

单词 patchy
释义 patch·y 英ˈpætʃiː美ˈpætʃiAHDpăchʹē ★☆☆☆☆高八GCOCA³⁴⁹⁰⁷BNC¹³⁹⁷³iWeb¹⁹³⁴⁵Economist⁵⁸⁸⁰
irregular or uneven in quality, texture, etc.;

a patchy essay

patchy fog

来自patch,补丁。即打补丁的,零散的。patchy hide有斑疤的畜皮…patchy amnesia空隙性遗忘patchy shadow絮状阴影patchy adhesion片状粘连
patch-y的⇒adj.斑驳的⁴⁴;质量不一致的;不完整的³⁸;拼凑的adj.不调和的;缝补的;拼凑成的;不匀称的;零散的;参差不齐的;补缀而成的;尽是补钉的;脾气别扭的;部分尚好的;凑合的;补钉似的近义词 sparse稀少的erratic古怪的variable可变的occasional偶然的irregular不规则的intermittent间歇的unreliable不可靠的inconsistent不一致的sporadic不定时发生的…unpredictable不可预知的

用作形容词The sun has faded the curtains so the colours are ratherpatchy.窗帘被阳光晒得褪了色, 显得斑斑驳驳。
His work is ratherpatchy.他的作品瑕瑜互见.
My knowledge of German ispatchy.我对德语一知半解.adj.spotty, not consistent
同义词 erratic,fitful,irregular,sketchy,unevenrandom,variable,varying
反义词 continuous,even,level,regular,smoothconsistent,unspotted
imperfectadjective flawed
amiss,below par,bottom-of-the-barrel,broken,damaged,defective,deficient,disfigured,dud,faulty,few bugs,garbage,immature,impaired,incomplete,inexact,injured,junk,lemon,limited,low,marred,minus,partial,rudimentary,schlocky,sick,sketchy,two-bit,undeveloped,unfinished,unsound,vicious,warped
irregularadjective random, variable
aberrant,aimless,capricious,casual,changeable,designless,desultory,disconnected,discontinuous,eccentric,erratic,faltering,fitful,fluctuating,fragmentary,haphazard,hit-or-miss,inconstant,indiscriminate,infrequent,intermittent,jerky,nonuniform,occasional,out of order,patchy,purposeless,recurrent,shaky,shifting,spasmodic,sporadic,uncertain,unconsidered,uneven,unmethodical,unpunctual,unreliable,unsettled,unsteady,unsystematic,up and down,weaving
piecemealadjective bit-by-bit
at intervals,by fits and starts,fragmentary,gradual,intermittent,interrupted,little-by-little,partial,patchy,spotty,step-by-step
speckledadjective dotted
spottedadjective speckled
spottyadjective blotchy, irregular
desultory,erratic,flickering,fluctuating,not uniform,on-again-off-again,patchy,pimply,spasmodic,sporadic,unequal,uneven The data on these differences are patchy, the study’s authors acknowledge.
该项研究的作者承认这些区别的数据是零落分散的。 yeeyan

A million people die from viral hepatitis every year, yet until now the public health response has been patchy and piecemeal, overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the problem.
每年有一百万人死于病毒性肝炎,可时至今日,公共卫生的应对活动却参差不齐,支离破碎,这与问题的严重程度不符。 who

And since gambling is a state rather than a federal issue, any legalisation of online gambling is likely to be patchy.
自从博彩更多的变成州营而不是联邦的事情的时候,任何在线博彩的合法化都看起来不可调和。 ecocn

And the program is very patchy.
并且该程序是非常不完整。 ecocn

Britain has a creditable, if patchy, record on innovation compared with other countries.
与其他国家相比,英国在创新方面过去一直表现出色。 ecocn

But it also has a patchy record in picking the boss.
但惠普在挑选老板时也曾有凑数的事情发生。 ecocn

But such efforts will ultimately have a patchy and limited impact because they do not address the root causes of unmet health needs in girls and women.
但是,这些努力最终只会产生局部有限的影响,因为它们不能解决女童和妇女健康需求得不到满足的根本原因。 who

But this leaves many liberals cold as they regard it as giving more money to insurance companies, detested for their high profits and patchy performance in paying out on claims.
但这让许多自自由主义者心寒,因为这就像是在送钱给保险公司,而后者因为其高利润以及在赔付上的拖沓表现广受怨恨。 yeeyan

He deserves congratulations for winning such a vote even in the face of a costly war and a patchy economy.
他确实值得祝贺,因为他是在面临一场昂贵的战争和经济失调的情况下赢得这场选举的。 ebigear

In Europe, the reporting of cases has accelerated more recently, though the emerging patterns are not uniform and the picture is still patchy.
在欧洲,对这类事件的报道越来越多,只是案件出现的形式不一样,而且作为证据的照片也不是很全。 yeeyan

Outside the financial sector, there is anecdotal evidence of hiring in other areas, though it is patchy.
金融部门以外,也有观察性证据表明其它领域发生招聘,尽管只是局部性的。 yeeyan

Still, the evidence for all this is patchy; and it does not suggest that immigrants are responsible for a particularly large part of the overall fertility rise, in France at least.
而且,所有这一切的证据都是零零星星的;也并不表示移民要为整体出生率增长负有特别大部分的责任,至少在法国不是这样。 ecocn

Such nightmares are worse in India, where the courts move with Dickensian speed, or in China, where the legal system is patchy.
这样的噩梦在印度或中国会更加严重,印度法院有着狄更斯式的缓慢行动,而中国司法系统存在缺陷。 ecocn

Teaching about sex and relationships was“ patchy” in many schools and often“ too little, too late”, she added.
她还说道,很多学校的性教育是拼凑成的,而且往往“过少,过迟了”。 yeeyan

That led to patchy drug distribution and patients not having the supplies to finish their treatment, which again led to drug resistance.
这就导致药物分配不均衡,患者得不到药品供应以完成其治疗程序,从而再次导致产生耐药性。 who

The signs of improvement are patchy, however.
然而,这些好转的迹象并不平衡。 hjenglish

They say that would restore America’s moral credibility and would allow it to draw attention to Turkey’s patchy human- rights record.
它们称此举将恢复美国的道德信誉,并使得它可以将注意力引向土耳其不佳的人权纪录上来。 ecocn

This dust- driven cooling, though, is patchy—and in some places it may not even be helpful.
这种由尘埃产生的降温尽管显得很不调和——在有些地方也可能甚至是无益的。 ecocn

Patchy, highly textured cumulus clouds are present at lower altitudes, while grey altostratus clouds are stretched out by prevailing winds at higher altitudes.
片状、高质感的积云出现在低海拔的位置,而在高海拔,灰色的高层云被盛行的风所吹散。 yeeyan




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