

单词 patiently
释义 pa·tient·ly 英'peɪʃntli美'peɪʃntli 高COCA¹¹⁸⁶²BNC¹⁰¹⁹⁷iWeb¹¹⁶⁷⁹Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

with patience; in a patient manner;

he patiently played with the child

近义词 with patience耐心地反义词 impatiently不耐烦地

用作副词He answered my questionspatiently.他耐心地回答我的问题。
The reporter waspatientlydigging for facts.这名记者正在耐心地搜寻事实。adv.suffering without complaint
同义词 bravely,calmly,meekly,quietlydispassionately,enduringly,forbearingly,impassively,imperturbably,resignedly,submissively,tolerantlyadv.continuing without impatience
同义词 firmly,steadilyunabatingly
faithfullyadverb always
mildlyadverb gently
quietlyadverb calmly
patiently,placidly,serenely,unassumingly And she stares into my eyes, patiently waiting and anticipating the advice I’m about to dispense.
她盯着我的眼睛,耐心地等待着、期望着我可能马上提出的一些建议。 yeeyan

Talk to him patiently to bring him round.

After networking, sending resumes, and waiting patiently by the phone, all your hard work has paid off with an invitation to interview.
上网、发简历、在电话前的耐心等待之后,所有这些努力工作都因为一场面试有了回报。 eol

But is this something that you will sit there patiently, waiting for, within unknowing?

But this seemed to backfire, as Locke patiently explained that he was simply abiding by the rules that apply to all US government personnel of his rank.
但骆的回答却未如他意,骆耐心的解释他的所作所为只是遵守美国的规则,这个规则对他这样级别的美国官员都适用。 yeeyan

Enabling GZIP encoding in your SOAP environment lets you take advantage of compression today, while patiently waiting for the integration into our favorite implementations.
目前,在 SOAP环境中支持 GZIP编码将允许您利用压缩,同时您可以耐心地等待把集成加入到我们需要的实现中。 ibm

Every day he queues patiently at the bus stop.
他每天都耐心地在公共汽车站排队. hxen

For example, the business process could be patiently waiting for a manager to approve a travel request.
例如,业务流程可能需要耐心地等待管理人员批准一项旅行请求。 ibm

Go to the sofa, then, and Ellen shall bring you some tea, answered his uncle patiently.
“那么,到沙发上去吧,艾伦会给你端茶去的,”他的舅舅耐心地回答。 putclub

He has patiently compiled the information, shared it with colleagues from all around the world, and built an increasingly clear picture of warming oceans.
他们一直耐心地编制信息,与来自世界各地的同事共享它,并越来越清楚地表明了海洋在变暖。 yeeyan

He reeled out his finshing line and waited patiently.

I almost always aced my exams and brought home A's at the end of the year, the result of hours of diligent study, often with my father by my side, patiently tutoring me.
我的考试成绩几乎门门优秀,每到年末,我带回家的成绩单上都是A,这是我长时间勤奋学习的硕果。在我学习时,爸爸经常会在我身边,耐心地指导我。 yeeyan

I learned to look for divine guidance in life and wait patiently.
我学会了在生活中去寻求神的指引并耐心地等待。 yeeyan

I waited patiently for Adams to do whatever he thought was necessary.
我耐心得等待着亚当斯,让他去做他认为必要的事情。 yeeyan

I waited patiently until he stared directly at me.
我耐心地等待着,直到它终于直直地盯住我为止。 yeeyan

Nearby a mother is patiently helping her six-year-old identify where each of a string of multi- cultural Barbies in national dress come from.
不远处一位妈妈正耐心地帮助她六岁的女儿认出一串穿着民族服饰的多元文化的芭比是从哪来的。 yeeyan

No one succeeds over night; success belongs to those who are willing to start small and patiently work until their jug is filled.
没有人会一夜成功,成功属于那些愿意从渺小开始并耐心工作直到水壶被灌满的人。 yeeyan

She listens patiently.
她耐心地听着。 yeeyan

The government should switch from campaigns, like patiently explaining annual percentage rate on loans, to shock tactics, he says.
他说政府应该从运动转变到震惊策略上,比如耐心地解释每年的贷款率。 yeeyan

The officers listen patiently to the foreigners' story, but they do not seem surprised.
警官很耐心地听了这名外国朋友的陈诉,但似乎见怪不怪。 yeeyan

They were simply not a minority, he explained patiently. They were “ part of the majority in an unquestionable way”.
他十分耐心的解释道,库尔德人不是少数民族,而是“大多数人中的一部分”这是不可辩驳的。 ecocn

They patiently listened to my anecdotes.
他们耐心地倾听我的经历。 yeeyan

Whenever we have trouble with our studies, our teachers help us patiently.




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