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pass gas 基本例句 肛门排气 This product is designed for pressure organ, refrigeration system, chem machine. It used topass gas, liquid.本产品广泛用在压力器、制冷系统、化工机械等作为传递气体、液体的连接原件。 The average person expels flatulence 14 times each day: Even if you'd like to think you're too dignified topass gas, the reality is that almost everyone will at least a few times a day.人平均每天放屁14次:尽管你不好意思放屁,但事实上,几乎每个人一天都得放上几次。 Patients who chewed gum passed gas and had a bowel movement sooner than those who did not chew gum - signs that their bowel function returned sooner.嚼口香糖病患比没嚼口香糖的病患,比较早放屁且肠子运动也较快,显示他们的肠子功能恢复较迅速。 |