

单词 patrol boat
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a vessel assigned to patrol an area近义词 patrol ship巡逻船
Thepatrol boatwas ordered to stand by the sinking ship.巡逻艇奉命留在那快要沉没的船只附近,以便进行救助。 The Type62 was considered a heavily armed100- ton class patrol boat during that period of time.
在那段时期62型被公认是一种重装备100-吨级巡逻艇。 globalmil

During the sea battle, a South Korean patrol boat hit by a North Korean patrol boat sank as it was being towed back.
在这次海战中,有一艘南韩巡逻艇遭北韩巡逻艇击中,在拖引返航途中沉没。 jukuu

For six years from2002, it tried to persuade Timor-Leste to join its Pacific Patrol Boat Programme, in which Australian ships patrol the seas of South Pacific countries on their behalf.
自2002年起六年时间里,澳大利亚尝试劝说东帝汶加入他们的太平洋巡逻艇计划,即澳大利亚船只代表南太平洋国家巡视相关海域。 ecocn

His instructions to the passengers were clear: “ No one talk, no nothing, ” Mestas said. “ Because the patrol boat is the one that was killing people.”
他对乘客明确表示:“没有人,什么都没有”, Mestas说,“因为这个巡逻艇的上的人会杀人” 。 yeeyan

Last month, a Malaysian police patrol boat fired warning shots before arresting three Indonesian maritime officers.
就在上个月,一艘马来西亚巡逻艇未经开火警告就逮捕了3名印尼海事官员。 yeeyan

North Korea's statement gave no details about the damage its patrol boat suffered.
朝鲜的报道没有提供巡逻艇受损的具体情况。 bbs.yule.iciba.com

One dead, two missing after S. Korea patrol boat sinks.
韩国巡逻艇下沉,一人死亡,两人失踪。 aitrans

The North's patrol boat crossed the disputed western sea border this morning, drawing warning shots from a South Korean navy vessel, the statement said.
该声明称,朝鲜的巡逻艇今天早上穿过了备受争议的西部海域,招来韩国海军舰艇的鸣枪警告。 yeeyan

They were detained on the Japanese ship, grabbing headlines worldwide, until an Australian patrol boat returned them to their own ship three days later.
他们被扣留在日本船上,成为全世界的头条,直到三天后澳大利亚的一艘巡逻艇把他们送回到自己的船上。 topsage

When a patrol boat got the hungry and shivering dog, they found no identification on her other than a brown collar.
当一艘巡逻艇救起这只饥饿浑身发抖的狗时,他们除了一条棕色的颈圈之外再也没有发现别的身份标识。 yeeyan

With consent of relevant countries along the river, the Chinese police patrol boat escorted them for the entire return trip.
经流域有关国家同意,中国公安巡逻艇全程护送船队返航。 www.fmprc.gov.cn




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