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pawn 英pɔːn美pɔnAHDpôn ★☆☆☆☆高四G宝八COCA¹⁹⁵¹⁷BNC²⁴⁹³⁹iWeb¹⁰⁹⁶²Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺⁴ 基本英英词源搭配记法近义反义派生词例句Thesaurus例句 n. 典当⁸⁴; 抵押物⁵; 人质⁹; 国际象棋中卒vt. 典当; 以…为担保²复数pawns形容词pawnable名词pawnage过去分词pawned现在分词pawning三单pawns 买基金还是债券人物利用卑贱平民欠债,抵押
Noun: an article deposited as securitya person used by another to gain an endchess the least powerful piece; moves only forward and captures only to the side; it can be promoted to a more powerful piece if it reaches the 8th rankborrowing and leaving an article as security for repayment of the loan Verb: leave as a guarantee in return for money;pawn your grandfather's gold watch 来自古法语peon,兵,卒。来自拉丁语pedonem,步兵。来自拉丁语pedis,脚。来自原始印欧语*ped,脚,词源同foot, biped。最初用于国际象棋卒,后引申词义走卒。来自古法语pan,承认,担保,可能来自该词的另一个词义pan,布,一块布。来自拉丁语pannum,一块布,衣服,词源同pane, panel。其原义可能为以衣服作为质押或在布上写上契约。 pan来自古英语panne,锅,盘,可能来自原始印欧语*pete,展开,词源同feather, patella。后引申动词词义淘金,即用锅洗砂子淘金,并用于俚语严厉批评。字母t脱落,比较fain。来自古英语fagen。pan-全,泛,亲,来自希腊语pan-。来自原始印欧语pant,全部的,所有的,词源同Pan。 pan来自古英语panne,锅,盘,可能来自原始印欧语*pete,展开,词源同feather, patella。后引申动词词义淘金,即用锅洗砂子淘金,并用于俚语严厉批评。字母t脱落,比较fain。来自古英语fagen。pan-全,泛,亲,来自希腊语pan-。来自原始印欧语pant,全部的,所有的,词源同Pan。 pane来自拉丁语pannum,一块布。来自原始印欧语pan,布,纺织品。引申词义窗帘,窗玻璃。 panel来自pane,布条,-el,小词后缀。即小布条,引申词义面板,金属板,窗玻璃。后用于指在布条上列举名字的陪审团成员或讨论小组清单。pawn shop当铺in pawn押出典当中pawn receipt法 抵押凭据, …pawn promotion兵的升变pawn office当铺fixed pawn固定兵pawn broking典当pawn sacrifice弃兵at pawn在抵押中; 已典当…pawn formation兵形passed pawn通路兵double pawn重叠兵single pawn单兵pawn ticket当票backward pawn落后兵pawn one's word口头担保pawn one's life以生命保证 故事记忆某一天 Dawn黎明在河边 Lawn草坪来几只 Prawn对虾在那里 Spawn产卵累了正 Yawn呵欠被人捉去 Pawn典当出去 GRE红宝书paw 爪→用爪子来抵押,以前有电影里赌场用手来抵押;音:螃,螃蟹→虾兵蟹将→走卒,让走卒去卖命,典当,抵押GRE难词记忆pawn→ prawnn.大虾→大虾是用典当的钱买来的 GRE难词记忆pawn→fawn v.巴结, 奉承→小人物巴结大人物参考:pawnbrokern.典当商,当铺老板GRE难词记忆pawn 音“庞”→姓庞的小兵GRE难词记忆pawn→pawnshop n.当铺近义词 stake桩put up放wager赌注pledge发誓hock肘关节soak使浸透deposit放置counter柜台hostage人质security安全forfeit没收物cat's-paw微风instrument仪器trade in以旧换新 Ppawnshopn.当铺Ppawning典当抵押Ppawnage典当典当物Ppawnbrokingn.典当业Ppawneen.收当人承典人Ppawnern.交当人当出人Ppawnorn.典出人当出人Pimpawnvt.抵押典当立誓Ppawnbrokern.典当商当铺老板
动词79%,名词21% 用作名词He tried by every means to redeem thepawn.他千方百计要赎回典当物。 He had nothing left that he couldpawn.他再也没有什么可以典当的东西了。 To make matters worse, Tien is used as apawnin the battle.更糟糕的是,天津饭也被抓来当作了人质。 This was sacrificing apawnto save a rook.这是丢卒保车。 When promoting apawn, the player must announce which piece is chosen.当卒走到对方阵营,棋手必须宣告下一步走哪个棋。用作及物动词He tried by every means to redeem thepawn.他千方百计要赎回典当物。 A fairpawnnever shamed his master.公平的典当从来不使物主丢脸。noun.security for a loan 同义词 assurance,bond,collateral,earnest,forfeit,gage,gambit,guarantee,guaranty,pledge,security,token,warrant 反义词 break,uncertaintynoun.person who is a fool 同义词 dupe,patsy,puppet,stoogecreature,instrument,mark,pigeon,sucker,tool,toy,victimverb.give as security for a loan 同义词 deposit,hazard,hock,hook,mortgage,pledgegive in earnest bailnoun money for assurance bond,collateral,guarantee,pledge,recognizance,security,surety,warrant,warranty borrowverb take for temporary use accept loan of,acquire,beg,bite,bum,cadge,chisel,give a note for,hire,hit up,lift,mooch,negotiate,obtain,pawn,pledge,raise money,rent,run into debt,scrounge,see one's uncle,soak,sponge,take on loan,tap,touch,use temporarily guaranteenoun pledge, promise agreement,assurance,attestation,bail,bargain,bond,certainty,certificate,certification,charter,collateral,contract,covenant,deposit,earnest,gage,guaranty,insurance,lock,oath,pawn,pipe,recognizance,security,sure thing,surety,testament,token,undertaking,vow,warrant,warranty,word,word of honor guaranteesnoun pledge, promise agreements,assurances,attestations,bails,bargains,bonds,certainties,certificates,certifications,charters,collaterals,contracts,covenants,deposits,earnest,gages,guaranties,insurances,locks,oaths,pawns,pipes,recognizance,securities,sure things,sureties,testaments,tokens,undertakings,vows,warranties,warrants,word of honors,words hostagenoun person held captive until captor's demand is met captive,earnest,guaranty,pawn,pledge,prisoner,sacrificial lamb,scapegoat,security,surety,token,victim pledgenoun sign of good faith bail,bond,collateral,deposit,earnest,gage,guarantee,guaranty,pawn,security,surety,token,warrant,warranty A pawn automatically promotes when it reaches the eighth rank. 卒子在到达第八横格时自动升级。《21世纪大英汉词典》 He moved a pawn forward. 向前拱了一步卒。 yeeyan “ Hawaii is like a pawn in a chess game, ” he added. “夏威夷就如象棋比赛中的一名小卒无足轻重,”他接着说。 yeeyan And although pawn shops' interest rates seem outrageous to more fortunate borrowers, they are cheaper than the alternatives available to the poor. 虽然典当行利息对一些相对幸运的信贷者来说简直是暴利,但却是穷人们唯一的出路。 ecocn Another reason for pawn's resurgence is the switch from weekly to monthly pay days, increasing demand for small sums that can be swiftly raised and repaid. 典当业升温的另一原因是周薪到月薪的转变使人们对能够即时提取或预付的小金额的款项需求增加。 ecocn But, you can think and make decisions for yourself. You are not a pawn. 但你不是一个棋子,你可以控制自己。 yeeyan But as it turned out I was exactly what they were looking for: a pawn. 但事实证明我就是他们要找的人选:一枚棋子。 yeeyan Clare holds the pawns behind her back; I tap her right elbow and she shows me the white pawn. 克莱尔把她的卒放在了后面;我从右面碰了她,她又用了白卒。 yeeyan Clare sighs. She takes another pawn with her other rook. I'm starting to run low on pawns. I move Queen's Bishop to KB4. 克莱尔叹了一口气。她用她的车拿走了另一个卒。我开始移动我的卒。我把女王的主教移到了 KB4。 yesuwang Do you vaguely recall its high unemployment and suicide rates or its past as a Soviet pawn? 你记忆中模模糊糊的是否是其居高不下的失业率、自杀率还是前苏联走卒的过去? yeeyan Every day he would go to the pawn shop to sell his belongings in order to buy material for making shoes. 为了买制鞋的材料,他每天都把家里的东西拿到当铺去卖。 http://mysearch.100e.com He had no way to redeem his furniture out of pawn. 他无法赎回典当的家具。《新英汉大辞典》 I still think he’s a good man who made a bad mistake, one he had to pay too high a price for, because he refused to become a pawn in Starr’s game. 我现在仍然认为他是个好人,但是犯了一个可怕的错误,由于不想成为斯塔尔手中的一枚棋子,他不得不付出了很大的代价。 yeeyan In chess, value is not the pawn, knight, or bishop. 在象棋中,价值不能是卒,骑士,或主教。 yeeyan International relations is usually likened to a game of chess, and the United States is again grappling with how to tackle a pawn that is so well protected by the queen. 国际关系通常会被拿来跟国际象棋比赛来相比,美国再一次想方设法想要拔掉这颗被后保护得如此之好的卒子。 yeeyan Look round the room and see if there’s anything more I can sell or pawn. 你在这个房间里找找吧,看能不能找再找一样可以卖或者当的东西。 yeeyan Or Mr Barghouti could be elected in Mr Abbas’s place but remain in prison as a diplomatic pawn, waiting for Israel to extract some public promises from him before his release. 或者万巴高迪被推选为阿巴斯的继任人但是继续被关押在监狱作为一枚外交棋子,一直到以色列设法从他那里得到更多的公开承诺才把他释放。 ecocn They can go to pawn shops, which might charge100% annual interest on loans backed by assets. 他们可以去当铺,在那里有资金支持的贷款可能只收取100%的年息。 ecocn Why this pawn revival? 典当业何以复苏? ecocn Why this pawn revival?The biggest reason is that more people— just over9m—are being denied access to mainstream credit, often for missing loan payments in the past. 典当业何以复苏?最大的因素是越来越多的人,大约九成的当户1 ,常常由于受损信贷纪录被主流银行拒之门外。 ecocn With funding ever harder to come by, banks are resorting to the financial industry's equivalent of a pawn broker: parking assets on repo markets or at the central bank to get cash. 由于融资变得越发困难,银行已开始求助于金融行业的“当铺”,将资产抵押给央行或回购市场以获取现金。 ecocn You are not the pawn or puppet of a manipulative Creator, or the by-product of an accidentally created world. 你不是造物主操纵的棋子、木偶,也不是世界无意制造的副产品。 putclub |