

单词 pathophysiologic
释义 path·o·phys·i·o·log·ic 英pæθəfɪzɪə'lɒdʒɪk美pæθəfɪzɪə'lɒdʒɪk COCA¹⁵⁹³³⁵iWeb⁵¹²⁸¹
A common pathophysiologic feature of affected areas is the presence of thermoregulatory vessels.
这些受累部位的共同病理生理特征是存在温度调节性血管。 www.91sqs.com

The atherosclerotic arterial stenosis constitutes one of the major pathophysiologic bases of brain infarction.
粥样硬化性动脉狭窄是脑梗死的主要病理生理基础。 chemyq

As an important factor in the pathophysiologic mechanisms of ischemic cerebrovascular disease, the changes of cerebral hemodynamics have received attention.
作为缺血性脑血管病病理生理学机制中的一个重要因素,脑血流动力学状态改变已经引起人们的重视。 chemyq

ConclusionET and CGRP participate in the pathophysiologic process of chronic hepatitis B.
结论 ET和 CGRP相互作用,共同参与了慢性乙型肝炎的病理生理过程。 cnki

Down- regulated activity and absolute or relative absence of growth factors and their receptors in diabetic foot ulcer is the pathophysiologic basis of wound hard to heal.
溃疡创面局部生长因子及受体活性下降和数量的绝对或相对缺乏是其难以愈合的病理生理基础。 cnki

In this article, we discuss the epidemiologic evidence and pathophysiologic mechanisms of the influence of social psychic factor on coronary heart diseases.
本文就社会心理因素对冠心病影响的流行病学证据及病理生理机制简要综述。 cnki

Ischemic cerebral injury is a very complicated pathophysiologic process and is a result of joint action of multiple mechanisms.
缺血性脑损伤是极为复杂的病理生理过程,是多种机制共同作用的结果。 cnki

Objective To investigate the changes of plasma lysophospholipidLPL in patients with brain hemorrhageBH and cerebral infarctionCI and explore the pathophysiologic mechanism of the disease.
目的观察脑出血与脑梗死病人血浆溶血磷脂分子含量变化的特点,探究其病理生理机制。 caesv

Opioid peptides and their receptors play an important role in the pathophysiologic process of stroke.
阿片肽及其受体系统在缺血性脑卒中的病理生理发展过程中具有非常重要的作用。 chemyq

Other pathophysiologic abnormalities result from excessive salt and water loss.
其他病理生理异常是水盐过渡丢失引起的。 renren

Precise underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms implicated also remain debated as are the etiologies and consequences of neuropathy in this population.
正如这种神经病变在该人群的病因和后果一样精确的潜在的涉及的病理生理机制仍具有争论。 dxy

The preliminary results suggest that VIP may be involved in the pathophysiologic procedures of cerebral ischemia and RSM may attenuate the dysfunction of VIP during cerebral ischemia.
实验结果提示 VIP参与了脑缺血的病理生理过程,丹参可能具有缓解脑缺血后 VIP紊乱的作用。 iciba

The movement of soft palate was affected by the variations of elastic modulus under different pathophysiologic conditions.
不同病理生理状态下,软腭弹性模量的变化对其运动姿态有影响。 mechanobiology

Therefore, it is the most important project of the clinical to study pathophysiologic mechanisms of ischemia cerebrovascular disease and find the suitable treatment method.
因此,研究缺血性脑血管病的病理生理机制,寻找适当的治疗措施一直是临床上的重要课题之一。 cnki

These suggested that AVP was involved in the pathophysiologic process of acute ischemic brain edema.
提示 AVP参与了急性缺血性脑水肿的病理生理过程。 cnki

These methods were significance to study diagnosis, classify, treatment, prognosis of RVO, they could also help to define pathophysiologic changes.
这些技术的应用,对视网膜静脉阻塞的诊断、分型、治疗、预后和进一步明确其病理生理改变等均有重要意义。 chemyq

This probably provides the pathophysiologic basis of the relationship between of the decreased PLT, increased MPV and PDW and CI pathogenetic conditions.
这可能为 PLT减少、 MPV及 PDW增大与脑梗塞病情相关的病理生理学基础。 www.1x1y.com.cn




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