

单词 paw
释义 paw 英pɔː美pɔAHDpô ★☆☆☆☆高四六研4八COCA¹⁰³⁵⁷BNC²³⁹⁰⁵iWeb⁸⁷²⁸Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹


foot of an animal with claws or nails



vt. & vi. 用爪抓

touch or rub

vt. 摸弄

feel or touch with the hands

a clawed foot of an animal especially a quadrupedthe prehensile extremity of the superior limb;

he had the hands of a surgeon

he extended his mitt

scrape with the paws;

The bear pawed the door

touch clumsily;

The man tried to paw her

用作名词 n.
形容词+~bloody paw血淋淋的脚掌clumsy paw笨拙的手dirty paw脏手用作动词 v.~+名词paw a door用爪子抓门paw a woman对女人动手动脚~+副词paw about〔around〕触摸
用作名词n.make a cat's paw of

利用某人作为工具make sb to do sth

paw about〔around〕 v.+adv.


paw sb/sth ⇔ about〔around〕Who's been pawing this cake about?谁摸这块蛋糕了?
I don't want to buy tomatoes that have already been pawed about by other customers!我不想买被其他顾客摸弄过的番茄。故事记忆小狗 Paw爪子拿根 Straw稻草吸管把画 Draw画拉联想记忆我看见saw雪地上的爪子paw印谐音记忆音“破”⇒猫脚爪把你脸抓破近义词 hand手pet宠物hoof 蹄manus手mitt手套feel感觉maul大槌fondle爱grip紧握touch触摸handle处理molest骚扰stroke中风appendage附加物grope暗中摸索
用作名词n.This is a black cat with white paws.这是一只长有白色脚掌的小黑猫。
Go and wash your dirty paws!去把你的脏爪子洗一洗。
Take your dirty little paws off me!别用你的小黑手抓着我。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.The dog was pawing the door.狗正在用〈爪子抓〉门。
He cannot be near a woman withoutpaw-ing her.他一接近女人就忍不住动手动脚。Pforepawn.前掌前爪Pcatspawn.受人利用者Pkangaroo-pawn.袋鼠爪Psouthpawa.用左手的n.用左手的运动员用左手投球的投手

用作名词The dog pressed hispawon the latch to let himself in.那狗用脚爪按住门闩把自己放进来。
The kitten has very softpaws.小猫的爪子很软。
The dog gave a yelp when I trod on itspaw.我踩了那狗的爪子,它嚎叫了一声。
The dog was howling itspawwas hurt.那条狗在嗥叫--它的爪子受伤了。用作动词The bullpawedthe ground before charging.那头牛用蹄刨着地准备出击。
The dogpawedat the bone.狗用爪子抓骨头。
That old man is always trying topawme at the pub.那个老男人在酒吧里老想吃我豆腐。
Hepawedfrantically through the drawers.他拼命翻找抽屉里的东西。noun.appendage of certain animals, usually the foot
同义词 claw,extremity,fist,foot,hand,hoof,padverb.touch roughly
同义词 fondleclap,claw,clutch,dig,feel,finger,grab,grate,grope,handle,hit,maul,molest,palpate,pat,rake,rasp,rub,scratch,search,slap,smite,stroke
clawnoun nail of animal;tool shaped like nail of an animal
barb,cant hook,clapperclaw,fang,fingernail,grapnel,grappler,hook,manus,nail claw,nipper,pincer,spur,talon,tentacle,unguis,ungula
extremitiesnoun animate being's appendage
acmes,acuteness,adversities,apices,apogees,borders,boundaries,bounds,brims,brinks,butts,climaxes,consummations,crises,depths,dire straits,disasters,edges,ends,excesses,extremes,extremes,frontiers,heights,lasts,margins,maximums,nadirs,outsides,pinnacles,plights,poles,remotes,rims,setbacks,terminals,terminations,termini,tips,tops,troubles,verges,vertexes,zeniths
extremitynoun animate being's appendage
feelverb touch, stroke
apperceive,caress,clasp,clutch,explore,finger,fondle,frisk,fumble,grapple,grasp,grip,grope,handle,manipulate,maul,palm,palpate,paw,perceive,pinch,ply,poke,press,run hands over,sense,squeeze,test,thumb,tickle,try,twiddle,wield
feelsverb touch, stroke
accepts,acknowledges,appears,appreciates,be affects,be turns on to,comprehends,discerns,encounters,endures,enjoys,exhibits,gets,gets in touch,gets vibes,goes through,has,has a hunch,has funny feeling,has vibes,is aware of,is excited,is impressed,is sensible of,is sensitive,knows,meets,notes,notices,observes,perceives,receives,remarks,resembles,savors,seems,sees,senses,suffers,suggests,takes to heart,tastes,undergoes,understands,welcomes
fingerverb touch lightly
feel,fiddle,grope,handle,manipulate,palpate,paw,play with,thumb,toy with A scared- looking dog with a bleeding paw was also found.
一只爪子流着血、看起来吓坏了的狗也被救援人员发现。 yeeyan

It looks like the point of a golf tee in his fat, clenched paw.
在他紧握着的肥胖爪子里,香烟看起来就像高尔夫球座的顶端。 yeeyan

The scientists gave each mouse a sore paw by injecting it with an inflammatory chemical.
科学家们藉由向小鼠的爪子注射一种炎症化学物质来引发疼痛。 yeeyan

The vast Cat's Paw Nebula in Scorpius.
天蝎座里巨大的猫爪星云。 yeeyan

They may be entered only on foot, paw or hoof.
只有长着脚、爪子或蹄子的动物可以进入保护区。 ecocn

As the neighbours complained of the noise, my husband spent weeks training him to press his paw on the latch to let himself in.
由于邻居们对狗叫很有意见,所以我丈夫花了几个星期的时间训练它用脚爪按住门闩把自己放进来。 tingvoa

But it returned to the other dog, and put a paw on its head.
但是,这只狗接着又回到另一只狗身边,将一只小爪放到了它的头上。 yeeyan

But Lion opens his paw.
但是狮子张开了他的爪子。 hjenglish

But there had been tracks leading into the Waste, small paw prints that might belong to one of the striped animals that lived there.
可有猎物的踪迹一直通向荒野地,爪印不太大,可能是在那儿居住的带斑纹的动物留下的。 yeeyan

Finally, they simply refused to give the paw.
最后,它们简直拒绝给爪子。 yeeyan

He can fetch a stick, shake a paw, and play dead.
他能拿棍子,挥舞它的爪子,和装死。 ebigear

Here are two methods for making your pet's paw print mold.
下面介绍给你两种办法来制作你的宠物的爪子印模型。 yeeyan

However, there's only so much a proud cat can take and Felix soon lashes out with his left paw.
然而,菲利克斯并没有完全乱了阵脚,要不然它还能算是猫咪吗?于是它迅速甩出左爪。 yeeyan

One day a lion was sleeping peacefully in the forest when a mouse ran across his paw.
一天,狮子正在森林里安静地睡觉,就在这时,一只老鼠从他爪子上跑过。 ebigear

Preheat your oven to275 degrees. Peel the modeling clay paw imprint away from the cardboard and bake on an ungreased cookie sheet for15 minutes.
把你的烤箱预热到275度,把印有爪子印的纸粘土从那张硬纸板上揭下来,然后放进烤箱的无油的烤板上烤15分钟。 yeeyan

Remove the paw print from the mold.
然后把爪子印从模具上取下来。 yeeyan

Remove your pet's paw from the concrete mix, then wipe it with a towel and wash it with soap and water to thoroughly remove the concrete mixture.
把你的宠物的爪子从混合物上拿开,用毛巾擦一下然后用水和肥皂洗一洗,彻底清除混合物的残留。 yeeyan

The Boy stood holding the lion's paw in amazement. The other wild animals soon backed away, seeing that the strongest of them all was refusing to fight.
男孩站在那儿,拖着狮子的前爪愣住了。其他的野兽看到它们中最强大的狮子都不愿意搏斗了,便很快退了下去。 ebigear

The Boy stood holding the lion's paw in amazement.
男孩站在那儿,拖着狮子的前爪愣住了。 ebigear

The ceremony, which combined Chinese and Western traditions, featured dogs walking down a red carpet and taking an oath of marriage by stamping paw prints on a wedding certificate.
这次婚礼结合了中国和西方婚俗,犹具特色的是狗狗走了红地毯,还在结婚证上留下了爪印以示山盟海誓的承诺。 yeeyan

The most difficult part of this process involves obtaining your pet's cooperation so that you can get a clear, well formed paw print.
这个制作流程最困难之处在于你需要跟你的宠物好好配合,才能得到一个干净完整的爪子印。 yeeyan

Then, to everyone's surprise, it sat down in the sand, raised its paw and bowed its head.
然而,让所有人吃惊的是,狮子在沙地上坐了下来,抬起前爪,点了点头。 ebigear

They noted that he showed abnormal behaviors resulting from his hand- rearing and fame, such as swaying too and fro and holding a paw to his face in imitation of picture takers.
他们指出,由于人工饲养和他的名气,他表现出导致的异常行为,例如来回摇摆,模仿拍照的人把爪子举在脸上。 yeeyan

They paw, bark or whine allowing their owners the opportunity to move to a safe place or call for assistance.
它们会用爪子扒、发出吠叫或哀鸣声,以便让狗主人有机会事先转移到安全的场所或寻求帮助。 edu.sina.com.cn

This didn't cause her to stop extending her paw for a greeting.
但这不会停止它伸出爪子来打招呼的行为。 yeeyan




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