释义 |
Passivated film 基本例句 钝化膜 Theory and practice are shown that the passivated film is a kind of gelatiniform combination film containing chromate and phosphate because it was formed by chromatising and phosphatizing reaction.实践和理论表明,所形成的钝化膜实际上是铬酸钝化反应和磷化反应的有机结合,它是一种凝胶的铬酸盐和磷酸盐复合型钝化膜。 The passivated film is gradually formed and improved during the process of desalination, and the process agrees well with the positive shift of steel potential and the increase of RC value.脱盐处理改变了钢样表面的微观结构组成,脱盐后钢样表面再钝化膜的形成是一个不断完善的过程且该过程与电位正移以及RC值的提高具有一致性。 The photoresponse of anodic-formed iron oxide passive film is similar to that of thermal-formed with some differences.阳极形成铁钝化膜的光电响应与热形成氧化铁的相类似, 但有一定差别。 The results showed that the passive film was generated on the surface of X70 steel in Na2CO3/NaHCO3 solutions.X70钢电化学行为与应力腐蚀相关性研究的结果表明:X70钢在Na2CO3/NaHCO3溶液中,表面生成钝化膜,在特定的电位和应力条件下,会发生阳极溶解型应力腐蚀破裂。 |