

单词 paved road
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There is no need to build “bridges to nowhere” when two-fifths of villages lack a paved road to the nearest market town.
当五分之二的村庄缺乏去集市的路时,没有必要担心无用的工程。 yeeyan

A country in which two- fifths of villages lack a paved road to the nearest market town still has plenty of scope for building roads.
一个2/5的村庄依然缺乏通往附近城镇农贸市场的柏油路的国家,道路建设的空间还非常大。 iciba

A simple school zone sign on a freshly paved road turns into an English teacher's nightmare.
在新铺路面上的一个简单的学校区域标记成为英语老师的梦魇。 jiyibao.com

A timber concession here, a stretch of paved road or a Bongo stadium there, disarmed anyone who objected to his way of doing things.
这里一个木材特许权,那里一段铺路延伸工程或庞戈运动场,任何想反对他做事方法的人都被解除了武装。 topsage

Leading to the suburbs has a long way to smooth, paved road with the wheels stop turning the extension, as I feel desolate in the continuous soaring.
通往城郊的路平坦却悠长,柏油路随着车轮的转动不停的延伸,一如我荒凉的心情在不断的疯长。 enwaimao.cn

Reducing the silt entrance to the paved road and sweeping the road are the main measures of road dust controlling.
减少各种尘土进入道路和进行道路清扫是控制交通扬尘污染的主要措施。 chemyq




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