getting even,measure for measure,payback,reprisal,retaliation,retribution,revenge,tit for tat,tooth for a tooth,vengeance,vindication
measure for measureadverb equally
amends,atonement,compensation,eye for an eye,indemnification,indemnity,lex talionis,meed,payback,quid pro quo,reciprocity,recompense,rectification,reparation,restitution,retaliation,tit for tat,tooth for a tooth The cost of power electronics, inverters, and controllers must also be reduced to produce a faster payback period for PHEV buyers.
电力电子元件、换流器和控制器的成本必须要降低,以加快插电式混合动力汽车购买者的投资回收期。 yeeyan

“ People have to look at what the payback of the education is, ” he says. Talk to people already in the profession, and look at state labor statistics to see their average salaries.
“人们需要看到教育带来的回报是什么,”已经和人们进行过专业的谈话,并通过国家劳工分析数据了解职业的薪金的他说。 yeeyan

Ask your student-loan servicer to extend your payback period.
请求你的学生贷款商延长你的还款期限。 yeeyan

Based on heuristics, the MMFs and AEs are sequenced to optimize various financial targets for example, maximized ROI, minimized cash injection, earlier payback, and so forth.
基于启发式方法, MMF和 AE 按次序来优化各个财务目标例如最大程度增加 ROI、最大程度减少现金投入、获得较早的回报等。 ibm

But the payback is worth it.
但是回收率是值得的。 yeeyan

But if you get it wrong, you've only added complexity that makes it more difficult to change your software. You're obviously not getting the payback.
但如果你的预期是错的,那么你所引入的复杂性将使软件变得更加难以改动,因而该灵活性是毫无意义的。 yeeyan

But the calculation is not just about immediate payback.
但是这样的计算不能仅考虑眼前收益。 ecocn

Hard work can bring a big payback, as long as it does not delay progress or disrupt the strong spirit of international cooperation for better health that has been growing in recent years.
辛勤的工作可以带来巨大的回报,只要这些工作不拖延在追求健康改善方面的进度,或者破坏近些年来日益增长的国际合作的强大精神。 who

He is not sure how much the project will cost, but is reckoning on a payback period of around five years.
对于该项工程的造价他并不确定,但是他指望大约五年的偿付期。 ecocn

Highlight the key points and include the return on investment or loan payback requirements.
重点突出关键要点,并包括投资回报率和贷款回收期。 yeeyan

I don't know whether it's easier for gentlemen or not because our voices are sort of in the bass, but maybe this is payback time since ladies are always singing the melody.

It works across ones whole life and so the payback or benefit can’t be recognized by looking at any scorecard with an individual or even in a specific relationship.
它在一个人的一生中都会发生作用并且回报或是利益不能通过一个人计分式的行为甚至特别的关系来准确区分。 yeeyan

More broadly, however, we’re looking at payback from the real economy.
然而,更广泛地说,我们正看到实体经济的回报。 yeeyan

More regulation is inevitable as payback for the public money putin to the financial sector.
由于纳税人的钱投入了金融业,不可避免的,换来的是更多金融管制。 ecocn

Much of those funds are effectively on hold until a payback deal is reached, as is Iceland's application to join the European Union.
眼下冰岛正在申请加入欧盟,唯有落实还款协议,冰岛才有望获得这些援助款项。 iciba

Of course, payback is not an issue on a system that needs to be replaced anyway in a place where pipelines to gas are already in place.
在一个已经铺设好天然气管道,且燃油系统无论如何都要被替换掉的地区,补偿当然是不成问题的。 yeeyan

On the positive side, this approach provides flexibility and a basic level of reuse, but the big payback for SOA is not there.
其积极的一面在于,此方法提供了灵活性和基本的重用,但 SOA的最大的回报并非在于此。 ibm




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