

单词 patrimony
释义 pat·ri·mo·ny 英ˈpætrəˌməʊniː美ˈpætrəˌmoniAHDpătʹrə-mō'nē ☆☆☆☆☆高四G宝COCA³⁷⁵¹²BNC²⁷⁴²¹iWeb³³⁰⁶²Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

a church endowmentan inheritance coming by right of birth especially by primogeniturepatri-,父亲,-mony,名词后缀。引申词义父亲留下的财产,祖传遗产,文物。钱博士patr父亲+i连接字母+mony名词后缀,表与法律地位及职责相关的事物→父亲传下来,可依法继承的东西⇒遗产,继承物,世袭财产
GRE红宝书patri父亲 + money,父亲的钱,财产;patr, p=ph=f, father词根记忆patri父亲+ mony东西⇒父亲留下的东西→祖传财产词根记忆patri+mony状态或物质=父亲留下的物品=遗产近义词 birthright生来就有的权利…

用作名词His grandfather left thepatrimonyto him.他的祖父把祖传的财物留给了他.
This farm is part of mypatrimony.这个农场是我父亲遗产的一部分。noun.inheritance
同义词 ancestry,endowment,estate,heritage,legacybequeathal
birthrightnoun heritage
estatenoun person's possessions, property, wealth
assets,belongings,bequest,capital,chattels,devise,earthly possessions,effects,endowment,fortune,goods,heritage,inheritance,legacy,patrimony,substance
heirloomnoun something inherited, often antique
heirloomsnoun something inherited, often antique
heritagenoun person's background, tradition
ancestry,bequest,birthright,convention,culture,custom,dowry,endowment,estate,fashion,heirship,heritance,inheritance,legacy,lot,patrimony,portion,right,share,tradition As guardian of a unique national environmental patrimony and a leader in renewable fuels, Brazil is an important partner in confronting global climate change and promoting energy security.
作为一个独特的国家环境遗产的监护者和可再生燃料的领导者,巴西在面对全球气候变化和促进能源安全上是一个重要的合作伙伴。 yeeyan

Blanca Alva, the INC official in charge of defending the national patrimony, says that even worse than the loss of an individual piece is the destruction of an entire site to get just one gold object.
INC负责保卫国家遗产的官员 Blanca Alva说,比单件文物更糟的是为了得到一件值钱文物而对整个遗址造成的毁灭。 ecocn

Celibacy was vital in the battle against corruption and rent-seeking within the church, both of which were the typical consequences of patrimony.
鉴于教会敛财有方,内部腐败与寻租现象应运而生,而僧侣的独身制度对此能起到至关重要的抑制作用。 ecocn

Declared Patrimony of Humanity in 1993 by UNESCO.
1993年被联合国教科文组织宣布为世界人类遗产。 cnnas

If passed in its current form, it will allow Iraq's weak, American- backed government to flog the national patrimony on the cheap, by signing unduly generous contracts with foreign oil firms.
该法律如果得以通过,由美国支持的本国软弱政府将会与国外石油公司签订一系列慷慨的合同,届时伊拉克的国家遗产将会被败个干干净净。 ecocn

In a chapter called “ Whose culture is it, anyway?” Mr Appiah lays bare the illogicality of many cultural patrimony claims.
在“究竟是谁的文化”一章中阿皮亚先生清楚地写明了许多文化遗产学说中的矛盾。 ecocn

IN MANY European countries, dwindling Christian flocks can barely cope with the patrimony they have inherited, from steeples to statues.
在许多欧洲国家,逐渐减少的嫉妒基督教信徒们一直不能够很好地处理所继承的教会财产,例如教堂尖顶和雕像。 ecocn

Indeed, the painting, begun in1503, seemed—and still seems— somehow French, having entered the national patrimony around1516, when Francis I invited Leonardo to his palace at Amboise.
的确, 自1503年以来,从某种程度上看,这幅绘画看上去,现在仍然看起来,像是法国艺术。大约1516年,拂郎西斯一世邀请达芬奇到他安波西( Amboise) 的行宫时,这幅绘画成为了法国国家遗产。 yeeyan

Moresco moved back to his old neighborhood and started writing as a way to explore the pain and the patrimony of Hell's Kitchen.
于是他搬回老家,开始从事写作,借此来探索地狱厨房世代相承的不幸。 yeeyan

Much of the patrimony is managed by a foundation and, in return for tax breaks, belongs by law to the nation and cannot be sold.
大部分祖产都由一个基金会管理以换取所得税宽减,这一部分都由法定属于国家,不能变卖。 yeeyan

Natural resources are seen by many as a national patrimony, meaning all profits should be shared.
自然资源被许多人看做是国家的财产,这意味着来自他们的所有利润都应该被大家分享。 ecocn

Recoverable pecuniary damage is a diminution of the victim's patrimony caused by the damaging event.
可回复的财产损害指受害人在损害事件中遭受的财物的减少。 www.civillaw.com.cn

There is now a drive for changing the Constitution and removing provisions that protect the national patrimony and economy.
当前存在着一个修改宪法并去除国家遗产与经济保护的驱力。 iciba

They are consumed with hatred against the Jews who, they believe, have deprived them of their patrimony.
他们认定是犹太人霸占了他们的家园,夺走了他们的财产,对犹太人恨之入骨。 yeeyan

To assuage such concerns, Ecuador’s patrimony minister, María Fernanda Espinosa, will travel to Germany next week.
为了消除这种顾虑,厄瓜多尔继任部长, María Fernanda Espinosa将在下周飞往德国。 ecocn

We give today to the National Institute of Culture a group of objects which belong to the cultural patrimony of all Peruvians.
今天,我们把一批文物移交给国家文化研究所,这是所有秘鲁人的文化遗产。 kekenet




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