

单词 passing
释义 pass·ing 英ˈpæsɪŋ美ˈpæsɪŋAHDpăsʹĭng ★★☆☆☆高牛COCA⁴¹⁹³BNC⁴⁴²⁷iWeb⁵⁶³⁵Economist²⁷⁶⁵
American football a play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammate;

the coach sent in a passing play on third and long

euphemistic expressions for death;

thousands mourned his passing

the motion of one object relative to another;

stellar passings can perturb the orbits of comets

the end of something;

the passing of winter

a bodily reaction of changing from one place or stage to another;

the passage of air from the lungs

the passing of flatus

going by something that is moving in order to get in front of it;

she drove but well but her reckless passing of every car on the road frightened me

success in satisfying a test or requirement;

his future depended on his passing that test

he got a pass in introductory chemistry

lasting a very short time;

the ephemeral joys of childhood

a passing fancy

youth's transient beauty

love is transitory but it is eternal

fugacious blossoms

of advancing the ball by throwing it;

a team with a good passing attack

a pass play

allowing you to pass e.g., an examination or inspection satisfactorily;

a passing grade

hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough;

a casual or cursory inspection failed to reveal the house's structural flaws

a passing glance

perfunctory courtesy

to an extreme degree;

extremely cold

extremely unpleasant

in passing顺便passing light近光passing punch预冲孔冲头parameter passing参数传递passing plane传球的高度percent passing过筛百分率passing place让车道passing lane传球路线passing key共用电锁,总电键…passing shot超身球passing distance超车距离passing shower阵雨token passing令牌传递passing bell丧钟by passing旁路, 分路passing member贯通构件pass通过buck-passing推诿责任passing fancy心血来潮with each passing day日益
pasS,-ing动名词⇒n.通过⁵⁷;逝去adj.经过的¹⁴;短暂的;及格的adv.非常动词pass的现在分词.n.及格;流逝;经过;消逝;通过的手段;穿过的地方;消失;去世;死去;议决;实施;遗漏;忽略;推移;逝世;结束;消亡;亡故;顺便adj.偶然的;附带的;供通行的;过往的;及格的;目前的;通过的;一时的;正在发生的;仓促的;随便的;通行的;越过的;不经意的;现在的;刹那间的;草率的adv.非常;极其;暂时地;顺便地;仓促地;丧钟;空通过灯_null.动词pass的现在分词近义词 death死end结束going去pass通过exit出口loss遗失demise死亡leaving离开dying垂死的quick迅速的passage通过super超级的release释放mushroom蘑菇slippery滑的flying飞似的departure出发extremely非常casual非正式的fugitive逃亡者fleeting短暂的expiration终止overtaking超越transient短暂的ephemeral短暂的desertion开小差momentary短暂的temporary暂时的exceedingly非常transitory暂时的leave-taking离去short-lived短命的cursory匆匆忙忙的disappearance消失superficial表面的fugacious易逃逸的perfunctory敷衍的qualifying使具有资格的…反义词 failing失败running连续地

用作名词They mourn thepassingof a simpler way of life.他们对逝去的较为淳朴的生活感到惋惜。用作形容词We counted the cars of thepassingfreight train.我们点了驶过的货车车厢节数。
It's only apassingwhim.这只不过是一闪之念。
Tom found himself glanced at the shoe with some littlepassingtouch of pride.他看着那鞋子,带着一点一现即逝的得意之色。
I got apassingmark.我得了及格分数。adj.brief, casual
同义词 cursory,fleeting,superficialephemeral,fugitive,glancing,quick,shallow,short,slight,temporary,transientevanescent,fugacious,hasty,impermanent,momentary,short-lived,transitory
反义词 thorough,enduring,large,lasting,long,permanent,tall,thicklong-lastingnoun.death
同义词 demisedecease,dissolution,end,finish,loss,silence,sleep,terminationdefunction
反义词 beginning,birth,commencement,construction,initiation,opening,startliving
briefadjective short in time
confirmationnoun ratification, validation, proof
acceptance,accepting,accord,admission,affirmation,affirming,agreement,approval,assent,attestation,authenticating,authentication,authorization,authorizing,avowal,consent,corroborating,corroboration,endorsement,evidence,go ahead,green light,nod,okay,passage,passing,proving,recognition,sanction,sanctioning,stamp of approval,substantiation,support,supporting,testament,testimonial,testimony,validating,verification,verifying,visa,witness
conversionnoun change, adaptation
about-face,alteration,change of heart,changeover,exchange,flip-flop,flux,growth,innovation,metamorphosis,metanoia,metasis,modification,novelty,passage,passing,permutation,progress,proselytization,qualification,reclamation,reconstruction,reformation,regeneration,remodelling,reorganization,resolution,resolving,reversal,see the light,switch,transfiguration,transformation,translation,transmogrification,transmutation,turning,turning around
coursenoun length of action
coursesnoun length of action
cursoryadjective casual, hasty
brief,careless,depthless,desultory,fast,half-assed,half-baked,haphazard,hit or miss,hurried,offhand,passing,perfunctory,quick,random,rapid,shallow,short,sketchy,slapdash,slight,sloppy,speedy,summary,superficial,swift,uncritical A general solution for the problem above is to have each user thread hold a locale variable by passing the variable to the user thread during its construction.
对于以上问题通用的解决方法,是通过在构造变量期间将其传递给用户线程,来让每一个用户都有一个场所变量。 ibm

The chairman accused the committee for the delay in passing his program.

The previous section showed how to reference another sequence diagram by passing information through parameters and return values.
前面的段落展示如何通过参数和返回值传递信息,引用另一个序列图。 ibm

The shipwrecked sailors were picked up by a passing boat.

Where are we passing now?
我们现在经过哪里? kekenet

CONGRESS may not be very good at passing budgets, but that is not for lack of discussion of them.
国会可能并不是很擅长通过预算,但这并不是因为议员之间缺乏讨论沟通。 xuhu.org

Do this by passing the properties to the constructor.
通过将属性传递给构造函数完成这一操作。 ibm

However, 1,000 bad passing tests are worse than no tests at all because bad tests give you a false sense of confidence.
但是,1,000 个坏的传递测试比不进行试测更糟糕,因为坏的测试会给您一个错误的自信意识。 ibm

However, if the brain is not stimulated in this way, it concentrates its full energies on monitoring the passing of time.
然而,如果大脑并没有受到这样的刺激,它就会把全部精力用来监控时间的流逝。 cri

If this is the case in your repository, then you will have to escape each character before passing it on.
如果您的存储库是这种情况,那么必须对每个字符进行转义,然后再传递。 ibm

In this case, you are not passing any arguments, so this value is0.
在这个案例中,您不需要传递任何参数,因此其值为0。 ibm

Is the passing of time causing you and me to despair or rejoice?
是时间的流逝导致你和我去绝望或欣喜吗? yeeyan

It also improves the performance of an application by performing various operations on the client side, such as sorting and validation, rather than passing those to the server.
它还通过在客户端上执行各种不同的操作来提高应用程序的性能,例如进行排序和验证,而不是直接将那些数据传递给服务器。 ibm

It lets you track message at certain points in their life cycle by invoking custom code from user exits while the message is passing through the message flow.
它允许您在消息通过消息流传递时调用用户出口中的自定义代码,从而在消息生命周期中的某个点跟踪消息。 ibm

Not every data structure passing through the different layers of the architecture necessarily complies with this model.
并不是通过架构中各个层传递的每个数据结构都一定遵从这个模型。 ibm

Snippets are like method calls, in which you are passing in parameters.
代码片段类似于可在其中传递参数的方法调用。 ibm

The steps have been ground away by the passing feet of many visitors over the centuries.

They can be non- transacted, so that messages passing through the flow are not part of any transaction.
它们可以是非事务的,这样一来,流中传递的消息就不属于任何事务的一部分。 ibm

This parameter determines the size of the buffer used for passing parameters between the routine and the calling application.
这个参数确定缓冲区的大小,用于在例程和发出调用的应用程序之间传递参数。 ibm

This program could then link to another program passing the channel along.
然后该程序可以链接到另一个程序并传递管道。 ibm

We can, however, do this by prefacing the variable with the& operator, which is used in function definitions to indicate passing by reference.
但是,我们可以通过在变量前放置&运算符来完成此操作,这种方法在函数定义中用于表示按引用传递。 ibm

When all of the unit tests pass, run the original functional test to see if it is passing or if it needs modification.
当所有的单元测试都结束以后,运行最初的功能测试,看看它是否能够通过,或者是否需要修改。 ibm

While all communication happens via message passing, the message itself is often in a generic cross-platform format.
尽管所有通信通过消息传递发生,消息本身通常是一个通用的跨平台格式。 ibm

You can then continue to access it within your program by passing around the file descriptor.
于是,您就可以在自己的程序中通过传送文件描述符来访问该文件。 ibm




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