

单词 pato
释义 pato 英'pɑːtəʊ美'pɑːtoʊ COCA¹⁶⁶³⁶⁸BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
Neural Net Gabriel Pato, a Brazilian biologist, carries on his body the principle that the brain is a network.
巴西生物学家加布里埃尔·帕托 Gabriel Pato以自己的身体诠释了大脑即网络的原理。 yeeyan

“ Ibra and Pato must play for the best together and remain concentrated,” he concluded.
“伊布和帕托必须一起努力踢好并保持专注。”他最后说。 yeeyan

AC Milan attacker Alexandre Pato is brimming with confidence ahead of his side's Serie A match away against Napoli on Sunday and targets victory at Stadio San Paolo.
AC米兰前锋亚历山大帕托对于即将到来的星期天在圣保罗球场与那不勒斯的对决充满了信心,目标是胜利。 yeeyan

Brazilian Alexandre Pato is yet to decide where his future lies.
巴西人亚历山大-帕托还没有决定自己的未来。 iciba

Eighteen-year-old Pato, who has been hailed as Milan's bright new hope, said experienced players like28-year-old Ronaldinho would help steady the nerves.
被誉为米兰“希望之星”的18岁小将帕托说,经验丰富的队员能稳定全队的情绪,比如28岁的“小罗”。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

However, compatriots Alexandre Pato and Diego have offered their support to him at this difficult moment.
然而他的同胞帕托和迭戈在他现在的困难期给予了他很大的支持。 bbs3.acmilan.com.cn

Ma also enlists help from friends who are less mainstream such as the green-haired Galician bagpiper Cristina Pato and mandolin player Chris Thiele.
马也得到了一些非主流朋友的帮助,诸如绿发的加利西亚风笛手斯蒂娜帕托和曼陀林琴手克里斯蒂勒。 yeeyan

Milan join Inter in the second tier of seeds at tomorrow's draw, but despite Alexandre Pato's emergence and the arrival of Klaas- Jan Huntelaar they may not carry all that much of a threat.
米兰和国米在明天的抽签中同属第一档种子队,但仅仅依靠亚历山大·帕托的优异表现和克拉斯·扬·亨特拉尔的加盟还不足以让他们带来太大的威胁。 yeeyan

Reports suggested there was a power struggle between Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Alexandre Pato, with some critics claiming they cannot play as a unit.
有消息称,伊布和帕托之间正发生着些什么。一些评论家也认为他俩根本无法形成一股合力。 yeeyan

Such an exhausted Dong Hae smiled like a pato in the funeral when reporters came to take photos of him.
这样疲惫的东海,却在记者到达葬礼现场拍照的时候,笑得像一个傻瓜一样。 blog.sina.com.cn

When asked if he would be making bids for Milan's forward Pato or the Italian midfielder Andrea Pirlo, Ancelotti remained uncommitted.
被问到是否有意收购 AC米兰的前锋帕托或意大利中场球员皮尔洛时,安切洛蒂没有给出明确的答复。 yeeyan

Pato is very good, he's fast, quick, and well- coordinated. I think he has what it takes to be a great player.
帕托非常棒,速度快,反应快,团队合作能力强。我认为他将成为伟大的球员。 mcfc2006

Pato-6.5: A frustrating evening for the Brazilian, who was in and out of the match.
帕托-6.5分:对于帕托来说是一个令人沮丧的夜晚,他没能完全进入到比赛之中。 zhibo8




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