

单词 pathfinders
释义 pathfinders ˈpɑ:θfaindəz COCA¹⁰⁰¹⁸⁸BNC³¹⁸⁴⁷
n.探险者;开创者pathfinder的名词复数原型pathfinder的复数 Antarctica, the loneliest continent on the earth. Only footprint of pathfinders left on its never melting ice &snow, Jerry Sheppard is one of the pathfinders.
南极,是地球上最孤单的大陆,它常年不化的冰雪上仅留下了探险者的足迹。 blog.sina.com.cn

Best wishes to the success of the Green Pathfinders Forum!
预祝平步青云环保讲坛圆满成功! gpaction

Both the math pathfinders bathed in the bathtub.
数学探险者开创者们都在浴缸中沐浴。 www.97yjs.com

The climbing pathfinders call this splendor at such high attitude 'the Largest Park on the High Mountain'.
登山探路者把在如此高的山上看到的这种现象叫做“高山上的大公园”。 kekenet

The pathfinders were specially trained to find and mark the drop zones.
这些伞降信号员都经过特别训练,擅长寻找、标识着落区域。 jukuu

This indicates that the Green Pathfinders Forum had a good start and a strong appeal for the university students and budding green group leaders.
这个结论令人鼓舞,平步青云论坛有个好开始,成功吸引大学生的兴趣和参与, 踏出重要的一步。 gpaction




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