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词汇 paucity
释义 pau·ci·ty 英ˈpɔːsɪtiː美ˈpɔsɪtiAHDpôʹsĭ-tē ☆☆☆☆☆高四GIMST宝COCA²⁶⁰¹⁷BNC²⁴²⁵³iWeb²⁸⁴⁶³Economist¹⁷⁵⁶⁰

an insufficient quantity or number来自拉丁语paucus,少的,小的,来自PIE*pau-ko,来自*pau,少的,小的,词源同few,poor.引申词义贫穷,贫乏。GRE红宝书读: 跑city, 在全城跑, 要饭的-缺乏
音:破 + city 城市;破city,这破城市,什么都没有,什么都缺
钱博士pauc少+ityS.名⇒缺乏,少数,少量GRE难词记忆paucity→pauc=few 很少的+ity→少pauc少+ityS.名⇒缺乏,少数,少量词根记忆pauc少+ ity ⇒少量近义词 lack缺乏dearth缺乏rarity稀有drought干旱poverty贫困absence缺席scarcity缺乏rareness稀罕scantiness缺乏scarceness缺乏,稀少

用作名词Thepaucityof fruit was caused by the drought.水果缺乏是由于干旱造成的。
The results are often unsatisfactory because of thepaucityof cells.因细胞稀少,结果常令人不满意。noun.lack, scarcity
同义词 dearth,insufficiency,smallnessabsence,deficiency,famine,fewness,meagerness,paltriness,poverty,rarity,scantiness,scarceness,shortage,slenderness,slightness,sparseness,sparsityinsufficience
反义词 sufficiency,abundance,enough,plentyaffluence
dearthnoun insufficiency, scarcity
absence,default,defect,deficiency,exiguousness,famine,inadequacy,infrequency,lack,meagerness,miss,need,poverty,privation,rareness,scantiness,scantness,shortage,slim pickings,sparsity,uncommonness,want
deficienciesnoun imperfection, inadequacy
absences,bugs,dearths,defalcations,defaults,defects,deficits,demerits,derelictions,failings,failures,faults,flaws,frailties,glitches,inability to hack its,insufficiences,insufficiencies,lacks,losses,needs,neglect,paucities,privations,scantiness,scarcities,shortages,shortcomings,sins,want,weaknesses
deficiencynoun imperfection, inadequacy
absence,bug,dearth,defalcation,default,defect,deficit,demerit,dereliction,failing,failure,fault,flaw,frailty,glitch,inability to hack it,insufficience,insufficiency,lack,loss,need,neglect,paucity,privation,scantiness,scarcity,shortage,shortcoming,sin,want,weakness
deficitnoun shortage of something needed, required
arrears,dead horse,defalcation,default,deficiency,due bill,dues,in hock,in the hole,in the red,inadequacy,insufficience,insufficiency,lack,loss,paucity,red ink,scantiness,shortcoming,shortfall,underage
deficitsnoun shortage of something needed, required
arrears,dead horses,defalcations,defaults,deficiencies,due bills,dues,in hocks,in the holes,in the reds,inadequacies,insufficiences,insufficiencies,lacks,losses,paucities,red inks,scantiness,shortcomings,shortfalls,underages
faminenoun hunger
dearth,destitution,drought,misery,paucity,poverty,scarcity,starvation,want For all we know the next such wave may come from energy- hungry, socially divisive businesses, given the paucity of evidence Mr Porter offers to support his thesis.
鉴于波特先生的论文中缺少支持他的论据,我们或许可以认为下一波这样的浪潮或许来自能源需求造成社会分化的企业。 ecocn

On April24th Pascal Lamy, head of the WTO, attributed the administration’s paucity of public comment about Doha to a need to work out its own strategy.
4月24日,世贸组织总干事帕斯卡尔•拉米指出,美国政府目前缺乏关于多哈回合谈判的公众意见,故必须尽快制定出相应的策略。 ecocn

One of the roadblocks to understanding the molecular basis of hearing is the paucity of hair cells available for study, Heller said.
赫勒声称,由于用于研究的毛细胞数量稀缺,从而阻碍了他们进一步了解听觉的分子基础。 yeeyan

The paucity of data has meant that rebound has been ignored in most of the academic work done around climate change.
数据的缺乏已经告诉我们,在多数围绕气候变化进行的学术工作中,回弹效应被忽视了很久。 iciba

A less obvious lesson is that early in the Depression it was not clear how bad things were going to get— or, given the paucity of economic data, even how bad they were.
一个较不明显的教训是,大萧条早期,人们对情况能到多糟都没有清楚的认识,或者是由于缺少经济数据,他们对所处困境也不甚了解。 ecocn

According to Mr Wolfers, the correlation was unclear in the past because of a paucity of data.
根据沃尔弗斯先生的说法,以前这种联系不明显是因为缺乏资料。 ecocn

AI is usually used for crossbreeding with imported germplasm rather than for superior local genetics, due to the paucity of animal identification, recording and evaluation programmes.
由于缺乏动物识别、记录和评价计划,因而人工授精技术通常用于与进口种质资源的杂交,而并非当地的优良遗传资源。 fao

Another reason for the paucity of data is the lack of disease surveillance in endemic countries.
缺乏数据的另外一个原因是,疾病流行国家缺乏疾病监测。 who

Be worried instead by the paucity of structural reforms
相反,应担心结构性改革的缺乏 ecocn

But the paucity of European institutions and the ubiquity of American ones at the top of international league tables are a constant reminder of the gap between glorious past and mediocre present.
然而在国际比赛名次表上,欧洲学院的缺乏以及美国学院的普遍提醒了其辉煌过去和平庸现在的差异。 ecocn

But, in the event, they showed a clear recognition that the paucity of black managers has become an embarrassing anomaly that needs radical attention.
但在调查中,他们明确认可了这一事实:黑人教练的缺乏已成为需要从根本上注意的令人尴尬的异常情况。 yeeyan

Given the paucity of accurate data in China, this would be extremely valuable.
在中国提供出缺乏的精确数据,将会是极其具有价值的。 ecocn

Grappling with these and other questions have been hindered by a paucity of data.
这些及其他问题的解决都因为缺乏数据而收到阻碍。 yeeyan

In fact, if the paucity of database connections or the laggardly response of your database server is systemic, embedding one or more reverse proxies could beget widespread gain.
实际上,如果数据库连接较少或者数据库服务器的响应速度较慢是整体性的,则嵌入一个或多个反向代理可以广泛获益。 ibm

Many of the male respondents to the site's survey tried to justify the paucity of their underwear provision.
接受网站调查的许多男性受访者试图对他们缺乏内裤自圆其说。 yeeyan

Overall, the researchers say they were dismayed with the paucity and weakness of the existing evidence.
最后,研究者们提到他们为现有证据的缺乏和薄弱而感到沮丧。 yeeyan

This well- written and well-researched book struggles to concentrate upon its subject, constantly going off on interesting tangents instead, because of the sheer paucity of information about her.
这本传记文笔流畅、调查充分,致力于围绕其主题,有时会转而聊些有趣的话题,因为实在是缺乏有关她的资料。 yeeyan

This is all quite funny in a dark sort of way, but what it also throws up is the less amusing issue of the paucity of help for parents of teenagers, not just in Nebraska but in Britain too.
这真是黑色幽默,但是同样浪费的就是,对青少年父母的帮助的缺乏,这一点不那么好笑了,不光是在内布拉斯加,在英国也一样。 yeeyan

Traditionally believed to be the site of King David's palace, it is a major tourist draw despite a paucity of evidence that he built there.
这里在传统上被认为是大卫宫殿的所在地,尽管缺乏相关证据,但前来参观的游人仍是络绎不绝。 yeeyan

Yet there has been very little research into this subject, in part because of the paucity of data.
但目前人们对此问题的研究还很不够,部分原因是数据太少。 ecocn




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