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词汇 patroclus
释义 patroclus

Greek mythology a friend of Achilles who was killed in the Trojan War; his death led Achilles to return to the fight after his quarrel with AgamemnonPatroclus and Daphne hesitated, but they were hungry, too.普特洛克勒斯和达芙妮犹豫了,不过他们也饿了。
Patroclus is killed, and as a result Achilles is filled with fury and remorse.普特洛克勒斯牺牲了,使阿基里斯充满了愤怒和自责。
Patroclus came home, and they told him, and he sat down and lamented with them.普特洛克勒斯回来了,他们把事情告诉他,他也坐下来和母子俩一同大哭。
One morning Patroclus and AEneas were out in the field digging potatoes, for new potatoes were just in the market.一天早晨,普特洛克勒斯和爱涅阿斯一起去地里刨土豆,这时候正好该新土豆上市了。 Achilles, at the news, felt regretted but only agreed that Patroclus could lead their army to the field and lend him his armor.
阿喀琉斯听说后后悔莫及,但是他只是同意让普特洛克勒斯带部队重返战场,并把自己的盔甲借给他。 joyen

Arriving at Nestor's tent, Patroclus saw Machaon and many others wounded.
一来到内斯特的营帐,普特洛克勒斯就看到玛卡翁和其他人都受伤了。 joyen

His friend, Patroclus, borrowed his armour and went out to change the situation of war, but was killed by Hector, the eldest son of Priam.
阿基里斯的朋友,普特洛克勒斯借走了他的盔甲以扭转战局。 很不幸,他死在了皮安姆的大儿子海克特的手下。 ebigear

Patroclus forgot what Achilles had advised him, and came too near to Hector, and was recognized.
普特洛克勒斯忘记了阿喀琉斯的嘱咐,他离赫克托耳太近了,结果被认了出来。 joyen




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