

单词 pawing
释义 paw·ing 英pɔː美pɔː COCA⁴¹⁴⁷³BNC⁴⁵²⁰⁹

foot of an animal with claws or nails



vt. & vi. 用爪抓

touch or rub

vt. 摸弄

feel or touch with the hands

a clawed foot of an animal especially a quadrupedthe prehensile extremity of the superior limb;

he had the hands of a surgeon

he extended his mitt

scrape with the paws;

The bear pawed the door

touch clumsily;

The man tried to paw her

用作名词 n.
形容词+~bloody paw血淋淋的脚掌clumsy paw笨拙的手dirty paw脏手用作动词 v.~+名词paw a door用爪子抓门paw a woman对女人动手动脚~+副词paw about〔around〕触摸
用作名词n.make a cat's paw of

利用某人作为工具make sb to do sth

paw about〔around〕 v.+adv.


paw sb/sth ⇔ about〔around〕Who's been pawing this cake about?谁摸这块蛋糕了?
I don't want to buy tomatoes that have already been pawed about by other customers!我不想买被其他顾客摸弄过的番茄。近义词 hand手pet宠物hoof 蹄manus手mitt手套feel感觉maul大槌fondle爱grip紧握touch触摸handle处理molest骚扰stroke中风appendage附加物grope暗中摸索
用作名词n.This is a black cat with white paws.这是一只长有白色脚掌的小黑猫。
Go and wash your dirty paws!去把你的脏爪子洗一洗。
Take your dirty little paws off me!别用你的小黑手抓着我。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.The dog was pawing the door.狗正在用〈爪子抓〉门。
He cannot be near a woman without paw-ing her.他一接近女人就忍不住动手动脚。
用作名词The dog pressed hispawon the latch to let himself in.那狗用脚爪按住门闩把自己放进来。
The kitten has very softpaws.小猫的爪子很软。
The dog gave a yelp when I trod on itspaw.我踩了那狗的爪子,它嚎叫了一声。
The dog was howling itspawwas hurt.那条狗在嗥叫--它的爪子受伤了。用作动词The bullpawedthe ground before charging.那头牛用蹄刨着地准备出击。
The dogpawedat the bone.狗用爪子抓骨头。
That old man is always trying topawme at the pub.那个老男人在酒吧里老想吃我豆腐。
Hepawedfrantically through the drawers.他拼命翻找抽屉里的东西。verb.touch roughly
同义词 fondleclap,claw,clutch,dig,feel,finger,grab,grate,grope,handle,hit,maul,molest,palpate,pat,rake,rasp,rub,scratch,search,slap,smite,stroke
反义词 guard,let go,make happy,please,protectmanhandle Less dominant wolves exhibit submissive behavior by holding their tails down and often lower their bodies while pawing at the higher ranking wolves.
处于从属地位的狼会把它们的尾巴摆的较低以显示它们的顺从。 另外,当它们在统领狼面前抓挠时也会把自己的身体弯的更低。 yeeyan

No sooner is the door shut than they're all over each other, ripping at clothes, pawing at flesh, mouths locked together.
不等门关上,他们就缠在了一块,互相撕扯着衣服,搓摸着对方的身体,两张嘴严紧地粘在了一起。 nakedprisoner.com

The dog was pawing the door.
狗正在用爪子抓门。 enfamily

Back in the yard Boxer was pawing with his hoof at the stable- lad who lay face down in the mud, trying to turn him over.
回到院子里,布克瑟用蹄子扒了一下那个脸朝下趴在泥里的马夫,想把他翻过来。 yeeyan

I was sitting on the floor playing with him, when he started pawing and sniffing at 11 the right side of my chest.
我坐在地上逗它玩,它开始用爪子挠, 还 不断地闻我胸部右侧。 docin

I was sitting on the floor playing with him, when he started pawing and sniffing at the right side of my chest.
我坐在地上逗它玩,它开始用爪子挠,还不断地闻我胸部右侧。 hotdic

If your dog is pawing at its mouth, drooling or salivating excessively or constantly working its jaw there may well be something stuck in the back of the mouth or throat.
如果您的狗狗用爪子在嘴边抓,流口水或分泌很多唾液或不停地摇下巴,可能是有东西卡在口腔和喉咙里。 yeeyan

Inky hands stretched out to their precious, digging, pawing and seizing their gabions.
两手伸出似墨染,又刨又抓又扶筐。 bbs.translators.com.cn

One of the children was pawing at my sleeve.
有个孩子一个劲地拽我的袖子。 iciba

She was watching the film, but he kept pawing at her.
她在看电影,而他却不断地对她动手动脚。 jpkc.hnuc.edu.cn

The horses were pawing the ground in their impatience to start.
马儿在用脚搔地,迫不及待地准备出发。 jukuu

Who's been pawing this cake around? It's covered with finger marks.
是谁摸这块蛋糕啦? 上面都是手印。《21世纪大英汉词典》




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