

单词 pastime
释义 pas·time 英ˈpæsˌtaɪm美ˈpæsˌtaɪmAHDpăsʹtīm' ★☆☆☆☆高四六研I46八COCA¹⁷¹³³BNC¹⁷¹⁰⁵iWeb¹⁴⁶⁴⁸Economist¹⁷⁵⁵⁸



a diversion that occupies one's time and thoughts usually pleasantly;

sailing is her favorite pastime

his main pastime is gambling

he counts reading among his interests

they criticized the boy for his limited pursuits

pastime, hobby, recreation


hobby是可数名词,一般指在室内或室外独自进行的活动,通常不剧烈如集邮、下棋、弹奏乐器等,包括技术很高的活动或简单的动作; pastime指空余时间的娱乐活动,往往不具有什么内在的价值或意义,常指消遣,很多情况下可以和hobby通用; recreation强调改变环境以调节生活节奏或在紧张的工作之后放松一下。例如:

His favourable pastime〔hobby〕 is playing chess.他最喜欢的娱乐活动是下棋。
Going to the movies is the most popular pastime in the nation.在国内最流行的娱乐方式是看电影。
Walking, gardening and reading are quiet forms of recreation.散步、搞园艺、读书是安静的调节生活的方式。缩写自pass time.钱博士pass经过,度过+time时间→消磨时间⇒娱乐,消遣非常记忆past过去+time时间⇒过去的时间都花在消遣上了pas看作past,过去的+time时光→让时光过去→消磨时光⇒消遣联想记忆pastime makes time past 消遣是为了消磨时间近义词 play玩pursuit追求interest兴趣activity活动diversion转向hobby业余爱好enjoyment享受recreation消遣relaxation消遣distraction分心entertainment娱乐amusement乐趣,娱乐
用作名词n.Playing chess is his favouritepastime.下棋是他最喜爱的消遣。
用作名词His favoritepastimeis tinkering with old radios.他最喜欢的消遣就是整修老旧的收音机。
Dancing is mary's favouritepastime.跳舞是玛丽最喜欢的一种娱乐方式。
In fact, it's something of a nationalpastime.事实上,在某种意义上它是全国人民的娱乐。noun.leisure activity
同义词 amusement,diversion,fun,hobby,recreationdistraction,entertainment,game,play,relaxation,sportfun and games
反义词 profession,vocation,work,labortask
activitiesnoun special interest or pursuit
activitynoun special interest or pursuit
avocationnoun hobby
amusement,diversion,kick,occupation,pastime,recreation,schtick,shot,side interest,sideline,thing
distractionnoun having one's attention drawn away
distractionsnoun having one's attention drawn away
diversionnoun entertainment, recreation
amusement,ball,beguilement,delectation,delight,disport,dissipation,distraction,divertissement,enjoyment,field day,frivolity,fun,fun and games,game,gratification,grins,high time,hoopla,laughs,levity,merry-go-round,pastime,picnic,play,pleasure,relaxation,relish,sport,whoopee A long weekend in the country, perhaps to pick apples and admire foliage, although a simple pastime, would also give you the breathing space you need.
要不去城郊享受个绵长的周末吧,摘摘苹果,赏赏树叶,在繁忙的工作之余,即使是简简单单的消遣,也会让你有个喘息的空间。 yeeyan

And when you can no longer dwell in the solitude of your heart you live in your lips, and sound is a diversion and a pastime.
当你们无法继续栖身于心灵的孤寂,你们将转而栖息于唇舌,而声音成为一种娱乐与消遣。 ebigear

Blowing cyberkisses has become a popular pastime in emerging markets too.
鼓吹网恋也成为新兴市场中一种流行娱乐。 yeeyan

But I work very hard for my money. I feel entitled to indulge myself with my favorite pastime.
但我辛辛苦苦地挣钱,我觉得我有权让自己尽情享受最喜欢的消遣活动。 iciba

Can you tell me something about your favorite pastime?
请给我讲一讲你最喜欢的消遣方式好吗? ebigear

Chasing dead ends is a favorite pastime in software development and the column would not be true to itself if I failed to report on those.
在软件开发中,钻牛角尖是一项非常有趣的消遣,如果我不对此进行报告,那么本专栏本身就不真实。 ibm

Chimps do yawn, and they, like us, respond in kind when shown a computerised avatar indulging in the pastime.
黑猩猩也打哈欠,它们和我们一样,也像看到沉迷于娱乐中的电脑化身时的反应。 yeeyan

Here we are, once again, careening madly down the path to electoral ruin—where voting for the“ lesser of two evils” has become a national pastime.
我们又一次疯狂地驶上毁掉选举的小路——投票选举“两个恶魔中稍好一点的”变成了全国性的消遣。 yeeyan

His favorite pastime was patting his kitten’s soft paws.
他喜爱的消遣就是轻拍他小猫柔软的爪子。 ebigear

India was named best place to fly a kite as the pastime is a daily activity for many Indians.
在印度,放风筝是很多印度人日常生活消遣的活动,所以被评为最适合放风筝的国家。 edu.sina.com.cn

It is relaxing, it brings people together, and as a pastime it beats gambling, drinking or doing drugs, this reasoning holds.
它是一种放松,可以让人们融洽,作为一种消遣它比赌博、饮酒或吸毒要好,这种判断也不无道理。 kekenet

It may seem like a pastime for only a certain kind of person, but in all actuality, anyone and everyone can and should travel.
它对某种人来说也许是一种消遣,但事实上,任何人和每个人都可以并应当去旅行。 ebigear

It might seem an idle pastime but academics have come up with a mathematical equation for why people procrastinate.
这也许会被视为无聊的消遣,然而已有学者提出数学方程式解释人们的拖延症。 yeeyan

Playing games on mobile devices is a fun pastime.
在移动设备上玩游戏是一项有趣的消遣。 ibm

Seeking a deeper understanding of a fascinating and important subject is one thing; over- analysis is another entirely, and it can remove us from the enjoyment of a pleasurable pastime.
在迷人重要的事物中寻找深层次的理解是一回事,但是过分分析则是另一回事,它把我们从对过去娱乐时光的享受中分离出来。 yeeyan

Smuggling, their ancient pastime, has lately become more lucrative, more necessary for survival and more dangerous.
走私,他们古老的消遣方式,在最近变得越发有利可图,必要和危险。 ecocn

Those theorists were writing about gambling as a pastime, but for some people it is much more than that.
在这些理论家笔下,赌博是作为一种消遣,但对某些人来说远不止于此。 yeeyan

Until targeted sanctions prevented him doing so, his favourite pastime was to travel to London.
在有针对性地制裁前,他喜爱的娱乐活动是去伦敦旅游。 ecocn

Watching films, especially comedy, is my favorite pastime although or, but I don’t like films with a lot of violence or horror films.
我最喜欢的消遣是看电影,尤其是喜剧片。但我不喜欢看带有很有暴力和恐怖情节的电影。 edu.sina.com.cn




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