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词汇 Paulson
释义 PaulsonEconomist¹⁷⁵⁶¹
Next year, Paulson said, the next US president and Congress will have to determine the firms' longer-term structure and size.
保尔森说,明年下届美国政府和国会将对公司的长期结构和规模作出决定。 yeeyan

Sheriff Paulson called the guarantee his bazooka, and thought that investors would calm down once they knew he was packing so much heat.
保尔森将之称为“火箭筒”,认为一旦投资者知道他为此囤积大量弹药,投资者必然会平静下来。 fortunechina

Addressing the IMF panel on Saturday, Paulson said the first six months of2008 will be difficult for the U.S. economy, which may have already entered its first recession since2001.
保尔森星期六在国际货币基金组织发表讲话时说,对美国经济来说,2008年头六个月将是困难的。 美国经济可能已经进入2001年以来第一次衰退。 ebigear

And when Mr. Paulson announced his plan for a huge bailout, there was a temporary surge of optimism.
就在保尔森宣布庞大的救援方案时,市场上确实曾经有过短暂的乐观情绪。 yeeyan

But if Mr. Paulson isn’t the grown-up we need, are Congressional leaders ready and able to fill the role?
但是也许保尔森先生不是我们需要的那个“成人”呢,国会领袖们准备好充当这个角色了么? yeeyan

But Mr. Paulson insists that he wants a“ clean” plan.
但是保尔森先生坚持他想要一个“干净”的方案。 yeeyan

But the true depth and extent of the losses did not become clear until earlier this year, Mr. Paulson said.
但是,损失的实际深度和广度直到今年早些时候才变得清晰起来,保尔森说。 yeeyan

Earlier this week, while refusing to say whether he supported the Paulson plan, he claimed not to have had a chance to read it; the plan is all of three pages long.
本周早些时候,他声称没有机会阅读保尔森方案,所以拒绝对他是否支持此方案表态——这个计划总共只有三页长而已。 yeeyan

Especially in the past month, as the financial system teetered on the abyss, questions have been raised about the government’s — and Mr. Paulson’s — decisions.
特别是在过去的这个月中,当整个金融体系在无底的深渊边摇摇欲坠的时候,不断有人质疑联邦政府和保尔森的应对之策。 yeeyan

Perhaps Paulson and the administration believed that they could bamboozle Americans into doing whatever they asked.
也许保尔森和政府相信他们可以迷惑美国人,让他们按照其要求来做。 yeeyan

Speaking on Fox News Sunday, Paulson said the plan's ultimate cost will likely be less than the initial outlay of funds.
保尔森在福克斯电视台星期天新闻节目上说,这个计划的最终成本可能会比初期支付的经费要少。 ebigear

There’s no doubt that, in dealing with the crisis, Paulson has done a yeoman’s job. But in some respects he’s just been in the wrong place at the wrong time.
毫无疑问,在处理危机问题上,保尔森做了忠实的工作,但是在某些方面,他只不过是在错误的时间出现在错误的地点。 yeeyan

Paulson seems to unveil a new government program nearly every day, and his actions over the past year have meant life or death for financial institutions.
保尔森几乎每天都要推出一个新的政府计划,在过去的年代里,他的决策意味着金融机构的生死。 yeeyan

Paulson urged cooperation among Democrats and Republicans in Congress and among world leaders, as they work through the crisis.
保尔森敦促国会民主党人和共和党人以及世界各国领导人在处理危机的过程中进行合作。 ebigear

Paulson's first problem that Saturday was the reluctance of Wall Street to finance a lifeboat.
在那个周六,保尔森的第一个问题是华尔街不愿意提供资金援助。 yeeyan

“ There was no way we could go to Congress without the American people understanding we faced a crisis, ” says Henry Paulson, the treasury secretary at the time.
“当美国民众不理解我们所面临的危机时,我们甚至无法进入国会以使政策获得通过。” 当时的财长亨利•保尔森如是说。 ecocn

America has long urged China to allow the Yuan to appreciate faster against the dollar. Yet Mr. Paulson suggested this week that the Gulf's currency pegs were not the cause of its inflation problems.
美国早就不断要求中国加快人民币对美元的升值步伐,而保尔森本周曾经暗示说海湾国家的货币与美元挂钩不是导致产生通胀问题的原因。 ecocn

And while he was part of the team that watched Lehman Brothers fail, he seems more comfortable with government action than Paulson, and therefore more likely to act in a consistent fashion.
虽然他也在眼睁睁看着雷曼兄弟破产的团队中,但比起保尔森来,对政府的行动他表现得似乎更加心平气和,因此,行动中就可能更加一以贯之。 yeeyan

But Lehman could not— despite what Mr. Paulson described as personal pleas to other firms to buy some of Lehman’s toxic assets and efforts to persuade another bank to acquire Lehman.
但是雷曼已不具备这样的能力——尽管保尔森说,他曾亲自请求其他公司购买一部分雷曼的不良资产,并且努力劝说另一家银行收购雷曼。 yeeyan

I think that what Paulson and Nason want to do is to create a separate business conduct agency that is aimed at consumer protection.

In the interview, however, Mr. Paulson said the main issue was whether it was legal.
然而,在采访中,保尔森表示,最重要的问题在于这样做是否合法。 yeeyan

Some say Mr. Paulson should have tried harder to acquire the funds before the Lehman crisis.
一些人认为保尔森应该在雷曼倒闭之前就尽努力得到这笔钱。 ecocn

Take, for example, John Paulson, the hedge- fund guru who made billions of dollars predicting America’s housing crisis.
拿对冲基金专家约翰.鲍尔森为例,他投入了数十亿美元预测美国的房屋供给危机。 ecocn

Under the original Paulson plan, the Treasury would probably have done this by buying toxic waste for much more than it was worth— and gotten nothing in return.
在原先的鲍尔森方案下,财政部可能会以大大超过其真实价值的价格购买“有毒废品”来实现这一点——同时毫无回报。 yeeyan

Paulson said he expects the purchase of GSE debt would come at no cost, and possibly at a profit, to taxpayers.
保尔森在周日表示,他预计收购 GSE的债务不会有任何成本,甚至有可能为纳税人带来赢利。 yeeyan




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