

单词 patois
释义 pat·ois 英ˈpætˌwɑː, pæˈtwɑː美ˈpætˌwɑ, pæˈtwɑAHDpătʹwä', pă-twäʹ ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁵⁹⁵⁹⁴BNC²²⁸²⁶iWeb⁴⁵⁷⁴⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a characteristic language of a particular group as among thieves;

they don't speak our lingo

a regional dialect of a language especially French; usually considered substandard来自中古法语patois,方言。来自古法语patois,粗鲁的语言。来自pate,脚掌,脚底板,词源同pad, path。-ois,表语言。比喻用法。 patois来自中古法语patois,方言。来自古法语patois,粗鲁的语言。来自pate,脚掌,脚底板,词源同pad, path。-ois,表语言。比喻用法。 patois来自中古法语patois,方言。来自古法语patois,粗鲁的语言。来自pate,脚掌,脚底板,词源同pad, path。-ois,表语言。比喻用法。 pate词源不详,可能缩写自古法语patene。来自拉丁语patina,盘子,词源同pan, patella。来自法语pate。来自古法语paste,面团,面饼。引申词义肉酱。 pad可能来自低地德语pad,脚掌。来自原始印欧语*pent,踩,踏,词源同path, foot。后引申词义软垫,垫子,便笺本,以及俚语直升机停机坪等。可能来自拟声词,模仿蹚水的吧唧声。 path来自古英语path,小路,小径。来自原始日耳曼语*pathaz。来自原始印欧语*pent,走,经过,踩踏,词源同find, pons。可能进一步来自原始印欧语*pete,展开。来自原始印欧语*ped,脚,词源同foot, pedestal。近义词 cant倾斜lingo语言slang俚语argot隐语idiom成语speech演说jargon行话dialect方言language语言vocabulary词汇patter急速拍打声vernacularC本地话…

用作名词He speaks the localpatois.他会说当地方言。
Although I can't understand the localpatois,I love my hometown very much.虽然我听不懂方言noun.jargon
同义词 argot,dialect,idiom,lingo,slang,vernacularcant
反义词 standard
argotnoun jargon
cantnoun jargon
dialectnoun local speech
dialectsnoun local speech
idiomnoun manner of speaking, turn of phrase
argot,colloquialism,dialect,expression,idiosyncrasy,jargon,language,lingo,localism,locution,parlance,patois,phrase,provincialism,set phrase,street talk,style,talk,tongue,usage,vernacular,vernacularism,word
idiomsnoun manner of speaking, turn of phrase
argot,colloquialisms,dialects,expressions,idiosyncrasies,jargons,languages,lingos,localisms,locutions,parlance,patois,phrases,provincialisms,set phrases,street talks,styles,talks,tongues,usages,vernacularisms,vernaculars,words Tan's narrative language in the novel is a patois of Chinese and English, which displays the unique cultural identity of Chinese Americans.
语言上,谭恩美采用英语和汉语的混合体来充分体现华裔美国人的双重文化身份。 fabiao

Have you seen any Macanese Patois Drama?
你看过澳门土生葡语话剧吗? my3q

Local languages still exist alongside the Caribbean English dialect, too, but they are mostly the patois of the marketplace and home.
当地的语言也仍然和加勒比海式英语方言并存着,但它们大都是在市场和家里所用的土话。 hjenglish

Most Venetians speak the lilting patois, though Luppi acknowledges that over time Italian has increasingly encroached on the local idiom.
大多数威尼斯人都在使用这种轻快活泼的语言,但鲁皮也承认,随着时间的流逝,意大利语正不断蚕食着当地用语。 beiwaionline

Of course, a great many also speak the Windows vernacular, although most are versed only in Windows' point- and- click patois.
当然,也有不少人说 Windows术语,尽管大多数人只掌握“指向和单击” 这样的简单词汇。 ibm

Some worry, however, that the island's unique patois known as Singlish could be lost, and with it an important cultural glue unifying the multiethnic, multi- religious city- state of5.1 million people.
有些人担心,当地独特的方言土语,人称“新”式英语的语言会消失。 这种语言是重要的文化粘合剂,把这个多种种族、多种宗教信仰的城市国家的五百一十万人民联合起来。 yeeyan

The Macanese Patois was based on Portuguese and absorbed a lot of “ borrowed words” during the process of its development. This included Cantonese, Malay, Indonesian, Indian and English words.
澳门土生葡语其中以葡萄牙语为基础,在发展过程中则吸收了不少“借用词”,包括粤语、马来语、印尼语、印度语和英语等语言的词语。 kekenet

The generation of the Macanese Patois played an important role in the development of the languages of Macao.
这种语言的产生在澳门语言发展的进程中留下了重要的印迹。 kekenet

These are the town’s taxi- drivers—okada riders, in the local patois— waiting for a fare.
这些都是城市正在等着旅客的出租车司机——用当地的行话说,他们都是欧卡达骑士。 ecocn

This language, which is wholly false, which is this Jamaican patois that has intruded in England.
这种语言最初是一种牙买加黑话,后面传入英国,这些语言完全就是垃圾。 ecocn




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