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词汇 path
释义 path. pɑːθ


pathway; a track or way made by people walking over the ground


a line along which sth moves; a way

a course of conduct;

the path of virtue

we went our separate ways

our paths in life led us apart

genius usually follows a revolutionary path

a way especially designed for a particular usean established line of travel or accessa line or route along which something travels or moves;

the hurricane demolished houses in its path

the track of an animal

the course of the river

path, road, route, track, way




The roads were blocked with crowds of people. 道路被人群挤得水泄不通。

Houses in this area have all appreciated in value since the new road was built.新路建好之后这一地区的房子都增值了。
He advocated building more good roads.他主张修筑更多的好公路。
We have been advised that the roads are too icy for the trip.有人告诉我们路太滑不好走。


They barred the way and we couldn't go any farther.他们挡住了路,我们不能再往前走。
On our way to the peak, a fierce storm suddenly blew up.在爬向顶峰时,突然刮起猛烈的大风。
The land has appreciated greatly since the new railway was built.自新铁路建成后,这片地的价值大为增加。


They returned by the same route.他们从原路返回。
They decided on the route they were to take.他们决定了要走的路线。
The plane did not fly the usual commercial route.飞机没有沿通常的商业航线飞。


They are laying the tracks for a new railway.他们正在为铁路铺新轨。
The locomotive ran off the track and the cars overturned.机车出了轨,车厢翻了。path,road,way,street,highway,avenue,motorway,route,lane,pavement,trail













来自古英语path,小路,小径。来自原始日耳曼语*pathaz。来自原始印欧语*pent,走,经过,踩踏,词源同find, pons。可能进一步来自原始印欧语*pete,展开。来自原始印欧语*ped,脚,词源同foot, pedestal。 path来自古英语path,小路,小径。来自原始日耳曼语*pathaz。来自原始印欧语*pent,走,经过,踩踏,词源同find, pons。可能进一步来自原始印欧语*pete,展开。来自原始印欧语*ped,脚,词源同foot, pedestal。 find来自原始印欧语*pent,走。来自原始印欧语pod的鼻音形式,脚,词源同foot。 pons来自拉丁语pons,桥。来自原始印欧语*pent,走,践踏,踩踏。来自原始印欧语*ped,脚,词源同foot, path。 foot来自原始印欧语*ped,脚,词源同biped, pedestal。用做测量单位英尺,因约略等于成人脚长而得名。 pedestal来自意大利语piedestallo,基座,脚座。来自pie,脚,词源同foot, de,的,stallo,站立,词源同stall。后拼写通俗化。
用作名词 n.
动词+~bar a path阻碍道路beat a path踏出小道block a path堵塞小道clear a path开辟道路cross sb's path碰见某人,挡住某人的路cut out one's path开辟出小路explore every path探索各种小径extend a path延长小路find a path找到小路follow a path沿着小路走have no path of escape无路可逃keep to a path沿着路走know the path to知道到…的小路lay across the path横倒在小路上make a path开出小道open a path开辟小路pave a path铺路stand in sb's path阻挡某人走上成功之路strike out a path开辟道路take a path取小道走walk down the path沿着这条小路走形容词+~back path乡间的小路beaten path踏出来的路,常规,惯例crooked path弯曲的小路dusty path满是尘土的小路heavy path崎岖的小路impassable path无法通行的小路near path近路new path新路open path坦途river-side path河边小路rough path崎岖的小道rural path乡下的小路shady path阴凉的小路solitary path僻静的小路stony path多石的小路straight path笔直的小路tree-lined path林荫小路twisting path弯弯曲曲的小路various paths各种各样的小路名词+~bridle path不通汽车的骑马专用路country path乡间的小路dirt path泥路garden path公园小道mountain path山路zigzag path羊肠小路介词+~along the path沿小路by path由小路in a path在小路上on a path在小路上one side of a path小路的一旁~+介词the path into the park进公园的小路the path out of出…的小路path to通往…的道路path to success成功之路path to the front door通往前门的小路
用作名词n.beat a path to a place

门庭若市 the courtyard is as crowded as a marketplace

cross sb's path〔cross paths with〕

妨碍某人 hinder; impede

同音记忆我们家离学校不远,经过pass一条小路path就到了 近义词 wayroadroutetrackavenuecoursefootwaydirectionprocedure
用作名词n.The path was completely covered by the dense foliage.小路被树叶厚厚地盖了一层。
We must even the path—it's so rough.我们一定要平整这条路,路面崎岖不平。
The old man edged the path with trees.那位老人在小路边种上了树木。
The dog has fouled the path.狗弄脏了小径。
The darkness hides the path.黑暗使路看不见。
We were conducted down a narrow path by the guide.我们由向导带领沿着一条狭窄的路走。
He bent his steps from the path.他离开了这条路。
We can follow this path to the village.我们沿着小路进入村里。
We walked along the path, enjoying the glow of the rising sun.我们沿着小路行走,欣赏着色彩艳丽的朝霞。
Our lorry eased down and zigzagged along the mountain path.我们的卡车放慢了速度,沿着弯弯曲曲的山路前进。
She glanced back over the path she had come.她回头看一眼自己走过来的小路。
A truck blocked the greater part of the path, so that we couldn't get by.卡车把小路阻塞了一大半,我们无法通过。
The road finished in a narrow path.这条公路的尽头是一狭窄的小径。
He fell over a rock in his path.他在小路上被一块石头绊倒了。
We cut a path through the forest and gained the river next day.我们在林中辟出一条小路,于第二天到达河边。
There was no path through the wood and we had to force our way through the thick bushes.树林里没有小路,我们不得不在茂密的灌木丛中艰难行进。
They cut out a path through the jungle.他们在密林中开出了一条小路。
The local people had beaten out a path through the forest.当地人踩出了一条穿过森林的小道。
He has had a difficult path through life.他生活中有过一段困难的历程。
Hard work is the path to success.努力是通向成功之路。
Genghis Khan's armies destroyed everything in their path.成吉思汗的军队所过之处都被烧杀抢掠光了。
In the end he chose the path of revolution.他终于选择了革命的道路。
In becoming a doctor like his father he had really just followed the path of least resistance.他像他的父亲一样当了医生,这倒是顺理成章的事。Pby-path旁路Ptowpathn.纤路Punipath单通路Pend-path终末道Phalf-path半道路Pbypathn.小路侧道Ppathwayn.路径途径Psemipath半通路半路径Ppathbreakern.闯将开拓者Pfootpathn.步道人行道小路Ppathfindingn.领航寻找目标导航Pwarpathn.征途敌对行动敌对情绪Ppathlessa.无路的绝迹的人迹未到的Ppathfindern.探路者开拓者探索者导航人员导航飞机导航雷达Ppath-findern.探路者开拓者探索者导航人员导航飞机导航雷达



path与through连用时,表示“通往…的小路”; 与of连用时表示“…的道路”。

用作名词A bullet describes a curvedpathin the air.子弹在空中作曲线运动。
We bumped up and down along the gravelpath.我们沿砾石小路颠簸而行。
They went out for a walk on the gravelledpath.他们在碎石小径上散步。
I very much hope that this is merely a temporary phenomenon before apathcould be found for emerging Asia to move again towards and adhere to financial freedom.我衷心希望这只属暂时的现象,不久亚洲新兴市场便会重回开放金融的轨道。
The moon'spathis round the earth.月亮绕地球的轨道。
Ourpathbristles with difficulties.我们的路程困难重重。
Let me carry the lamp through the stormypath.走过暴风雨的路程吧。noun.course, way
同义词 aisle,avenue,direction,highway,lane,line,passage,pathway,procedure,rail,road,roadway,route,street,track,trail,walkwayartery,beat,boulevard,byway,crosscut,drag,footpath,groove,pass,rut,shortcut,stroll,terrace,thoroughfare,walkbeaten path
反义词 closingblockage
accessnoun admission, means of entry, approach
admittance,approach,avenue,connection,contact,course,door,entrance,entree,entry,entrée,in,ingress,introduction,key,open arms,open door,passage,road,route,way
aislenoun passageway dividing something
aislesnoun passageway dividing something
alleynoun narrow passage
alleyway,back street,lane,passageway,path,pathway,walk
approachnoun way, means of arriving
access,accession,advance,advent,avenue,coming,drawing near,entrance,gate,landing,nearing,passage,path,reaching,road,way
approachesnoun way, means of arriving
attitudes,concepts,courses,cracks,flings,go,ideas,licks,manners,means,methods,modes,modus operandis,new wrinkles,offers,procedures,programs,shots,stabs,styles,techniques,ways,whacks,wrinkles But what Einstein tells us is that path you take through space and time can dramatically affect the time that you feel elapsing.
但是爱因斯坦告诉我们的是你通过空间和时间的途径能够戏剧性地影响你感觉在流逝的时间。 yeeyan

Dangers lurk in the path of wilderness.

Each of us seeks our own path to bliss.
我们每个人都在寻求自己的幸福之路。 ebigear

Grant me your confidence, for your path is also my path.
给我你们的信任,因为你们的路也就是我的路。 yeeyan

He tooled skillfully along the path.

How could there be one path to happiness for all people?
对所有人来讲怎么能只有一条通向快乐的路径呢? yeeyan

I can be an emotional compass that points them down the path.

I think they have to have a path.
我认为他们必须有一个路径。 yeeyan

If we follow the path of returning to sanity, they will wither.
如果我们遵循回归理智的道路,基地组织就会枯萎。 yeeyan

It describes one specific path through the flow of events.
它描述了一个贯穿事件流的特殊路径。 ibm

It will continue on this path driven by globalization and specialization.
它将继续行进在由全球化和专业化驱动的道路上。 ibm

Like all of you, I pray that the peoples of the region choose the path less travelled, the path of liberty.
就像你们所有人,我祈祷这一地区的各个民族选择这一条曾经还未走过的路,自由的路。 yeeyan

On my path of light I learned that we are all one.
在我通往光明的路上,我认识到,我们是一个统一体。 yeeyan

So, any interruption to one of the access path does not affect storage access from the host.
因此,其中一条访问路径的中断不会影响从主机发起的存储访问。 ibm

The question is, if I have a conservative, or path independent vector field, why is it the gradient of something?

The path is paved with concrete slabs.

The path twists up on the mountainside.

They jumped the gate and ran on, up the path toward the sound.
它们跳过大门后沿着小路朝着那声音的来源奔去。 yeeyan

This fast path is an ideal case that can be used in some cases, but definitely not in all.
这条快速路径是一种理想的情况,它能够被应用到许多情况下,但那是并不适合所有情况。 ibm

This file must contain the path to each activation script, and ordering rules for when it executes at boot.
这个文件必须包含每个激活脚本的路径,以及在启动时它所执行的顺序规则。 ibm

This sequence of function calls shows you the path to the crash.
这个函数调用序列显示了造成崩溃的代码路径。 ibm

This path is not paved by elections alone.
这条道路不单单是靠选举来铺就。 yeeyan

This path will be easier and shorter for all of us if we take it by mutual efforts and in close rank.
如果我们共同努力,密切合作,这条道路将变得更容易和更短一些,对我们所有人都是如此。 putclub

We are all unique individuals. What may work for me may not work for you. We all have our path for living happily.
我们都是独一无二的个体,适用于我的不一定适合你,我们都有属于自己的快乐生活的路。 yeeyan

We are all unique individuals. What may work for me may not work for you. We all have our path for living happily.
我们都是独一无二的个体,适用于我的不一定适合你,我们都有属于自己的快乐生活的路。 yeeyan

What the parser fills in depends on the path it takes through the tokenizer.
解析器填入的内容取决于它通过记号赋予器所采用的路径。 ibm

You can get to any directory at all— if you have permission you need execute permission— using its absolute path name.
您完全可以到达任何目录—如果有权限的话您需要执行权限—使用它的绝对路径名。 ibm

You can set a linker search path in an executable, and there are two ways to do it.
您可以在可执行文件中设置连接器搜索路径,有两种方法可以做到这一点。 ibm

You choose your life path and experiences.

You have to give youngsters confidence and help them choose the right path in life.
你必须给那些年轻人以信心,从而帮助他们选择正确的人生道路。 yeeyan

You have to show them that despite your past career path, you are well suited for this new career.
你不得不向他们表明你对过去职业之路的憎恨,你很适合这份新的职业。 yeeyan

You will then be making circles around the other car, but when seen from above, both of you are driving forward all the time and your path will be convex.
然后你将会一直绕这辆车转,但当你从上面看下来,会发现你们两个都在向前行驶并且你们的路径都是凸形的。 yeeyan




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