释义 |
Pauillac 基本例句 n.波亚克在法国;西经 0º44' 北纬 45º12' Pauillacnose of black currants and cigar box.黑醋栗和雪茄盒特性。 Saint-Julien is the right balance betweenPauillacand Margaux.圣朱利安正好是波亚克和玛歌堡的折中。 Pauillacwines generally have a lot of body, tannic and acid when they are young; they have an opulent bouquet with aromas of blackcurrant and cedar when they age.波亚多葡萄酒通常初期酒体饱满,收缩感强烈;成熟后拥有浓郁的黑醋栗和雪松的芳香。 Located in the famous Medoc wine region, the vineyard of Chateau Latour belongs to thePauillacappellation.位于波尔多美度区菩依乐村的拉图庄,是一个早在14世纪的文献中就已提到的古老庄园。 Drinkers who look for more powerful, fuller-bodiedPauillacwines at low prices can consider this second wine.饮家如果要尝试低价而更有力度,厚身的普雅酒,可考虑此副牌酒。 The premier grand cru classe in 1855, it’s the apotheosis ofPauillacthat worshiped by the whole planet.1855年被评为一级名庄,以稳定出色的品质倍受酒迷的追捧。 |